Disappointment After Disappointment... Rant Mode Activated

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
Okay, ever since I picked up the 510, I've fallen in love. While I've had cartridge/filler issues, they were always minimal. The thing is I always feel... I don't even know how to word it. Out of the loop. The "weird one" because of the fact that I'm a cart user. I know the saying with vaping, "Do what works for you", but seriously when I hear about the latest and the greatest, I feel like it'll be better than carts.
I've tried cartos. I could taste anything, there was no TH, and it was way too airy. I like having a heavier pull that my carts have. I don't flood my attys, but for some reason it's the closest I've gotten to complete satisfaction.
I've tried dripping. Again, poor TH and flavor. I don't want to take apart an atty just because with my luck I'll just end up breaking it. That and I don't like the inconvenience of dripping.
Now the Tank. I've only had it for a few hours, just to put it out there. I know, I know, give it more time. I just don't think I can. I taste primer, primer, primer, and OH there's a little peach in there. The draw is also airy and just doesn't satisfy. The 510-T was supposed to be the system that would change my ways of vaping. I had such good vibes about it and my excitement was through the roof.

I know, "stick to what works for you." Well, I feel left out being a cart user. All I hear is box mods, dual coils, Ohms, 5vs, soft-cap cartos, LR attys, voltage changing mods, eGos, Rivas, Provaris... you get the hint. I honestly feel that I'm just... not like the rest on here. I know I really shouldn't feel this way, but for some reason I do. I hear all these great things about different equipment but the two times I've gotten something other than my carts and attys, it's been a failure. Maybe the eGo or a Riva would be good, but I just don't want to have my 510s collecting dust. And what if they don't suit my need? I can't afford box mods, and playing with voltage just makes me think that I will never figure it out. Buying cartos often sounds like a pain, and I'm not exactly flowing with cash. Man, I just feel like I'm just... not with the program and that I'm not as good as vaping as the rest.

The last thing I want this thread to represent is Raynen being a cry-baby. I'm just having a bad day and I really, really, really wanted the Tank to work. I thought I could just chuck my poly-fil and have my 510-T as my vaping nirvana. I don't care about battery life. I have 4 batts that make me happy. I can even get a passthru for my car just so travelling would hinder my vaping experience. I know, again, "Stick to what works for you", but most of the threads are talking about the latest and the greatest, and I feel like I'm just not with the rest. I know there are still some cart users, but most just go to something better. Maybe I'm crazy and this thread is pointless, and I should be happy with my carts. Perhaps I've been doing something wrong with dripping, cartos, and the Tank. I have one vaping buddy and she also uses carts and thinks it's ridiculous that I would want the Tank, or cartos, or a drip-tip, or especially a box mod. Her opinion, though, doesn't effect my want for a better system since it is I that is not pleased, and not her.

Disappointment after disappointment. My cartridges are determined to stick to me, and so is my large thing of poly-fil. I was horribly shocked that the 510-T didn't produce as much vapor as I thought it would, and same with the 510-T. I'll try to use it for the rest of the week, and the following, but if it doesn't get better, I'm just gonna PIF it, along with some juice that I just don't use. Oh god, e-liquid is a different story/rant that I just won't get into.

To Whom That Has Read This: Thank you. Thank you for not clicking the back-button so you wouldn't have to deal with me (not that I would blame you if you did, and I am being 100% truthful about that). To Whom That Has, or May, Responded To This: I appreciate your response, advice, support, recommendations, or even hate-posts (I appreciate all forms of opinions, good, bad, or ugly). To Whom That Think I Am Crazy: You're not alone, I feel this, too.

Again, many thanks. I love ECF and I love every member on here. This is not only my second home on the internet, but my therapy group for quitting analogs. I had driven half-way to the store to get a pack. I had all of my vaping gear bagged up, ready to be PIFed. I'm still vaping, but not the Tank. I am vaping my carts and trying to have the "I know what works, and I'm okay with this" mood. Thank you guys for being the greatest people I've met on the internet, and for also being great friends.

Yours Truly,


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
*hugs* You know I'm always here for you! I feel your pain, I too have been disapointed with alot of the "latest and greatest" vaping methods out there, and wasted alot of money in the process.

Without ECF I would have never met you, and you're one of the closest friends I've had in a long time. You've been there at my best and worst. Thank you so much, my cinnamon lady!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
Not for nothing but you will never know until you try one, bet if you held a Reo Grand in your hand and vaped with it for 3 days you wouldnt even use you carts again. just saying

I can't even afford one. That's my problem, but I appreciate your recommendation. When I can afford one, I really want the Mini! :vapor: But that won't be for a long while. The 510-T was supposed to be my initial upgrade...


Da Catt
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 8, 2011
Upland, PA
Dont worry about it.Use what you have and enjoy it.I get mod envy and tank mod envy all the time.I just stick with my GLV and my cartos and vape my way through it.Its hard to feel left out and envious of the guys who get everything but heck,its been like that since kindergarden.Only the toys have changed,LOL!

LOL!! So very, very true!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
Sorry to here that, well you will enjoy that Mini when the day comes, wish you the best on some day soon having one
Thank you mwa! :vapor: I am sure I'll be in love!

Dont worry about it.Use what you have and enjoy it.I get mod envy and tank mod envy all the time.I just stick with my GLV and my cartos and vape my way through it.Its hard to feel left out and envious of the guys who get everything but heck,its been like that since kindergarden.Only the toys have changed,LOL!
I was just telling my sister about something close to that. I had gone to Catholic School for nearly all of K-8. I loved reading, writing, and my good ol' brick-of-a-gameboy when people had the latest-and-greatest. It wasn't that I worried what THEY thought, I just felt left out in MY mind. Thank you so much for the support. I really, honestly appreciate it and already feel better.

Truly, it is 'whatever works for you' and Ray, if it's carts that's wonderful! I've been having good luck with clearomizers and there's plenty of people here who despise them; but they work for me and I'm fine with that.
I've heard a lot of different views on clearo's. I guess we're sorta in the same predicament! :vapor:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2010
Shenandoah Junction, WV
I am a cart user who has tried tanks with limited success. I stick with my carts because they are dependable, easy to use and for this old guy, the best method I have found. I only recently moved to the eGo from the standard 510, and I think that is where I am going to stay. Good battery life, all my 510 atomizers fit and I can continue using my carts. Some of us just want to stick with the cutting edge of yesterday's technology while others have to have the latest and greatest. I am proud to be a dinosaur.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
Your t batteries are compatible with anything that is 510 including cartomizers. Try giving a box of Boge a try.

Sticking with "what works for you" is the best advice you gave yourself.

I enjoyed reading the rant/story....we all have one.

I tried the boge, but it won't hurt to try again when I feel it's right to. I don't have the T batts, just the atty, but I was glad that the 510 batts I have was compatible to the 510-T atty. :) Thanks for the support, hairball!!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
If you want to try dripping again, this time on a debridged atty, you can buy them that way at FSUSA. Debridged and dewicked, for me, made the difference between "Well, this is a crap way to vape" and "I'm never vaping any other way, ever (unless out and about)".
I've been thinking about de-wicking an old atty I have that still works, but is slowly on its way out. Perhaps a bath and some surgery will help :) :vapor: I'll probably invest in a pre-de-bridged atty, thank you!

I am a cart user who has tried tanks with limited success. I stick with my carts because they are dependable, easy to use and for this old guy, the best method I have found. I only recently moved to the eGo from the standard 510, and I think that is where I am going to stay. Good battery life, all my 510 atomizers fit and I can continue using my carts. Some of us just want to stick with the cutting edge of yesterday's technology while others have to have the latest and greatest. I am proud to be a dinosaur.

Yes, I am proud to be a dinosaur,too! I just really needed the rant I guess :laugh:. This forum is by far the greatest internet website around. So much support! :) I am happy we're both cart users!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 29, 2009
Binghamton, NY
I'm sorry your having a bad day. Use what your comfortable using. I used a 510 and went back to analogs after my mom passed away. A few months later I came back and sooo much had changed. I got a Riva and loved the warm vape with my carts and blue foam mod. Then I got a ego tank atty and loved the ease of the tank. I was hooked. I never had a leaking problem and yeah the flavor is alittle muted but I love my tanks still. Juice with extra flavor solved this problem. I just tried a Giantomizer and gotta say I really do like them. I have mods, the Buzz, provari,GLV2 and a GLV2 mini. I my Buzz is my fave. I just sold my Provari yesterday. What I am tryin to say is use what you like :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
I'm sorry your having a bad day. Use what your comfortable using. I used a 510 and went back to analogs after my mom passed away. A few months later I came back and sooo much had changed. I got a Riva and loved the warm vape with my carts and blue foam mod. Then I got a ego tank atty and loved the ease of the tank. I was hooked. I never had a leaking problem and yeah the flavor is alittle muted but I love my tanks still. Juice with extra flavor solved this problem. I just tried a Giantomizer and gotta say I really do like them. I have mods, the Buzz, provari,GLV2 and a GLV2 mini. I my Buzz is my fave. I just sold my Provari yesterday. What I am tryin to say is use what you like :)

I am sorry about your loss. I'd probably go back to analogs for a bit, if I had a loss in the family or friends. *hugs* Yes, I love my carts, I just couldn't bring myself to realize it. Thanks for the support! How much is the Buzz?
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