customer service

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 27, 2011
east TN
I want to thank MFS for great customer service. I am one of those people with lots of questions and I'm not afraid to ask <g> but I am pretty sure I am always nice about it....MFS doesn't make me feel like a PIA. recently I asked one of the really "hot" and popular vendors a simple question - I just wanted an explanation of something on his site. and he told me to stop spamming him - ? - so I emptied my cart and will never buy from him - never! I would probably get attacked if I posted a bad review of that vendor, so for now I am going to the ones who are nice and thanking them! good customer service goes a long way...... thanks MFS!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 25, 2011
West Virginia
I think most of us have had one of those experiences at one time or another. I'm still relatively new and I've already had a snarky wham-o about a simple question. Gave off a vibe that trying to clarify something unstated in (un)said vendor's online description was supposed to be a given. It wasn't, and I was phone-whipped for it like an ignorant child. Suffice to say they'll not get another dime off of me.

I'm right now making my first purchase from MFS, and from what I've heard, I'll not regret it in the least. Thanks for sharing!


Full Member
ECF Veteran
May 6, 2009
I just wanted to give MFS some props as well. While I do stray, I've ordered from MFS *a lot* and I'll keep doing so. The prices are great, they ship fast, and I often find some free extras in my order. The ability to customize flavor strength in the Exotic juices as well as the DIY supplies keep me coming back. And if there is an occasional mix-up, Chris and his crew make it right.

And now back to your regularly scheduled vaping...
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