Could vaping help curb compulsive eating?

Do you think vaping 0mg nicotine e-juice could help curb compulsive eating?

  • Yes, I think it could.

  • No, I don't think vaping would have an effect.

  • Unknown.

  • Even if it could, I don't believe it is worth the risk.

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Ultra Member
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Feb 6, 2010
Flushing NY
Ah bluedove, I know this is going to sound weird but try having some tea at night? Something with a calming effect like camomile's. I've been having good effects with Yerba Mate tea. It doesn't seem like you have a real eating disorder.

From Wiki on Compulsive eating.

The physical explanation of compulsive overeating may be attributed to an overeaters' increased tendency to secrete insulin at the sight and smell of food, though medical evidence supporting this is controversial.[3] Some researchers[who?][weasel words] also attribute it to excessive neurological sensitivity in taste and/or smell.

You might be eating to get the food "high". Our bodies usually tell us what we need and you're probably running through inventory for something that'll make you happy. Our bodies are usually right till we mess around with it (with cigs and booze). Afterwards you're going to requires will-power when our bodies tell us the wrong cravings because we addicted ourselves to it.

You might be craving something else from cigs which is causing the binge attack. There is a huge MAIO thread.

I know the feeling of anxiety during a diet and I believe that anxiety may cause us to eat more (because our bodies is trying to help us with our anxiety, just incorrectly giving us more food cravings).

I had the same anxiety when trying to quit cigs. I found myself actually smoking more. I would put limits and regulations on myself and it would only stress me out more causing me to want to smoke more.

And don't forget exercise (the easiest way to get a "high")!
Endorphin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I used this when I first started quitting cigs. Luckily I have dogs who love runs. Everything I had a any craving (for food or cigs) I would just take my dogs and sprint around the block at max speed till I was completely winded to achieve runner's high (it blocked all cravings for cigs for a few hours depending on how hard I ran).

I find it all a balance, we added cigs to our bodies which gave us a "high". Now we're trying to take it away, our bodies don't understand longterm effects just that right now the body feels better. So like a petulant child it'll whine and complain in your head. If we force ourselves to not have a cig the body goes to the next best thing, which for many is food.

Good luck bluedove! As an experiment can you try being with people at night? Could your loneliness be causing some anxiety?


Super Member
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Aug 29, 2010
Secret Santaville
I do enjoy hot tea, or cider, or hot chocolate sometimes in the evenings... and it helps sometimes. Although it's hard to be interested in it during the summer.

Your probably right about it not being true compulsive eating. (Although it certainly comes close sometimes) I didn't actually mean to talk about the eating disorder, it's just hard to describe non-hungry eating that is driven by a nearly uncontrollable urge another way. That term of a "food high" makes a lot of sense. It's also the time of day that I would have gone for alcohol or other intoxicants back when I still partook of such things.

I wish I could enjoy exercise enough to reach an endorphin high... It's excruciating for me at this point.
And I am around people... or at least my honey, at night. At least until he heads to bed! But I don't think lonliness is an issue, I really do enjoy my alone time. With a tiny house, 2 kids and my guy, I don't get much!
Thanks for the input!

son et lumiere

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 30, 2009
After some serious thinking and contenplation on this subject. I voted yes originally but no I dont think it would. As someone who has struggled with an eating disorder there is no magic pill that will make it go away. If you struggle with an eating disorder my heart goes out to you and please seek medical help. After therapy, education and self reflection you can overcome this.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 4, 2010
This is a very interesting poll and thread. I need to lose weight, and I needed to quit smoking. I have quit smoking in the past and the result for me is usually weight loss. I know that is odd, but it is true. The reason seems to be tied to the types of food I crave while smoking (higher fat, empty calories and generally bad for you stuff). I generally only eat one or two times a day, so I don't have an eating disorder. I have a fairly sedentary lifestyle and that is the main problem with why I'm overweight. I've been vaping 7 weeks now, and have lost weight! I got on the scale last night and was down 9 pounds. Since I started vaping my cravings have gone from burgers to salads. Seriously, no effort involved and I didn't even think about it. The increase in energy is amazing, and I'm looking forward to going back to working out 5 days a week. I think vaping sweet flavors help combat the sweet cravings, but I'm more into savory and/or flavors than sweet. Those cravings are also reduced now that I vape. All in all, I think it is largely because I'm feeling the happiest I've been in the last 10 years, and that is because I'm no longer ashamed because of smoking. I can be me, and have my cake and eat it to speak.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Well, I don't have much of a sweet tooth, more of a nuts and seeds freak I am. I really enjoy the DIY Toasted Almond I make myself, and it does seem to satisfy me, so I said yes.

OTOH, getting my sense of smell and taste back for real food has had a rather weight-gaining effect on me. I have to really watch myself and just totally not buy ice cream. That's about my only junk food that controls me instead of me controlling it, LOL.


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Nov 30, 2010
C-bus, Ohio
I have wondered this myself. A family member of mine is a compulsive eater and severely overweight.
Have thought about purchasing them some 0mg keyLime or something...i dunno...I dont want it to be
an "appetizer" either.

Also they smoked for 20yrs prior to gaining 75-100lbs and have been off the sticks for 2yrs or so now...
dont really want to tempt the inhalation thing....

Man this got my gears turnin...Great poll!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
If you're thinking of a chocolate, let me clue you that chocolate seems to be one of the hardest to copycat flavor than other flavors. Don't set yourself up for failure, try the DIY method with Capella's Double Chocolate, yummmm. You can mix it with Capella's Vanilla Custard or NY Cheesecake for a creamier version. Add a couple of drops of Cool Mint to wake it up. If you want a really awsome vape try chocholate, peanut butter and vanilla custard.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 4, 2010
If you're thinking of a chocolate, let me clue you that chocolate seems to be one of the hardest to copycat flavor than other flavors. Don't set yourself up for failure, try the DIY method with Capella's Double Chocolate, yummmm. You can mix it with Capella's Vanilla Custard or NY Cheesecake for a creamier version. Add a couple of drops of Cool Mint to wake it up. If you want a really awsome vape try chocholate, peanut butter and vanilla custard.

Thank you for the suggestion. I've tried all the other chocolate flavors from PA, Lorann's and FA, and they all left me wondering where the chocolate was. I'll try Capella's!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Thank you for the suggestion. I've tried all the other chocolate flavors from PA, Lorann's and FA, and they all left me wondering where the chocolate was. I'll try Capella's!

My pleasure, FieryOne. Two of my other favorite chocolates from Capellas is the Chocolate Coconut Almond (tastes just like an Almond Joy), and the Dutch Chocolate Mint which tastes like a Jr Mint but the mint is light enough to not be so overpowering. I took the Almond Joy DIY to a recent local vape meet I attended, and those who tried it really liked it. The only critical comment I got was that I use Everclear in my DIY, and one tester said he could taste it in there, so lesson learned -- I won't use it again. Happy New Year blessings Fiery.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
This will vary from person to person, depends upon how serious the eating problem is and what effects it is having on health. As I have zero cravings for food, it is hard to answer helpfully.

Vaping is absolutely NOT worth looking into UNLESS the food-related health issues have become serious. Even then, there is no guarantee that vaping will eliminate/reduce cravings for food and theoretically the result could be 2 vices instead of 1.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2011
I tend to be a compulsive eater. Sad, outraged, really aggravated - EAT. I found that, when smoking analogs, I could over ride my craving to eat if i vented my frustration on my analog instead. I haven't had this issue since i started vaping (Thanks greatly in part to my WONDERFUL husband of three months :p) but, I definately think that things would work similarly with my eGo.
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