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Could I be too picky ? Looking an a couple ADVs.

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Feb 29, 2012
Toronto, Canada
This could go in the juice sub-forum, but I'm obviously looking for some Canadian suggestions or American vendors that ship here.

So I've been vaping a year on and off - constantly for the last few months, with countless flavours and I still can't find one I like or rather *really* like. I've only tried Dekang, MLV, GR, canadaejuice and juggies and ~10 juices from each. Out of those I *really* liked Dekang's Ry4 .. it's sometimes the perfect combination of caramel and tobacco, but other times it tastes like dirt or dry tobacco. GR's Prairie Blend was ok when I liked strong tobaccos, and MLV's Canada Blend is nice, but everything else was too sugary for my liking from them. Jokesmoke 2 is my ADV currently, but it's pretty plain and I like toffee from him, I don't mind a lot of his other flavours.

That leaves 4 flavours that were OK, including Dekang Ry4, Canada Blend, Jokesmoke 2.0 and toffee out of 50+ flavours. Am I just too picky to find an ADV I love ?

I don't think I like vanilla, methol or sugary things, but I'm looking for a vendor that ships here, with at least a few mild - possibly tobacco based, slightly sweet vapes. Any suggestions ? I'm starting to go a bit insane spending $50 + $10 shipping to keep trying more flavours I don't really like.


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Jun 20, 2012
I know you said you don't like sugary, but I am quite fond of Juggies Circus Cotton Candy, it's very mild, almost to the point of flavourless (almost not quite). This is just personal taste mind you, but sometimes I like to not have a taste explosion for my ADV. Especially now that I'm trying to chow down 3000cal/day, the bold flavours are changing the tastes of my all day grazing.


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Apr 10, 2012
BC, Canada
Did you try the Dekang Tab? Kinda tobacco, not sweet but more "nutty". You could also try The "mix your own" at juicy vapors, you pick the flavors to add, what percentages ect. maybe you knowing your own tastes and all could concoct something great for you.

I agree with his. DK Tab is consistent and awesome as my adv. Juggy sells it in the clearance/misc section for $14/50ml in his own 70/30 blend, and to me its perfect. Mild to medium flavour, a little sweet and nutty and just so much nicer than the ry4. I use several other fruity type flavours throughout the day and jokesmoke as a neutral but tab is my ciggy replacement for sure.


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Jun 24, 2012
Ottawa, Ontario
I've given up on the idea of an all day vape. I smoked the same brand of cigarettes for years - and there's too many flavours out there in e-juice for me to fall back into that boring old trap. I don't want to eat the same thing for dinner every night - and I don't want the same flavoured vape every night. :)

I seem to have settled into a rotation of favourite vapes (after a ridiculous amount of sampling ... I don't want to even think how many 10ml bottles have arrived through my mail box) where I vape tobacco types in the morning over coffee to kickstart the day and mellow out with some fruit vapes in the evening. I've also got a few "contingency vapes" which consist raunchy tobaccos or sweet desert type treats that I'll pull out on occasion to satisfy a craving.

For me, I seem to prefer the simpler flavours that don't taste overly processed and have a mellow, single or simple combined flavours - and I don't like pipe/cigar tobacco bases.

Here's my suggestions - forgive the length of the post. :)

Daytime Vapes:
If you want things slightly sweet - try some of the honey type tobaccos. I find that they have a less processed sweetness than some of the more desserty one. Right now, I'm loving Jughead's Black Honey and Black Honey Chai (Black Honey seems a bit spicier than Black Honey Chai, odd as that sounds). Both have a chai flavouring that isn't too strong and there is a fantastic honeycomb undertone that I adore. Not too sweet, just a bit of spice to it. I rotate these with Backwoods Brew Honey Nut Flue and Alien Visions Bee's Knees I (not sure if I will keep the BWB and AVE in rotation, but enjoying them for now). Backwoods Brew Malty Toffee is also in there - no honey, but a sweet vape that works particularly well with the malt flavour.

Evening Vapes:
Right now I'm hooked on Jugheads organics - I spend the evening dripping Blueberry, Strawberry, Orange, Orange Cream and Vanilla in succession. All of them have a fantastic but mild taste - there isn't a massive taste explosion, but they have a real flavour that is extremely satisfying. I don't add anything to them (they do blend nicely in the attie though) but Juggy includes a bottle of sweetener if you like them sweeter. The Blueberry Lemonade is also fantastic - but it, the lemonade and Earl Grey are best vaped on their own as they have more of a kick (blueberry lemonade and lemonade take over the attie and don't let it go).

Contingency Vapes:
When I'm in the mood for a bit of a raunchy kick I'll go for Maple Leaf Vapes Canadian Blend, Backwoods Brew Casablanca, AVE Boba's Bounty and Gorilla Juice. There are some vapes that I enjoy on occasion as a special treat - Gentlemen's Reserve Geoff's Blend and Tasty Finger, AVE Carmel Kicker and English Toffee(these ones are almost too rich), Halo Belgian Cocoa (omfg ... that one is fantastic).

So - no ADV for me. But I have found that I'm settling down on my sampling and narrowing down what "family" of flavours I seem to prefer.


Vaping Master
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Nov 6, 2011
Vancouver Island, BC Canada
Personally I have 4 or 5 juices that I rotate between all day, I find that if I vape just one all day, after a while the taste completely changes! And not for the better. Mixing them up seems to keep the boredom at bay. And if I do wear myself out on a certain juice I put it away for a week then come back to it with great taste results. I am constantly on the hunt for new tasty juices though.....been wanting to make an order from Juicy Vapor for a while now as I love Ecto Plasma...that was one that I burnt out on, couldn't stand the taste after Vaping it every day for a month, just discovered I had a couple ml sitting here, tried it and it tastes good again. If you really want just one juice for an ADV I would recommend something with very light flavor...you could even take it to the extreme of a flavorless juice!

Smile n' shine

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Apr 13, 2012
Am I just too picky to find an ADV I love ?

I wish I could offer suggestions, but ultimately I can't. It was this question above I found interesting.

During the vaping 'journey', I came to the conclusion that an all day vape may consist of a plain 'go to' vape, this may last a week or two then on to another. But in between 'go to' vapes are the 'ah this is so good' vapes, which again maybe daily or weekly.

So I ask, does anyone really have an ADV that they LOVE? Perhaps our adv's are simply ones we like and don't tire of easily.
I think a quest to find that 'God of all flavour to taste buds' wouldn't exist on a continual basis. Tastebuds change cyclically, as they die and renew.

Wish you luck on finding your happy place. :)


Vaping Master
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Nov 6, 2011
Vancouver Island, BC Canada
So I ask, does anyone really have an ADV that they LOVE? Perhaps our adv's are simply ones we like and don't tire of easily.
I think a quest to find that 'God of all flavour to taste buds' wouldn't exist on a continual basis. Tastebuds change cyclically, as they die and renew.

Wish you luck on finding your happy place. :)

Queue Dusty D and Geoff's Blend! :p


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Jul 22, 2010
Toronto, Canada
Queue Dusty D and Geoff's Blend! :p


Oh! Geoffs Blend.. yeah, 26 months and still going strong as my ADV. :)

Note regarding tastebuds: As they die and renew, they all regenerate screaming the same thing: MOAR MOAR!!!
Last edited:


Super Member
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Feb 29, 2012
Toronto, Canada
Wow thanks everyone. You were all helpful as usual. I was getting pretty bummed trying to decide what to order this weekend.

RollandOfGilead, LesVegas -

I'm sure I've tried DK Tab, but not for a long time. I'll pick up a bottle when I order from jugheads.

farmer_bric -

What flavours do you like from them ? I don't remember reading about that company.

recidivus -

I was thinking of trying that since I keep hearing good things. Other vendors were sickening sweet to me, but personally jugheads has a strong TH and mild flavours.

bidslayer -

You always overload me with vendors/flavours to try. BWB and alienvisions are definitely on the list to try.

access, therealcmac -

At first I needed a nasty tobacco/cigar vape. Now I'm actually using juggy's Jokesmoke 2.0 and a sweeter tobacco with one in a Vivi and one in a Stardust or Kanger T2. I want to stick with some tobacco until I find I find I like something better.

I've also noticed some flavours I don't like in clearos, like Juggies Wild Honey Badger and EH + Double U because the sweetness or one flavour seems overpowering, but in a Boge they're much better. Has anyone noticed this ? I think it's time for the Siam Mod punch and carto tank to go into the rotation and hope Boge's quality is back up.

Has anyone tried Heathers heavenly vapes ?

I think I'll order from Juggies, with JS 2, Toffee, Dk Tab and cotton candy and some of the other suggestions. And try to narrow it down betweeen heathers, ave, bwb and ljs or get sample packs from a couple of them.

Thanks again for the replies.


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Feb 29, 2012
Toronto, Canada
While your at it, grab a bottle of h20 melonz from juggy, you won't regret it

Heh, I did that last night actually since I kept reading about it on here. I actually ordered JS 2, H2O Melonz, Mmm Toffee, Circus Kott'n Kandy, DK Tab and Black Honey Tobacco and Blueberry from the organics.

I just have to decide on a couple of American vendors to order samples from.


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Jul 22, 2010
Toronto, Canada
LOL. I've dripped someone's Geoff's Blend and it's the only e-liquid that's made me cough uncontrollably after every vape. It's good, but I think I've gotta work up to that from mild flavours. :blink:

Hey Chagrin, if you dripped from who I think you dripped from, he uses 24mg nic. That could account for the coughing too. :)
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