Considering to purchase an eRoll

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Jan 24, 2014
The needle thingie I bought didn't seem to work at all, nothing would come out of it. So, the dropper I got when I bought the new juice tonight, I just took it out of the Halo juice and rinsed it out; I *know* the dropper tip fits the tiny hole. I'll just leave the regular screw-on top on the Halo juice, while storing it, and rinse the dropper between fills.

One problem I've noticed with getting liquid into that tiny hole in the tank, is if the liquid is kinda thick and viscous; it just won't flow. Can the ejuice be diluted with water? Purified water, of course. I don't really get it, because this stuff is 70% PG; maybe I should order it 100% PG, which would make a sharper throat hit anyway.

I guess this sort of problem with filling is why folks eventually graduate to something larger and easier to deal with.

Hey Luxembourg -- one thing I've noticed with one of mine is that the tank fits in much more tightly, and it's sometimes hard to get it pushed all the way into the cone -- I was thinking that if it's not pushed all the way, it might account for some leaking.



Full Member
Jan 6, 2014
One problem I've noticed with getting liquid into that tiny hole in the tank, is if the liquid is kinda thick and viscous; it just won't flow. Can the ejuice be diluted with water? Purified water, of course. I don't really get it, because this stuff is 70% PG; maybe I should order it 100% PG, which would make a sharper throat hit anyway.

I guess this sort of problem with filling is why folks eventually graduate to something larger and easier to deal with.

Hey Luxembourg -- one thing I've noticed with one of mine is that the tank fits in much more tightly, and it's sometimes hard to get it pushed all the way into the cone -- I was thinking that if it's not pushed all the way, it might account for some leaking.


I think the main problem is just air. Pushing the dropper into the tank nozzle often prevents whatever air is in the tank to freely escape as you try to fill it. You can prevent this by using a needle tip with a diameter small enough to allow airflow as you fill in the liquid.

Personally, though, I just take the cap off. These little badboys are sturdy enough. All you have to do is make sure to firmly grab it on both sides like so...


... and then just pull it off. Then fill the tank and firmly push the cap back on until you hear it click in.

I'm doing it like this with all my tanks for months now and so far none of them shows signs of wear and there's no leakage.
Should that occur I'm simply gonna buy some new caps. You can order them separately.

rj: It doesn't leak that much, I was just surprised to see some eliquid in the PCC, since I haven't read about it anywhere. But it's manageable, so it might just be normal as you say.
Yeah, a little bit of leak is pretty much normal due to condensation. As said you can prevent it by just taking the atty cone off once in a while and giving the inside a little rub with a paper towel.
Always make sure that the cone is firmly seated so that the little metal ring inside of it sits flush on the atomizer. If the cone gets too dirty inside liquid can make its way past that ring and leak out.

Also, refill the tank before it goes empty. That way you not only make sure to not get any dry hits (they can kill the atty instantly) but also this'll make sure that there's always enough surface tension on the tank nozzle so that liquid doesn't leak out when you're not using it.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
With the eRoll, I alway keep it pointed downward to keep the wick wet. Mine only leaks if it lies flat on a table, so I balance the spare eRoll on end to prevent leakage. I keep rotating the two in and out if the PCC.

Now, the original PCCs did not include the two notches that the newer PCCs have, and they were notorious for leaking. Check your PCC for notches in the lid and the slot where each end of the cone lies. If these aren't there, there's nothing you can do about leaking short of carving your own notches.

As far as dry hits go:

1. Your juice is too thick and not wicking well. Thin with about 5% distilled water.

2. The juice is a dark color and has a high amount of dissolved (sometimes undissolved) solids. Use a clearer juice, typically synthetic and lighter in color.

3. The juice is high in VG and is gumming up the atomizer. Use a higher PG juice or dry burn and re-wick attys every couple of days.

On the go solutions:

1. Cover the air hole briefly with your finger and create a vacuum in the system. This will help draw juice through the wick. Unless the atomizer is brand new, I use this almost all the time - it's second nature now.

There is a learning curve. If you draw too much liquid into the atty, it will flood and you'll get gurgling and major leakage.

2. In an emergency, dry burn the atty with the wick and everything in place. Manually prime the wick in the spike. I've also been able to coax juice into the atty via the two openings on either side of the spike with a needle-tip bottle.

Hope these tips help you make the best of your new eRoll!

BTW, I've got a new atty cleaning and re-wicking regimen that is much faster and less finicky than the old method I posted here. I plan to upload a video of the process soon.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2014
So the rebuildable atty arrived today and since I coincidentally had a day off I went straight berserk with it :)

First the shock.

The thing came with a coil preinstalled, which is nice, but when I slapped it on the eroll it refused to fire. I was ......... "Is this thing DOA?!".
Well... turns out that those .15mm NiCr wires they sell are pretty darn low in resistance... and that the eroll has protection in place.
Can't complain, though. In fact I'm delighted to have certainty they put some security in this thing. Last I want is a battery explosion to the face xD

So I went ahead and made an 8 wrap 1mm coil using .15 Kanthal. Mounted it and it fired beautifully.

In fact it fired so well that the first six coils I made ended up being failures. They fired so hard that it became a real problem finding a setup that would rival the stock atty in performance without instantly burning the cotton wick to a horribly tasting crisp.
It was either vapor production and flavor were terrible or the wick going *poof* after the first two drags. Even silica didn't stand up to them, lol, and I have no SS on hand to try.

Gotta give Joyetech credit here. They obviously put a lot of thought into these atomizers. The coil setup on them really achieves a good balance between flavor, vapor and throat hit. You don't really realize this until you try to do something similar in a device this small with your own coils.

I never give up until all is lost, however, so several attempts and a few short circuits later I arrived at what is just about the best vaping experience I ever had off of this eroll.

The winner was a .2 Kanthal nanocoil, 10 wraps with .5mm diameter.

It's awesome :D

Not only does it produce better vapor and flavor than the stock atties I own ever did... the nanocoil setup means no wicking material inside the coil. Hence, I can dryburn the .... out of this thing without concern about burning anything I wouldn't want to burn.

With this coil the atty performs so well that I have to make sure to use even less cotton for wicking than I did before. Less cotton that what I use now.. and I might aswell use no cotton at all hahaha :D

The bad:

With all this awesomeness come a few letdowns.

First off all they didn't really do a good job with the bottom plate / insulator. The battery contact plate is merely tucked into the silicone on one side with the other being soldered to the positive contact, so it keeps coming loose on one side. This means you have to be really careful handling this thing or you risk ripping the contact plate off, which would be bad news indeed.

Furthermore, the silicone insulator was a little too big in diameter to fit in the eroll properly, so I had to be really careful when putting it on the battery. Coupled with the semi loose bottom plate it makes the whole thing seem pretty fragile.

I ended up cutting the excess silicone away to make it fit. All this fiddling however caused the ceramic inside the atty to come loose so now when I insert a new coil I'll have to be extra careful or the whole thing will just come apart.

Making coils for this atty is precision work. You can't make them cover the entire width of the ceramic pot because you need some space to fit the pins needed to fasten the coil.
The pins themselves are super tiny. Inserting the coil and fastening it withoiut deforming it in the process takes some major dexterity and with the fastening pins being so super tiny you have to be careful not to break them. It's kinda easy once you get the hang of it but clearly this thing isn't for you if you don't like tinkering with stuff that is so small you can barely see it :D

Bigger diameter coils (1mm+) don't work here, because they'll come in contact with the atty cap and short the whole thing out. There's really not a lot of space in this thing to work with.

Also, going low (1.5 - 1.8ish) resistance with cotton isn't an option. With few wraps on the coil you have to put wick inside lest you'll likely get leaking and definitely subpar vapor production due to lack of coil surface touching the wick.
Wicking inside the coil mandates silica / SS, however, since cotton will burn instantly (I tried).


I think they could do a better job assembling these things. Especially the bottom plate / insulator.

After finding the first proper coil setup, though, I gotta say this atty is a major upgrade to my eroll.
Never having to buy another atty again is huge, especially considering that vapor production and flavor is a hell of a lot better now. I never had taste this clean on the eroll and it now hits so hard that Im going to have to get some lower nic juice. It's amazing.

So if you're thinking about getting one of these I'd say go right ahead. Be prepared for some fiddling, though. And definitely order some extra pins because these things are so small one sneeze will send them flying and you'll never find them again. I paid extra attention and still managed to lose one already.
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Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
I think the main problem is just air. Pushing the dropper into the tank nozzle often prevents whatever air is in the tank to freely escape as you try to fill it. You can prevent this by using a needle tip with a diameter small enough to allow airflow as you fill in the liquid.

Personally, though, I just take the cap off. These little badboys are sturdy enough. All you have to do is make sure to firmly grab it on both sides like so...

View attachment 303336

... and then just pull it off. Then fill the tank and firmly push the cap back on until you hear it click in.

I'm doing it like this with all my tanks for months now and so far none of them shows signs of wear and there's no leakage.
Should that occur I'm simply gonna buy some new caps. You can order them separately.

Huh, whaddya know. I never would have imagined that the "cap", the part with the hole that you fill, would come off; with those little "flaps" on each side, I thought it was "fixed" in place. I may have to try that, and hope I don't destroy the tank in the process. It's hard to tell from the pic, but do you grab/pull on the sides with the little flap things, or the sides that don't have the flap things? I'm wondering because those flap things look like the typical plastic that if you bend it too far, it just breaks, and then of course the cap wouldn't go back on, and the tank would be wasted.

Thx for the tip!


Full Member
Jan 6, 2014
It's hard to tell from the pic, but do you grab/pull on the sides with the little flap things, or the sides that don't have the flap things? I'm wondering because those flap things look like the typical plastic that if you bend it too far, it just breaks, and then of course the cap wouldn't go back on, and the tank would be wasted.
Yeah I grab the flaps with my fingernails.

They're quite hard actually. I'm doing it like that for months now and not one of them has come off let alone lose rigidity at all. I just pull though, never actually bend them. Doesn't take much force if you grab em right.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2013
Carlsbad, CA
So the rebuildable atty arrived today and since I coincidentally had a day off I went straight berserk with it :)

Wow, thanks for the detailed report ... :thumbs:

I will not even attempt this, my eyes are shot, and besides my hands are way too shaky now for this kind of delicate "surgery" ...

But if you ever decide to refurbish and distribute these atomizers, sign me up ! :D


Full Member
Jan 6, 2014
Wow, thanks for the detailed report ... :thumbs:

I will not even attempt this, my eyes are shot, and besides my hands are way too shaky now for this kind of delicate "surgery" ...

But if you ever decide to refurbish and distribute these atomizers, sign me up ! :D
Heheh well it was fun but I couldn't fathom doing this every day. I literally got a minor headache from all the up close focusing :D

Good thing about it is I now feel well prepared for the home use mech I'm about to order :) If I can make coils this small, the world should be my oyster as far as 28g coils go :D
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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
Hey, I was looking at some hot cinnamon flavors, and they all seem to advise extreme caution, apparently cinnamon flavors can play hell with the e-cigs or PVs.... anyone know if the eRoll can stand up to them? And why exactly would cinnamon mess them up? I don't get that at all.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
Cinnamon forms a chemical reaction with polycarbonate. Its hard on my stomach vaping or eating so its not one I use but most here recommend pyrex only but I have seen some members say they use plastic tanks without incident. I know that's not much help You could just buy an inexpensive battery and an ARO Pyrex (about $8.00) if you really like cinnamon and give it a try. If you loose an Eroll tank to it... not a big loss... you'll be able to vape it with the other setup... its always backups for your backups for your backups anyway.


Full Member
Jul 19, 2011
chefkeith: I'm curious about it too!

rj134: Good review! I think I'll stay away from it until they've perfected their system :)

Andria: The cap's not hard to take off, but seriously, it's a pain in the .... With my new bottle, it's so much faster! I'd recommend you just get another needle bottle, looking for a thin enough needle to fit into the hole and still let air circulate freely. As I said, your needle may fit in, but if it fits too tightly, there will be no air circulation anymore and your eliquid won't come out of the bottle.

Wanna laugh? I sent Joyetech a mail a few days ago, and I think they didn't really understand them, neither do I understand them :D

I bought the eRoll one week ago from the french store Cig Discount boutique en ligne de vente de cigarette électronique, e-liquide et e-cigarette.
I threw the warranty away unintentionally, before I could check the authenticity of my eRoll. Is there some other way to do so? Also, would the loss of the warranty be a bad thing in case of a problem, since I live in Europe?

One last question: does the PCC keep charging the eRoll once it's fully charged? The led goes out, so I don't know what exactly is happening. For now, I put the eRoll the other way around in the PCC once it's done charging, in sort to spare the batteries a bit more.

Thank you in advance,
Alexandre Hornbeck

Dear Friend,

Thanks for your email, and it's our pleasure to help you.

Yes, you'd better keep the warranty card and receipt to get the warranty.

The PCC would stop charging the eRoll once it have been charged fully, and the light will goes out. It's the right way to put that in the PCC with the other way around.

Hope this can help you, if anything else, tell us freely!
Best wishes
Marketing Department

Anyone else thinks it's probably a relocated office?


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
chefkeith: I'm curious about it too!

rj134: Good review! I think I'll stay away from it until they've perfected their system :)

Andria: The cap's not hard to take off, but seriously, it's a pain in the .... With my new bottle, it's so much faster! I'd recommend you just get another needle bottle, looking for a thin enough needle to fit into the hole and still let air circulate freely. As I said, your needle may fit in, but if it fits too tightly, there will be no air circulation anymore and your eliquid won't come out of the bottle.

Wanna laugh? I sent Joyetech a mail a few days ago, and I think they didn't really understand them, neither do I understand them :D

I bought the eRoll one week ago from the french store Cig Discount boutique en ligne de vente de cigarette électronique, e-liquide et e-cigarette.
I threw the warranty away unintentionally, before I could check the authenticity of my eRoll. Is there some other way to do so? Also, would the loss of the warranty be a bad thing in case of a problem, since I live in Europe?

One last question: does the PCC keep charging the eRoll once it's fully charged? The led goes out, so I don't know what exactly is happening. For now, I put the eRoll the other way around in the PCC once it's done charging, in sort to spare the batteries a bit more.

Thank you in advance,
Alexandre Hornbeck

Dear Friend,

Thanks for your email, and it's our pleasure to help you.

Yes, you'd better keep the warranty card and receipt to get the warranty.

The PCC would stop charging the eRoll once it have been charged fully, and the light will goes out. It's the right way to put that in the PCC with the other way around.

Hope this can help you, if anything else, tell us freely!
Best wishes
Marketing Department

Anyone else thinks it's probably a relocated office?

Yeah, when I visited their website, it was immediately obvious to me that a) english is not their 1st language, and 2) their command of it is extremely iffy. From the way that sentence structure is all rearranged, it would appear that they're just using some kind of translation app -- which is a very iffy way to translate any language, but especially english with its very weird sentence structure. (Aren't they a chinese company?) But, yes, I did read somewhere, maybe in the manual, that once the eRoll is charged, you can put it in the slot upside down to carry it around.

You probably would need the warranty info, if you wanted to return it or have it serviced. Strange that they put that sticker on the paperwork instead of on the box itself. I don't know if there is any other way to establish authenticity.

Oh, the needle thingie I bought, it actually was TOO thin -- nothing would come out, and it was WAYYYY too long for the eRoll's tank. So the dropper is the only real way I have to get liquid into it -- but the dropper works fine.

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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
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Jan 24, 2014
Luxembourg - I meant to reply to your earlier msg, about that sticker having those different-colored characters -- yes I think it would have been a pain to reproduce that, though maybe not impossible. Were they extremely tiny? I really did have to use a magnifying glass and a very bright light just to read them sufficiently to input at their site. The different colors, well maybe reproducible if the faker was sufficiently motivated, but to make a fake with such tiny characters that they were nearly impossible to read, I dunno if anyone would go to that much trouble. The only thing that does make me wonder is the fact that they put it on the paperwork instead of the box itself -- but I don't know how different vendors would send stuff, so that maybe is a non-issue. Actually I find it kinda hard to believe that someone would want to fake the eRoll, it's such an inexpensive item; it would make more sense, seems to me, to fake one of the more expensive models.

Since I did go back a page to look at the pic of Luxembourg's eRoll, I did find the earlier msg about why cinnamon is so problematic in plastic, but I still don't really get what it is about cinnamon that makes it so caustic -- but then, I'm no chemist, so what do I know? :) All I know for sure is that cinnamon is from the bark of some kind of tree -- but there are many chemicals that come from trees that are pretty powerful. Does it only eat the plastic tank, or would it also destroy the atomizer? If it's just the tank, I might take the risk, but the atomizers are a little more costly; I would also not want to damage or destroy any part of the battery itself. I'm totally with whoever said that rebuilding atomizers is definitely not something I could or would ever want to do myself -- I can barely see the tiny hole for filling the tank, and that only with my most powerful reading glasses.



Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
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Jan 24, 2014
I don't think you will have any issues with the cinnamon. Buy a small bottle and try it out. It will increase the throat hit, even more than menthol does. I don't vape it anymore because my daughter is allergic to cinnamon and I worry about the vapor giving her a reaction.

Good to know. I'm finding the tobacco e-juices so powerfully stinky that I'm looking around for alternatives that might satisfy some of the sensations of smoking -- strong peppermint, hot cinnamon. The cigarettes I smoke are so light-tasting, maybe I'm not really accustomed to the actual taste of tobacco any longer. I don't really want menthol, or something like wintergreen, but strong peppermint might do very well -- and I LOOOOOOOVE cinnamon! Especially the little red-hots! But I certainly don't want to kill my eRoll! :)

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