Complete Numpty/Novice on E-cigs

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Full Member
Sep 27, 2017
Hi Guys, yes the blue one is the nx 30 with the Nautilus 2 tank (my fav) and the black one is the NX 75 Z mod with the same tank.

I'm going to buy a different colour Nautilus 2 tank that matches the colour better on the blue one.. Black and blue doesn't look right, but it was the only colour they had in stock.

If anybody wants to quit smoking, this setup is bang on. Nearly 24 hours without the fags, ridiculously easy, should of done it years ago.


Ultra Member
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Sep 25, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
No Rob I haven't stopped the cigs completely. I am still having about 5 a day.....but as every one here says, I need to count the 20 I am NOT smoking. It is such a hard habit to break but I WILL get there! I have got some higher 18mg liquid on the way...should arrive next Tuesday and I am hoping this may be enough for me to stop the final few cigs. Anna and Opinionated have given me some great tips (I call them my 'secret weapons') though, should the 18mg not do the trick. Not that it sounds like you will need extra help with flicking the cigs, but you can certainly have a read on the thread I started '37 years smoking'.
That is why I am so pleased for you. A duck to water and all that! Go Rob!


Full Member
Sep 27, 2017
Ok, I will give it a read..:)

You are right,not smoking the 20 a day is such an achievement... A big pat on the back.

I think the incentive for me is that I promised my kids, you can't go back on a promise, especially if its your kids.

I got a round of applause earlier from my wife and kids when I went past the 24hr mark.

Time to read your post...




Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 3, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Congratulations! Looks like you may be one of those who, once they begin vaping, are able to quit immediately. I have been vaping for seven weeks or so and still dual use - 8 cigarettes a day. Just remember what others have said on this thread - a slip up is not the end of the world. Just keep vaping. Good luck!


Full Member
Sep 27, 2017
I was at the vape shop yesterday near me, picking up some 0mg nicotine tobacco and generally hanging about chatting to people (it's a very social scene and people are soo friendly)...

I tried DTL and boom, I was sold... So I now have another addition to my family.

You cant miss me now... where ever I am, there are massive plumes of smoke. lol

I am now on no nicotine since yesterday around 4PM... The 2 things I have noticed is that I can't sit still for longer than 5 minutes and i'm having trouble concentrating.

I did some research on why my eyesight has improved (I now don't wear reading glasses and everything is so sharp, I am completely blown away). It's just improved blood flow to the eyes. our eyes have the smallest "veins" and smoking ciggies blocks them up. I didn't know that smoking can cause loss of eyesight and damage the eyes. Scary stuff when you start reading what smoking does to your body.

Happy vaping :):)



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