Complete Numpty/Novice on E-cigs

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Sep 27, 2017
Hi Guys,

Hello from the UK

Newbie here, so please be gentle... :)

I wonder if you can help and give me some advise please.. I have bought a quite few e-cigs from the local newsagent over the past year, mainly for when i'm in the car or restaurants (nip to the loo and have a puff or 10). They always end up breaking, leaking and the taste is not very good.

I have decide to quit the fags after 34 years because my eldest who is 8 caught me smoking in the garden last week. They never new I smoked and I promised my self if they caught me I would stop. Also I am fed up with stinking like an ashtray.

I know absolutely nothing about the whole setup, what to buy and the best quality liquid to purchase.

Could someone please guide me in the right direction on what to buy and where to purchase.

I don't want to buy any of the cheap ecigs, I need a good setup that works well.. Extra batteries would be good as mine were always running out. I am happy to invest in a good setup.

I usually smoke Golden Virginia if that helps any.

I'm willing to learn all about it, but need the right bit of kit in the first instance and some guidance.

Are some liquids better for you than others. I want to get clean of all the tobacco that I am putting in my body

If anyone could help me, I would be very very grateful.

All the best


Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
Welcome to ECF.

The Innokin Endura T22 kit is a setup that lots of newer folks go for. It's a mouth-to-lung kit that mimics smoking well, and it's hassle free. It has a strong following here.

Another good route is a Pico 75 kit. It too is problem free. It has a lot of features that you can grow into, and is also forgiving of newbies.

A third is the Aspire Zelos kit. A fourth is the Vaporesso Target Nano.

Though I consider myself an intermediate to advanced vaper, I gravitate towards the Pico line. The 75 fits nicely in a pocket and none of mine have caused even the slightest problem (that wasn't of my own making).


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
I have the Aspire zelos starter kit as my backup (75 TC, but you could equally purchase the 50 watt setup) and it has one of my favorite MTL tanks, the Nautilus 2 on top of it. MTL means that you have equipment similar to the draw on a cigarette-- it flows into your mouth, is then inhaled (if that's preferred, I like to) then out nose/mouth. Typically you will need higher nicotine for that setup, depending on how much you are smoking. Most folks get e-juice in the 18--24 range, but you can go higher if needed. If you want a kit that blows huge clouds, and is sub0hm, which you DL (inhale directly into the lungs) you will need a different starter setup. But, since you've used cigalikes already, I'd recommend one of the setups Coastal Cowboy recommended, as it will certainly be a step up from what you were using, you will still get more vapor, it will be easier to use, and you should have a better time with it. If you decide to go sub0hm down the road, you'll still have your starter setup as a backup if you need it.

This is kind of a preference thing-- I started out with a sub0hm kit and didn't like it, it was too much vapor for me, and I quickly switched to MTL setups.

Congrats on wanting to quit since your kiddos caught you. You will enjoy not smelling like an ashtray, believe me, and you won't even REALLY know how much you enjoy it until your sense of taste and smell comes back fully. I was a big "believer" that since I washed my hands, used mouthwash and mints it wasn't so bad..... no, it WAS so bad. I don't know how other people put up with me honestly.... :) Best of luck and welcome to ECF.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Although this forum is international, the vast majority of members are USA. I bring this up because a lot of the recommendations given here "may not" be available to you in the UK, especially e-liquid recommendations. You could introduce yourself in the UK Forum and inquire where those members shop for gear and e-liquids.

I've been vaping for several years, and at one time worked in a vape shop. Although I used to be a "tootle puffer" (low wattage power, higher ohm coils) initially, in the last couple of years I've become a moderate wattage (30 watts), sub-ohm (0.5 ohm coils) vaper. My current setup is below. I consider it a reasonably-priced, high-end setup:

Google Images photo

If you like the form factor of above setup but don't wish to sub-ohm, you could use an Aspire Nautilus clearomizer tank or Kabuki-styled clearomizer tank to mouth-to-lung vape. These two tanks use the same Nautilus coils (1.6 or 1.8 ohm).

You're probably going to feel like you are getting Information Overload :unsure:, but don't worry...we all started out that way. Just read up on the basics before you buy and if you have any questions feel free to ask the membership here. For the basics, I hope that you find the articles in my blog to help you:

Good Starter Setups for a Beginner Vaper
Advancing Up the Vaping Ladder

Proper Terminology: Is it a carto, a tank, or what? A Guide to Juice Delivery Devices

Battery Basics for Mods: The Definative Battery Guide for Vaping
Deeper Understanding of Mod Batteries Part 1
Guide to Choosing a Li-ion Battery Charger
Are You Using a Rewrap (Rebranded) Battery?
Last edited:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 25, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
Hi Rob, and welcome! I am completely new to vaping as well after 37 years of smoking. I puffed on a few disposables in the past - not to give up but just to way could I have given up on just those, but some people do.
I did heaps of investigoogling on different sites - looking at videos, recommendations etc. This forum is terrific for advice - heaps of information - and very friendly people.

I finally bought the Aspire Zelos kit with the Nautilus 2 tank as mentioned above (times 2 kits - very important to always have one on charge and god forbid! What if one broke :( ). I also bought extra tanks to fill up with different flavoured e-liquids as I am trying flavours and it is nice to have a change. I am a completed mouth to lung puffer - this set up does replicate the feeling of smoking fairly closely - as Anna said, a tighter draw like you would a cig. I also bought 12mg liquid but am going to get some 18mg as the 12mg is just not cutting it for me at the moment - but I was a very heavy packet of 25 cigs a day smoker.

There are many people here with lots of experience who are willing to help you on your journey. Just ask!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
There's no shortage of good hardware and excellent liquids in the UK.

Finding them is more difficult, as the internet is not an equal opportunity sort of place I'm sorry to say.

The companies that get the top hits on a search pay to be there. There are too many brands who get to the top by getting their fingers in the pie of fake reviews and commission selling.

Basically Mr Google will send you to very few of the right places and most likely to the poor value, poor customer service wrong places to do your shopping.

Either way.... avoid brand shops. If they are taking existing products and giving them the 'special' treatment of making up names and giving you the hard sell with impressive sounding stuff, you are walking straight into the rip-off zone.

Independent shops that sell the main Chinese makes of hardware are the places to shop.
Too many 'premium' liquid online shops are not selling premium liquid.. they just like to call their dishwater that to charge you double.

There are some cheap e-cigs that are good and some expensive ones that are bad. Price is not much help in many cases.


Full Member
Sep 27, 2017
Hi Guys,

Thank you so much Costal, stols, baditude, possum, djsvapour and everyone for saying hi and for helping me. I really do appreciate your input, knowledge and time...

Yes, I have information overload but I am starting to learn. :)

So I have opted for the below based on my smoking habits and advice. Hopefully, I have everything covered.

Fags go in the bin on Saturday, i'm really looking forward to it and not a bit fazed.

So I guess I should use PG over VG liquid as it's cleaner on the hardware or should I use a mixture? I guess it's personal choice.

There is a vape shop 15 mins away from me, so I am going there today to have a chat and buy some liquid...

Perhaps one day with more knowledge, I will be able to help someone to.

I'll be on here daily from now on and will let you know how I get on.

Thanks again

All the best



Aspire 20A 3.7V Li-ion 18650 High Discharge Li-ion Rechargeable Battery - Pack of 2
£18.98 (£35.68 / kg) Priority Delivery at no extra cost for Prime members

Sold by:Amazon EU S.a.r.L.
Only 3 left in stock (more on the way).
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Genuine Aspire Nautilus 2 Tank - Silver (New updated Nautilus for 2017)

Sold by:HESIRO
Only 7 left in stock.
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Sold by:Inter-Service Trading Limited
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Aspire Atlantis EVO Replacement Coil 0.4 ohm & 0.5 ohm Kanthal Clapton Coils 5 Pack (0.4 Ohm)

Sold by:[iWarehouseDirect]
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Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2015
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Sep 25, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
Hi Rob! I use a 50/50 PV/VG liquid and find it quite good. As you said, everyone is different so maybe you could get a few bottles with different mixes including 60/40 PV/VG or 70/30 PV/VG. My understanding is in the UK you can only buy in 10ml bottles (pre-mixed), is that right? If so, at least if you get a small bottle you don't like there is not much wastage!
(As a side, I am going through about 4-6mls a day to give you some idea how much you may need....but once again, everyone is different!)

Now, please take my next bit of information with a grain of salt - remember I am very new at this vaping too!
I THINK the GENUINE ASPIRE EVO 75 KIT you are looking at may be a sub-ohm kit (or more suited to direct lung vaping) rather than a mouth to lung style kit. As are the coils - 0.4 Ohm etc.
I am sure someone with much more knowledge than me will come along soon and set me straight if this is not the case and I pray they do!!

This is the kit I have at the moment (times 2 of course). Has built in batteries, which some say are not the best (ecomonical etc) but I am concentrating on NOT smoking for the while. Once I am all over that I will branch out and be adventurous. I am getting about two days out of mine between charging at the moment (vaping at a very low 4v 8.5w). Works for me...I can 'chain vape' away without massive clouds around me drawing attention!

Zelos 50w Starter Kit Contains:
  • 1 x Zelos 50W Mod (2500mah battery installed)
  • 1 x Nautilus 2 Tank (0.7Ω Coil Pre-Installed)
  • 1 x 1.8Ω BVC Coil
  • 1 x Replacement Glass Tube
  • 1 x Extra Drip Tip
  • 1 x Micro USB Cable
  • 8 x Spare O-Rings
Hopefully someone with much more knowledge will chime in soon...


Full Member
Sep 27, 2017
Hi Catherine,

Thank-you very much for the reply... Yes it is a sub ohm, oh poo... I think I may have bought the wrong hardware...

It's no problem though as I can return all the items at no charge... If anyone can chime in in the next hour, I can cancel the whole order and start again before it is delivered... LOL.

Think I might have got ahead of myself..

When I pop down to the shop, I will get a mix of a few bottles and see how I go..

Watch this space.... :)




Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Sigh. Typed a long response but the forum's being annoying. Yes, that looks like a sub0hm setup but you also bought a MTL tank, which you can still put on that mod if you like it. Some folks like sub0hming occasionally, and if you think you might like that, there's no reason to cancel the order. Otherwise, something like an aspire zelos might work better-- I have one as a backup and I like it as it's light, powerful, and fits well in my purse, so I don't find the internal battery to be a disadvantage, really.

Batteries are important, I love aspire and even I wouldn't buy their batteries. There is just no way to know what they are and they could be non-genuine or failed batteries after QC from one of the bigger battery makers. You can go here: Mooch's Recommended Batteries | E-Cigarette Forum to learn about all things batteries, including which are safe brands to buy as well as reputable sellers. Good luck!



Ultra Member
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Jul 11, 2017
Chicago suburbs
Hi Rob! I use a 50/50 PV/VG liquid and find it quite good. As you said, everyone is different so maybe you could get a few bottles with different mixes including 60/40 PV/VG or 70/30 PV/VG. My understanding is in the UK you can only buy in 10ml bottles (pre-mixed), is that right? If so, at least if you get a small bottle you don't like there is not much wastage!
(As a side, I am going through about 4-6mls a day to give you some idea how much you may need....but once again, everyone is different!)

Now, please take my next bit of information with a grain of salt - remember I am very new at this vaping too!
I THINK the GENUINE ASPIRE EVO 75 KIT you are looking at may be a sub-ohm kit (or more suited to direct lung vaping) rather than a mouth to lung style kit. As are the coils - 0.4 Ohm etc.
I am sure someone with much more knowledge than me will come along soon and set me straight if this is not the case and I pray they do!!

This is the kit I have at the moment (times 2 of course). Has built in batteries, which some say are not the best (ecomonical etc) but I am concentrating on NOT smoking for the while. Once I am all over that I will branch out and be adventurous. I am getting about two days out of mine between charging at the moment (vaping at a very low 4v 8.5w). Works for me...I can 'chain vape' away without massive clouds around me drawing attention!

Zelos 50w Starter Kit Contains:
  • 1 x Zelos 50W Mod (2500mah battery installed)
  • 1 x Nautilus 2 Tank (0.7Ω Coil Pre-Installed)
  • 1 x 1.8Ω BVC Coil
  • 1 x Replacement Glass Tube
  • 1 x Extra Drip Tip
  • 1 x Micro USB Cable
  • 8 x Spare O-Rings
Hopefully someone with much more knowledge will chime in soon...
This is an excellent device Just bought one a little while ago. I don’t use the N2 tank, it’s too small for me. I pair one of my T22 tanks with it. But I’m sure the N2 would work fine.
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Ultra Member
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Jun 22, 2013
Yep, absolutely no such thing as a sub-ohm mod any more (never really was, just kits that couldn't pull it off). You've got the Nautilus coming for MTL and as a new vaper you really ought to try both styles of vaping. There's a middle ground many of us find ourselves in, myself included, and a restricted lung hit can be a fine thing for some tastes.

As for your juice blend, start with 50/50. A balanced PG/VG blend will have no trouble wicking in any tank and will give you a baseline for adjusting as you better understand your tastes. Too much of either comes with fairly major drawbacks, so start there and adjust as you like, IMO.
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