Clouds of Vapor review, Organics VG Caramel Cream and Blueberry Pancake

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Full Member
Jan 18, 2011
Missour-ah :p
I just got my order of my eGo(+drip tip) from Clouds of Vapor, plus my order of Caramel Cream Organic juice. I also was lucky/cursed to get a sample of blueberry pancake which I am now hooked on and will have to buy more of. Oh darn. :p

Caramel Cream: VG juice, nice vapor, amazing taste! Sweet without tasting fake, cloying or nauseating. Very fresh and natural. 5/5

Blueberry Pancake: VG juice, also nice vapor, tastes like a blueberry breaded something. Maybe not so much a pancake but a muffin. Definitely not straight blueberry, but with a dessert feel. Also very nice and clean tasting for having such a sweetness to it. 5/5

Definitely buying more, anyone know anything about the:
Apple Cider
Orange Creamsicle
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