Celebrate 5 years

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 5, 2011
Knoxville, TN USA
Sometime this month (Feb 2016) I celebrate 5 years of being smoke-free, mostly (I enjoy a cigar on special holidays, as Memorial Day Anniversary, etc.)

In these few years this industry has evolved and progressed in a manner that stifles most other innovative industries, and it is, I believe, to be credited, in some part, to the community we share here on ECF. I found ECF after trying a cigalike at the mall smoke shop. I thought to myself, "This is a viable alternative!" I had gone to the smoke shop on a mention from a co-worker who had mentioned he tried one. I wasn't really looking to quit smoking, actually far from it. I had met a wonderful woman who had let me date her, and on night visits in January and February she would allow me to light a traditional smoke inside her home if it was late and it was freezing out. I tried to keep it to a minimum, but noticed the smell after a few weeks of conservative smoking inside. About this time, I found out one of her son's said he didn't care for my smoking inside. No problem. I respected his discomfort, and was slightly embarrassed that I had contaminated her smoke-free home. I started looking for an alternative for when I visited my girlfriend's home. So fast forward to typing in "e-cigarette forum"on my search engine, and lo and behold, here lyeth e-cigarette-forum.com! I trolled for several days, just reading, then registered when I had a specific question that hasn't been answered. After a few weeks of reading ECF, ordering an eGo-T kit from Volcano and puffing on that thing like I was trying to break it, I walked around for a week with an open pack of stinkies in my pocket and hadn't even thought to light one, even if the eGo-T was a miserable creation. I said to myself, sometime in Feb 2011, " I must not be a smoker, anymore!" Since and soon after then, I began building some Dougiestyle mods in my spare time, DIYing Dougiestyle e-liquid (not quitting my day job for this one) and performing advocacy in my limited means. BTW, I married the girl in there, too. Still winning.

The changes in e-cigarettes and the attention they get and the interest in them has been amazing, but the community, here on ECF, has continued to be civil and strong and educational and downright heartwarming at times, consistently. I have come to be a local/regional personality in the e-cig vaper community by being brought onboard administration of Smoky Mountain Vapers group (nominated with and runner up to CASAA as best e-cigarette group 2014). We are blessed to have a huge REO community locally, over 55 B&M vendors within 1hr drive (hundreds within 2hr drive). We have our own special regional community, but I consider ECF my e-cig schoolhouse and home. Those of you that have shared in my growth and knowledge and happiness and health, THANK YOU!

@classwife, @retired1, I'd like my asterisk back, please. I miss it after the host change took it.

Dougie Style
To do something better than anyone else, or in a way that seeks to attain the level of perfection that only a bad ash mother fawker like Doug can do.
"To be or not to be, --that is the question:--
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the slings and arrows of envy, or to slam back
dougiestyle, --that is the answer.--"

Cheers! I'll drink to that!
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Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 5, 2013
I'd like my asterisk back, please. I miss it after the host change took it.

With the change to XF, we no longer need asterisks. The new software allows us to be all seeing and all knowing.


**snort snort**

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