Calling all non smokers and/or 0mg nic vapors...

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Just looking to get some opinions/experiances from any non smokers or anyone who only vapes 0mg ejuice.

Ok so I am not a smoker and have just started vaping. I only vape nicotine free ejuice and generally am enjoying the flavours and the actual act of vaping (I am an ex smoker of 5 yrs).

Now please this is not a discussion of whether I should or should not vape being a non smoker - I have my reasons and am happy with my decision :)

I have both the 901 and the 510 and so far I prefer the 901. Throat hit is not that important to me but flavour and vapor is. The 901 is smooth and I like the auto batts (allows hands free operation). The 510 is a little funny tasting - the juice burns easily and drys out quick.

I have noticed that I am getting a very dry throat and a bit of phlem.
Is this normal?
Does it go away?

Does have anything to do with not having inhaled anything for years?

Has anyone had any other side affects from vaping?

Flavours aren't that great. I have tried dekang brand watermelon,cherry,rum and caramel and all have been ok but not great. I may be looking to try DIY.
Has anyone found DIY 0mg (VG + Loranns) better that the chinese stuff?
What can be done to produce good flavour?

I am basically looking for what others who don't usually smoke analogs have experianced with vaping 0mg juice.

Please also share any other experiances, tips or advice.

Cheers :D


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2010
Central Florida
Dry throat is very normal. Drink more water! PG and VG will dry you out and it probably will continue. It's normal for everyone.

Flavor is relative and different vendors provide a huge variety in various intensities. DIY is probably the quickest and most affordable way to enhance pre-mixed juices or make your own concoctions. Or simply try different juice vendors. ECF has a great list of approved vendors.


Senior Member
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Jan 26, 2010
FYI Im a Zero MG vaper as well. Well Im only 2 days in. I've quit anologs twice in the past before, but always ended up back on them because I cave one day for whatever reason. I've quit recently again (Jan 5th). But I wanted the e-cig none the less. This way I can do this, if I cave, Im not getting hooked again, with the Zero MG its not like you are getting addicted "chemically". Your addiciticed this time cause vaping is fun :). And everybody here can attirbute that this is better than smoking analogs, even if there is no 100 concrete fact or report, listen to the success storys....screw the FDA.

every time I've gotten back onto smoking again, it was always cause I was haning out wiht some friends, was dealing with something at the time and in the stress of the moment seeing my friends having a smoke I would ask for 1....1 turned into 2 and well you know the drill.

You dont need to justify to anyone. If this is going to help keep you off the smelly old anologs, Im right there with ya!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 26, 2009
Cleveland, OH
When I quit analogs I was vaping 18mg. Over time I've reduced that to 12, to 6 and now I'm at Zero nic (which was my plan from the start). Now I have no physical addiction and feel great about it!!

I DIY all my juice. For God's sake don't buy flavored 0 nic juice!! It's a total rip!!! I went to Tractor Supply and bought a gallon of USP grade PG for $24. I mix it 50/50 with VG from CVS (about $4 for a 6oz bottle). Then I bought some flavors and just mix to taste. The nice thing about it is that you can experiment with flavor like crazy and know that if you mes up a batch, you're not throwing away expen$ive nic juice!

It really was not hard cutting back the nic if you do it gradually and it's a great feeling to know I'm vaping because I enjoy it, without NEEDING it. I suppose the hard-core nic folks on this forum (the 36mg guys) will scoff and say there's no throat hit etc. But truthfully I get all the same enjoyment at zero that I ever did with high nic.

But hey, that's just me.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 1, 2008
Southern California USA
I don't know how you guys can stand 0 nic vaping - I vape for the nic and probably 90% of the pleasure comes from nicotine! I recently tried 0 nic for a week and almost cracked into smoking an analog. I simply got no pleasure out of inhaling. Now I got some 26mg e-liquid and all I can say is that I'm happy again :).


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2009
Joplin, MO - USA
If you're looking for big flavor, and don't want to DIY, check out and look at his "doublers". It's a 4 oz. (that's about 118 ml!) bottle of 0 nic. juice for $15, and the flavors are just awesome! My favorite is the TV Butter Rum (not to be confused with the Spiced Rum). Atomic Cinnacide isn't for everyone, but the flavor is so strong (like those little Red-Hots candies, very sweet and cinnamony) it pretty much needs it's own dedicated atomizer because the flavor lingers... it's good! Amaretto Stone Sour is very sweet, nice flavor.

Crap, I just noticed you're in Australia, and TV doesn't do International shipping. Got any friends in the US, or a "re-mailing" service?
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2009
Banning CA
I don't know how you guys can stand 0 nic vaping - I vape for the nic and probably 90% of the pleasure comes from nicotine! I recently tried 0 nic for a week and almost cracked into smoking an analog. I simply got no pleasure out of inhaling. Now I got some 26mg e-liquid and all I can say is that I'm happy again :).

Not to mention absolutely NO throat hit with 0 nic... Which is a complete bummer


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 15, 2010
I don't know how you guys can stand 0 nic vaping - I vape for the nic and probably 90% of the pleasure comes from nicotine! I recently tried 0 nic for a week and almost cracked into smoking an analog. I simply got no pleasure out of inhaling. Now I got some 26mg e-liquid and all I can say is that I'm happy again :).
i use 6mg, and on occasion try zero, but zero just isn't cutting it yet. soon though ;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 26, 2009
Cleveland, OH
I don't know how you guys can stand 0 nic vaping - I vape for the nic and probably 90% of the pleasure comes from nicotine! I recently tried 0 nic for a week and almost cracked into smoking an analog. I simply got no pleasure out of inhaling. Now I got some 26mg e-liquid and all I can say is that I'm happy again :).

Well it's kinda like quitting analogs and going to vaping. It required a slow reduction and i feel no loss in not ingesting nicotine. For many, the first vaping hits were largely unsatisfying after analogs. It took time to adjust and go off analogs all together. Once you got there though, there's no way most would go back.

If you're a 24mg vaper and you just go to 0 nic, of course it's going to be unsatisfying! Hello?!! But every time I reduced the nic I adjusted to it pretty quickly. I'd stay on that dose for a month ot two and reduce a bit again. The transition down was just not a problem at all. I never, ever felt I was being denied. Recently I bought some cartos to give em a try and they came prefilled with 18mg. I took like 3 hits and was dizzy and felt like crap! I used to vape 18mg all day - and I mean constant!!

My addiction to the whole smoking thing was much more behavioral than chemical. The actual addiction to nicotine can pass very quickly from a physical standpoint. After about 3 days to a week without it, the nic addiction is gone. The intense cravings are for all the other crap in analogs and mostly you miss the actual act. That's what gets us going back on when we'd cave in. Vaping has been a perfect way to eradicate any physical addiction I had and allow me a safe way to enjoy the behavior. I just enjoy the act of smoking/vaping. I still get what I consider a great throat hit and blow clouds of vapor.

I don't doubt for a minute that 99% of the folks on these forums are scoffing, but it totally works for me and I'd bet that I enjoy everything about vaping now that any heavy nic users do.

Again - just my .02

(Flame suit on)


Senior Member
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Jan 26, 2010
@quitter, tottaly agree with you.

Im 2 months off of anologs. Only got my vapor4life last week. Its very safe to say Im over the chemical addiction of nic. However the habitual aspect, even the expierence of like blowing smoke rings and such, as silly as that sounds is what does it, for me anyway.

This was my first weekend with my e-cig. Met up with my best friend who still is a was hard last time I saw him, I was only 2 or 3 weeks in of no smoking. Friday we go grab a coffee, he pulls out a smoke, I pull out my e-cig and it was great! He got a kick out of it too. Again Zero MG, but was able to satisfy the habitual urge.

My saturday nights, always end up with a big ol glass of wine on the couch enjoying the game, and always by the next glass, the "ohh a smoke would be really good right now mood comes out." Pulled out my vaporking, blew some O rings, enjoying the apple flavor, and boom urge was gone.

To me, I think this can keep me quit.

The only that sucks is the dry throat...Some flavors do offer a throat hit, I find the menthol/minty ones too.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 31, 2010
Washingtax State
I totally agree with Quitter and Mel_vin.
I love the act of smoking, I always have since I coughed through my first analog at the ripe old age of 9 or 10 (I’m 46 now). I have spent a lot of time while trying to quit smoking trying to figure out why I kept going back. After a lot of analysis I determined that I like the feel of the smoke/vapor going deep into my lungs, smoke rings are cool, and I have a total self perception/identity that includes my smoking. For me, drinking needs a partner, which is a good smoke. The ban on smoking in bars is the main reason I quit going to bars. I have used my e cig when drinking and while I think you have to have the right flavored juice to go with what you are drinking, it works pretty well. I still don’t go to bars anymore though.

I thought many times throughout my 35 years of smoking analogs, if I could find something that could replace my cigarettes and still allow me to smoke without killing me I would do it instead. Well, along came e cigarettes and here I am. Now they are talking about banning them and making my new habit illegal, unavailable, or taxed as heavily as regular cigarettes? Screw that! I for one am not going back to analogs without a fight and I am sure as h3ll not going to stay physically addicted to nicotine any longer than I have to. If the Government messes with my e cigs I will be prepared to tell them to take their taxes, regulations, ATF, FDA, and corrupt lobbyists’ and stick them in their collective a55e5. If you guys want to stay addicted to high dosages of nicotine, more power to ya. I will at the very least be on a much lower dosage of nicotine if I have to quit entirely. I have found the way out and if need be I will take it!


Full Member
Feb 24, 2010
Seattle, WA
As another viewpoint on why 0 nic vaping rocks, I vape COMPLETELY for the habit.

I was a heavy smoker who quit before I knew about e-cigs. Like many of the respondents here I got over the nic addiction pretty quickly. What I had a problem with was losing the habit itself - if anything was going to get me smoking again the habit part would be it. A year and a half later I'd STILL reach for a cigarette when I finished a chore, when driving or drinking, when chatting with friends or on the phone (and I WORK on the phone!), when stressed, after sex, before bed, etc. Not because I wanted the nic fix, but because that's what you do. *shrug* I can't count the number of times I've almost picked up another cigarette just out of habit (and I would have if I wasn't trying to bum cigs off friends who knew I'd quit). The effort of resisting was exhausting.

I was about it at work and a co-worker introduced me to e-cigs. I did my research and ended up going with a Sidesho (much love!). I get yummy flavors, no nic, no tar or other icky stuff, and still get to appease the habit WITHOUT being tempted by analogs. Hooray! No more wanting to slip for me!

So there ya go. Another reason 0 nic vaping is great!
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