Calculating nicotine

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Dec 3, 2008
Just to get this straight. lets say I have a 10ml bottle of juice thats 18mg nicotine. So that is 18mg per ml? and if you are refilling your carts or something, does anyone know what that is per drop? For example, how many drops make 1 ml? Im just trying to figure out how to calculate my nicotine consumption.

and carts, when they say 8mg on the cartridges, is that the entire cartridge. or a certain amount of puffs?

Very confused.



ECF Guru
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Nov 23, 2008
Central NY, USA
Well, I don't really have an answer either but here's how I figure it.

Take a bottle of liquor, 86 proof. 1/2 shot is 86 proof; 1 shot is 86 proof; 2 shots are still 86 proof (you are not then consuming 172 proof; only 2 shots of 86). You get drunk by drinking x number of shots of 86 proof.

With the nic, 18mg is in a 10ml bottle, or 30 or 50. With every drop, you are taking just all depends on how many drops you use in a day. If one ml equals 20 drops (I don't know what it is...I am just using 20 as an example)....and you use one ml a day....then that's it. Maybe that is enough for you....or maybe you need 40 drops. Or maybe you would have to smoke so many that it would be easier (or more satisfying) to go to a higher nic level.

So say one beer equals one shot of liquor. It was impossible for me to drink 6 beers just to get the buzz I would get from 6 shots of liquor. There was no way I could drink that much carbonation anyway so liquor (with its stronger alcohol content) was just easier for me to drink.

I don't know if there's an easy answer....and I don't even know if this is right (I'm sure I'll be corrected if it's not!)....but this is how I look at it.

If you dripped a whole 10ml bottle of 18 mg in a day....that would be too much for your system so YOU have to figure out how many drops worked for you. If you dripped that much and still weren't satisfied then it would be time to look into a higher strength.

So how many drops (or ml, if you knew for certain how many drops were in a ml) do you do each day? That's probably the best answer you could hope for.



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Dec 3, 2008
I see what your trying to get at, but I dont think proof of alcohol is comparable to the nicotine count. We are not talking about a percentage. Its labeled as 18 mgs. A flat out number. Now the question is. What does that mean, Is there a total of 18 grams of nicotine in the entire bottle? Or is that 18 grams per ml? gram? cartridge? Why should this be such a mystery with so many answers or guesses. Where are the people who are selling this stuff on this forum? Shouldnt they know this answer pretty clearly? I mean its all labeled with the mg count, but what good is that if you have no idea what the numbers mean.

I mean I dont think I am asking a stupid question. There are like 100's of posts on here dedicated to health issues, and a seperate thread dedicated to nicotine, yet we are guessing what the labeling means?


Vaping Master
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Jun 12, 2008


Ultra Member
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May 21, 2008
this is an interesting thread and a question i have wondered but have become lazy about finding out. it would be nice to have some definite answers.

i am more intersted in knowing how much mg of nictone is in one analog smoke and convert that over to e smoke so that way if you where a 2xpack aday analog smoker you could more accuratly perdict how much juice you would need

when doing this, we need to factor in that only about 15% of the total nicotine in a cigarette enters the human body when one is smoked normally. it must be a lot higher for vaping.


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Dec 3, 2008
wow. lol. So everyone is saying different things, kate is saying that its 18mg per ml, which equals roughly 20 drops = 1ml

another person is saying its mg per gram.

and a seller of the stuff is saying mg per 1000ml which means its 18 mg per liter??? That does not sound right to me. How could it be 18 per 1000 ml with 20 drops equaling one ml. thats saying u would need 20,000 drops to make 18 mgs of nicotine ROFL.

I think i give up.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2008
wow. lol. So everyone is saying different things, kate is saying that its 18mg per ml, which equals roughly 20 drops = 1ml

another person is saying its mg per gram.

and a seller of the stuff is saying mg per 1000ml which means its 18 mg per liter??? That does not sound right to me. How could it be 18 per 1000 ml with 20 drops equaling one ml. thats saying u would need 20,000 drops to make 18 mgs of nicotine ROFL.

I think i give up.
paladinx... don't give up so soon ;)

If you read carefully, you'll see that everyone is saying mostly the same thing.

One says it's mg per ml, and other say it's mg per gram... it's the same thing.
PG density is about 1.04 g/ml, so it means that 1ml of PG = 1.04 grams of PG (not a big difference, don't u think? ).

About the information from the supplier, you can see that the final percents are right, so it's clear to me that it's just a little mistake, and where he wrote "1000ml", he meant "1ml" .

You can use Kate's calculating system :)


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Dec 3, 2008
Yeah you are right i just thought of that as soon as i finished typing my response. he meant 1ml. thank you everyone, and kate as well. Shes knows her stuff!

Its amazing how popular the ecigs seems to be. On any other forum you usually wait a long time for responses. but this forum is very active. I guess people here in the US are clueless. I just found out about these things recently because of some store in the mall selling smoke51's. before that i didnt even know they existed.

thanks again for the help. Im probably asking questions that many have asked before, and its probably redundant for many of you. especially kate. But she still helps regardless.


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Dec 13, 2008
Southern CA, USA
The average amount of nicotine absorbed from a cigarette is 1mg.

Most vapers use 2ml per day.

2x 10mg = 20mg (2ml of juice at 10mg strength is the same as 20x1mg cigs)

There is usually 0.05ml in a drop, 20 drops = 1ml APPROXIMATELY.

2x drops = 0.1ml = 1mg of nic from 10mg juice.

Kate, Have patience with me. The calculations are greek to me. I want to make sure I smoke what equivalent to 1 light cig a day. That would be putting it on a empty cartridge. What do I need to know to figure that out. I don't want to raise the nic level. I will eventually be going lite. I keep being told putting it in the atomizer isn't good. Don't you kind of waste it anyway doing it that way? Do you still use a cartridge when you put it in the atomizer? I looked up the definitions of glycerin and PG. I don't know how much of this goes into our lungs. In lotions, food, etc, it is in tiny amounts. Like someone said on one thread, we're the lab rats. Now I wonder how true that is. Hey, ck. this out: Electric cigarettes in killer shock - doctors
Do they mean vaping? Funny how it doesn't list where the info came from.

I just saw the web sight you listed. I can probably figure it out myself with that? Sorry to bother you if I can. This is why I need to find a way to change to Bug. I bug.
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