Buyer's remorse!

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Jul 14, 2012
Columbus, Ohio
My bf and I originally purchased the e-power 18650 mod ($52 each with batteries) and it helped cut down on analogs but wasn't enough to completely quit. Went back to analogs after about 2 weeks and after about a month of this we decided that we just needed to bite the bullet and purchase VV mods. We purchased 2 "Lambo's" (YJ v2 Lavatubes)from our local BM store at $100 each with batteries since we had decided to "donate" our e-powers to friends to encourage quitting smoking. Loved them for the first week or so but still felt that the power levels weren't very accurate and not really impressed for the money spent. After 4 weeks my bf's tank leaked and some juice got into his mod and the screen went funky, it still worked for about 3 days but eventually died completely. Now I have ordered each of us a Provari for a grand total of $403. This is only for one charger and 2 18490's each, only extra expense I did take was blue LED's on mine since blue is my favorite color and we wanted to be able to tell them apart. I really could have used the other $200 spent on Lavatubes for all the extras (extender caps, 18650's, other colors on the Provari's, a Pila charger, etc.)

Really don't regret buying the e-power's as they got me started and I haven't had a "cigarette" in 5 weeks, but really wish I had just practiced what I preach and bought the Provari upfront. I always say that money spent on a quality product isn't wasted it is invested, but I wanted to get away from cigs as soon as possible and didn't have the money at the time. Now I have run up my credit card anyways to keep from smoking. It is worth it in the long run though to not kill myself with cigs. I spend way more on vaping than smoking, but atleast I have the benefits of vaping instead of smoking:p.


Vaping Master
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Dec 12, 2011
Got to gather the equipment before making the tally :)

Once your purchases are done and you have a nice juice backup stash,the money saved will pile up and uuuuuup.

The health benefits are amazing...see,for an old fart like me,it means no more back aches,95% less joint aches,no more migraines,no more coughing,no more horrid smells,my nose airways are less dry,etc,etc.

Results might be diff for you,but its a win-win.


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Aug 6, 2012
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Don't go into this "on the cheap". This is a major change of lifestyle with many benefits yet to come. Never second guess any cash you have spent on vaping or vaping equipment. You and your wife should get one of those banners that keep track of your progress and money saved. This can be a great hobby. Accumulate, buy sell, trade... have fun with it. The vaping bug bit me real hard. Oh well. I'm having fun and meeting new people. Keep us posted.


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
My bf and I originally purchased the e-power 18650 mod ($52 each with batteries) and it helped cut down on analogs but wasn't enough to completely quit. Went back to analogs after about 2 weeks and after about a month of this we decided that we just needed to bite the bullet and purchase VV mods. We purchased 2 "Lambo's" (YJ v2 Lavatubes)from our local BM store at $100 each with batteries since we had decided to "donate" our e-powers to friends to encourage quitting smoking. Loved them for the first week or so but still felt that the power levels weren't very accurate and not really impressed for the money spent. After 4 weeks my bf's tank leaked and some juice got into his mod and the screen went funky, it still worked for about 3 days but eventually died completely. Now I have ordered each of us a Provari for a grand total of $403. This is only for one charger and 2 18490's each, only extra expense I did take was blue LED's on mine since blue is my favorite color and we wanted to be able to tell them apart. I really could have used the other $200 spent on Lavatubes for all the extras (extender caps, 18650's, other colors on the Provari's, a Pila charger, etc.)

Really don't regret buying the e-power's as they got me started and I haven't had a "cigarette" in 5 weeks, but really wish I had just practiced what I preach and bought the Provari upfront. I always say that money spent on a quality product isn't wasted it is invested, but I wanted to get away from cigs as soon as possible and didn't have the money at the time. Now I have run up my credit card anyways to keep from smoking. It is worth it in the long run though to not kill myself with cigs. I spend way more on vaping than smoking, but atleast I have the benefits of vaping instead of smoking:p.

I made a spreadsheet with my up front and continuing expenses on one side and how much my cigs would have cost me (carton per week) on the other side. At the end of this week I will finally be in the black even after just buying a Vision Vivi Nova this morning. I will continue to track my savings even though I haven't totally quit the cigs yet (down to 3 a day!) I haven't bought a carton in three/four weeks. Still have 7 packs in the last carton I bought OMGosh almost five weeks ago?! (I would buy two at a time every other week). The savings will come in time once you finally find the right system for you. Just keep trying. It's almost a mantra here: don't think about the cigarettes you smoked, think of the cig's you DIDN'T!

Keep Vaping :rickroll:


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Jul 14, 2012
Columbus, Ohio
To clarify on my original post, the only buyer's remorse I have is on spending the money on the LT's instead of just biting the bullet and getting a Provari. I wish I would have followed others' advice and not wasted money building my way up. I do love the Vivi Nova's and didn't spend a fortune getting there so I lucked out there.


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Don't stress over the expense. Use it as another reason to never go back. You will recover your expense in no time by not buying Cigs(x2).

I agree buying the best right away would be nice. Ive spent enough to buy 3 Provari's with accessories in just 45 days. However I've gotten enough nice pieces and juices to keep me going for a long long time.

Now I figure the Provari will be my self reward once I have earned it by staying smoke free for at least 1 yr. Gives me something to look forward to :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2012
Twin Lakes, WI
You will save money, in the long run, if you aren't a collector, hehe.

Lots of people take on the hobby of collecting, so they don't save a whole lot,
but I haven't done that. After 2 months of not smoking cigs, I've spent around
$300 on vaping stuff, and I would have spent well over $550 if I'd been smoking.
And now, I won't be needing to buy anything for a couple months. So there are
savings to be had with vaping, and of course - think of all the health benefits. :laugh:

p.s. After I did my banner, cigs went up another $1 a pack, so I've had to refigure
my savings compared to that.


I made a spreadsheet with my up front and continuing expenses on one side and how much my cigs would have cost me (carton per week) on the other side. At the end of this week I will finally be in the black even after just buying a Vision Vivi Nova this morning.

I did a spreadsheet too! I also put in colors for new juices so I can easily go down the list and count (and I'll eventually update it with a better tracking method). Coupon and discount codes have their own column. I also like to keep track of mg, ml, PG/VG ratios ordered. I haven't broken even yet but I will in a few months. Yeah, I went a little crazy in equipment and juice but I have a nice stash! ;)

But what is priceless to me even moreso than my OWN quit after smoking for 30 years and more important than any money ever will be...I got my 72 year old MOM to quit after she smoked for 57 years!!!!!! I gave my Mom one of my initial Twists and set her up for vaping and continually encourage her and fill up her equipment and check them regularly for her. She never looked back. She loves sour apple vapes. :p

I look at the total and cringe sometimes...but it'll all work out.


Senior Member
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Aug 7, 2012
Western Maryland
To clarify on my original post, the only buyer's remorse I have is on spending the money on the LT's instead of just biting the bullet and getting a Provari. I wish I would have followed others' advice and not wasted money building my way up. I do love the Vivi Nova's and didn't spend a fortune getting there so I lucked out there.

Been there done that :facepalm: I ask myself the same ? why didnt I just get the ProVair :ohmy:


Ultra Member
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Sep 7, 2012
Dallas, Texas
Yea I did a bit of that. I use to get ticked at my dad for buying on the cheap and getting upset when the tool or what ever failed. I did not do too bad. I should have looked for this forum and done some homework. I do not regret going to vaping and now that my purchase are stabilizing to juice and rebuild stuff I expect to see the savings. But don't forget the real savings is the wear and tear on your body and that i priceless. We are already way ahead on savings.


Vaping Master
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Apr 1, 2012
San Diego CA
Almost all of us have been down that rode! Its just human nature Provaris are expensive theirs no getting around it. I remember thinking they are nuts for wanting that much! Now I didn't bat an eye shelling out 250 for a IHYbird a few weeks ago. cross your fingers and hope the mod bug stops at the Provari with you;-)


Vaping Master
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Aug 27, 2011
Philadelphia Burbs
My first kit cost only $175 with a carto supply that I was told would last me for 4 months. 1 week later I was wondering why my cartomizers only lasted 4 hours instead of 1 week each as promised by my trustworthly local mall vendor. If I hadn't bought those horrible little automatic cigs, I wouldn't have found ECF nor quit smoking.

In retrospect, it's the best $200 investment that I ever made. Would do it again. I don't smoke. Still can't believe it when I say it.

Soo.... congratulations on your bad investment. It's the best bad investment you'll ever make.
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