Brand New eGoTXL Questions

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steve in sc

Full Member
Oct 16, 2011
Greetings all!

I've been vaping for two years with a Janty Kissbox Extended system I bought when stationed in South Korea. It works great. I dumped analogs the day I bought it and have not looked back. I had an auto switch go bad and an atty fail recently which led me to decide to upgrade to some new stuff. I went ahead and purchased the Janty eGo Tank XL. Ordered two new bottles of 16mg Strawberry PG (same stuff I've been using for 2 years). It came to my mailbox yesterday and I immediately charged up the batteries and filled a tank. That's where the problem starts... The draw is easy, has tons and tons of vapor but zero flavor and that sickening burnt flavor with zero TH.

I suspected the new juice based on the complaints I've read all over the site so I filled a brand new Kissbox cart with the new juice and it vapes great, tastes just like the original juice I bought in Korea. It has an excellent TH and normal amounts of vapor for the Kissbox (just like it's always been since I bought it). The new eGoTXL though, not so much. Again, I get tons of vapor but zero TH and zero flavor with nothing but a vapor cloud and a burnt taste.

What the heck is going on here? Gotta' be something simple or something I'm simply missing.

Any assistance is appreciated!

steve in sc


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Oct 24, 2011

steve in sc

Full Member
Oct 16, 2011

Ya'all are great! I really appreciate the responses. Late yesterday I got to thinking about the parts when I took them out of the plastic and remembered seeing some really small droplets inside the atty. Soooo.... I took the tank off and drew on the bare atty till it quit putting off vapor. It took quite a bit to clean it out and finally, that nasty taste is gone. I'm sure you're right on spot for the wick adjustment as well. Taste is now great but I can tell it needs more flow.

I thank you again for the info and links. You guys are great! I'm off to watch them and get this tank system rockin' and rollin'.

steve in sc
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