Boycott British Petroleum?

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Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2010
Fla Panhandle, USA
Tonight, Michael Smerconish, filling in for vacationing Ed Schwartz, made a commentary on "The Ed Show" concerning the boycotting of British Petroleum in the USA.

I'm not taking part in the boycott. Well, that's because I've never been one of their regular customers and see no reason to start patronizing them now. I believe most of the BP stations are independently operated, and a boycott hurts them more than it does BP. But, how do you feel about it?

Here's a transcript of the commentary from Smerconish, in bold font:

Today, Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen announced that, since the beginning of June, oil skimming capacity in the Gulf of Mexico has increased from 100 to 550 vessels, and more than 750 skimmers will be at work by mid July.

The announcement was in response to mounting complaints that volunteers and offers of help were being ignored by both the government and by BP. Of course, for BP, rampant criticism is nothing new.

There are even plenty of calls for a boycott of the company. A "Boycott BP" Facebook page has more than 760,000 supporters. I'm not one of them!

Now, I want to make this crystal clear: I am no fan of BP. They have bungled the whole operation from the beginning ... it's their mess! But, a boycott is not the answer.

And, here's why: BP still has to plug that damn leak, clean up the oil on our coastline, and deal with thousands of legal claims from people affected by the spill. If the company goes under before that happens, the federal government will have to deal with all of it. And that means our tax dollars will go to pay for BP's mess. And, President Obama has admitted that the feds don't have the resources or the expertise to get it done.

Another reason not to boycott BP, the company is one of the only oil giants not operating in the middle east. Not originating in the middle east. If BP fails, its business will likely fall to its competitors. Which means, the US would become even more dependent on oil from a very dangerous and unstable region. We could end up indirectly funding groups that want to harm americans.

Hopefully, the oil spill will be the wake-up call we need to finally kick our dependence on foreign oil. But, a boycott of BP is not the answer. It puts our tax dollars on the line and our safety at risk.

So, ultimately, we can pay at the pump now, or pay the piper later. I chose to fill up my tank at a BP Pump.

I might've made this a poll, but my first and only attempt to do a poll on ECF didn't work and I don't know what the problem was. So, just wondering how y'all feel about the BP boycotters. And, if you're presently boycotting, how you feel about the commentary.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 26, 2009
Detroit Rock City
I started a simlar thread wondering about the boycott myself. I will not be going to BP stations. I'm still supporting local business no matter what station I go to. It's my money, I'll spend it where I want.

And I'm skeptical of this claim. BP has a long history in the middle east. Check out their history with Iran.

Another reason not to boycott BP, the company is one of the only oil giants not operating in the middle east. Not originating in the middle east.
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