Bloog Product and service.

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2011
Dont think anybodys gonna try that with me, with all the ranting ive done here, with out getting adjustmentslapped, this q prob wont get a big responce..:closedeyes: anywhoo was just wondering..

Hey Michelle its always good to hear from you :) Any luck on getting those replacements that Leaford talked about?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2010
...... It could also be seen as a heads up to Bloog "Earn our business or lose it"
We understand CNY and growing pains but if you (seemingly) abandon your forum to us we'll
use it to our benefit,or in some cases abuse it.
It also (appears) that Leaford is the only one trying to hold up his end of things and while I
respect Leaford he can't do it all by himself.If problems and concerns are taken care of soon enough
then Bloog will have a helluva business on their hands,if not then the older hands here know that the chinese are all about the sales and will find other distributors,and we of course will find other vendors,especially if they are less expensive or have cheaper shipping.

This is all just my own opinion I'm sure others will differ

You won't see me disagreeing with anything you have stated. I agree wholeheartedly. I'm not sure the message is getting across however. Sigh... :facepalm:

Chloe Bruissardt

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 14, 2011
Wild, wild west
I'm new on this thread, but I've been reading most of them for quite awhile now. I have to say, I LOVE the Maxx Fusion, and it's gotten me off of analogs, thanks to Papa Bloog's previous endorsements. I've recently tried the Go Go as a backup, but keep going back to my Bloog. I've had hit and miss experiences with customer service, but it's generally been good, although I understand what many are talking about.

I think it's getting better, though, as I just ordered a couple more batteries and a charger for backup on Tuesday, and I got an e-mail confirmation on Wednesday, and they were sent out today, Thursday! (Well, yesterday, now.) Didn't expect that. Plus, the blank cartos that were on backorder should be here tomorrow. Sorry, folks, but when they called me to say they were out, I said keep it on my credit card and send them when you get them. Thank God I did, as they were out again in two days! Apparently there was a list. Chris has been very nice, and did answer the phone and my e-mail, and I'm talking recently.

I'm still waiting on exchanges for a bad regular PCC and carrying case, (PCC fried, and anyone else have a really stinky carrying case?), but Chris said they have me down for that as well, when they come in. I'm glad they're starting to listen to everyone here, and that they're back on the forum. I, for one, am giving them all the time they need to come through, because they want to, and I want their product! I can wait. Hang in there, everyone, it will get better. If it doesn't, I ordered extra batts, just in case, ha! I just have faith in them, so I'm going to give them all the time they need. So far, so good, except the cases. We'll see about those. I'm carrying things around in their little cardboard boxes for the last two months! Just my 2 cents.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2010
We're trying Slim, we're trying...

Leaford, it is great that you are back, and I truly know that you are working hard and doing your best. My comment about the message not getting across was not referring to you. If you saw my recent post under the update thread you'll know that I think you are trying to take on too much by yourself, and that I don't think you should have to deal with all the customer service issues. You are in China after all, and your plate has got to be overflowing with all the dealings with the manufacturer, product development, and restocking efforts, not to mention keeping up with the technical questions and concerns here.

And I know that efforts are being made at Bloog to improve customer service issues, etc. I am willing to wait for the website upgrades, and the out-of stock and customer service issues to get resolved because I see improvement in those areas, and know that steps are being taken to resolve those problems.

What I don't see is a better presence here by anyone other than you. As someone else has said, your absence for a while was more understandable. You had a lot of catching up to do after CNY and have been very busy researching and testing the cartomizer issues. I understand Toni had a family matter she needed to attend to. Why no one else (in the U.S.) from Bloog stepped in during her necessary absence, or at the very least posted a short message explaining the reason no one from Bloog would be around for a while,.....well I think by now most know how I and many others felt about that.

Lots of the issues need time to be resolved. Having someone else besides you communicating better with customers on this sub-forum seems to be something that could be taken care of fairly quickly. The importance of doing so is the message I don't think is getting through to anyone else at Bloog besides you.

So, thank you for all you are doing; I hope someone from Bloog steps up to help you out here.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
Still think q's about other vendors should be on the general forum, the vendors follow those too you know, so think doing it here, is like mocking them... Try going to totallyW and doing it!! haha you'd be thrown out of there so fast...

Ya ive been promised replacements for my dodgy items...With is top notch customer service! But slim is right. Why is it Leaford that comes through and promises me replacements? He shouldnt have to do that.. But hey, for me its semantics, im just happy if i get some working stuff..
Let me tell you a little story-.. hehe
I bought a pcc kit last year, from another vendor. The batts soundactivate.. The cartos were.. hmm the first one was ok, the rest crap.. Loved the pcc though. Cig pack with indicator for pccbatt life.
After a month, 1 batt died.. I wrote to them that i thought they should cut that brand kr8 cus its not up to standards..And if i could get a replacement?
Answer, well theres only a 2 week garantee, but ok ill send you a new batt. Yipee i thought.. Since i knew they also had kanger batts, i wrote that he would be my star if he sent one of those instead. And the next day the other batt died, so i told them that too.... And wrote that if the new ones died after a month i wouldnt complain again, but just stay away from that brand..(because i felt i had to do a little asskissing, so they didnt think i was one of those who repeatedly tries to score free stuff)
If it had been my business, I would have sent that custormer 2 new kanger batts.
I got 1 of the bad ones. it died within a week.. I didnt bother to contact them again.. They should stick with kanger..


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 5, 2009
Smithville, Missouri, United States
Am i the only one who thinks it a tad bit odd to ask for help finding other vendors on the Bloog subforum? Just asking.. wasnt it more appropriate to do that in the general kr8 forum?

No, you're not. And if someone asked about the Bloog on the other supplier's forum, they'd be run out of town in short order.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2011
+1 What she said...(especially about the quick heads up)
Leaford, it is great that you are back, and I truly know that you are working hard and doing your best. My comment about the message not getting across was not referring to you. If you saw my recent post under the update thread you'll know that I think you are trying to take on too much by yourself, and that I don't think you should have to deal with all the customer service issues. You are in China after all, and your plate has got to be overflowing with all the dealings with the manufacturer, product development, and restocking efforts, not to mention keeping up with the technical questions and concerns here.

And I know that efforts are being made at Bloog to improve customer service issues, etc. I am willing to wait for the website upgrades, and the out-of stock and customer service issues to get resolved because I see improvement in those areas, and know that steps are being taken to resolve those problems.

What I don't see is a better presence here by anyone other than you. As someone else has said, your absence for a while was more understandable. You had a lot of catching up to do after CNY and have been very busy researching and testing the cartomizer issues. I understand Toni had a family matter she needed to attend to. Why no one else (in the U.S.) from Bloog stepped in during her necessary absence, or at the very least posted a short message explaining the reason no one from Bloog would be around for a while,.....well I think by now most know how I and many others felt about that.

Lots of the issues need time to be resolved. Having someone else besides you communicating better with customers on this sub-forum seems to be something that could be taken care of fairly quickly. The importance of doing so is the message I don't think is getting through to anyone else at Bloog besides you.

So, thank you for all you are doing; I hope someone from Bloog steps up to help you out here.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Leaford, it is great that you are back, and I truly know that you are working hard and doing your best. My comment about the message not getting across was not referring to you. If you saw my recent post under the update thread you'll know that I think you are trying to take on too much by yourself, and that I don't think you should have to deal with all the customer service issues. You are in China after all, and your plate has got to be overflowing with all the dealings with the manufacturer, product development, and restocking efforts, not to mention keeping up with the technical questions and concerns here.

And I know that efforts are being made at Bloog to improve customer service issues, etc. I am willing to wait for the website upgrades, and the out-of stock and customer service issues to get resolved because I see improvement in those areas, and know that steps are being taken to resolve those problems.

What I don't see is a better presence here by anyone other than you. As someone else has said, your absence for a while was more understandable. You had a lot of catching up to do after CNY and have been very busy researching and testing the cartomizer issues. I understand Toni had a family matter she needed to attend to. Why no one else (in the U.S.) from Bloog stepped in during her necessary absence, or at the very least posted a short message explaining the reason no one from Bloog would be around for a while,.....well I think by now most know how I and many others felt about that.

Lots of the issues need time to be resolved. Having someone else besides you communicating better with customers on this sub-forum seems to be something that could be taken care of fairly quickly. The importance of doing so is the message I don't think is getting through to anyone else at Bloog besides you.

So, thank you for all you are doing; I hope someone from Bloog steps up to help you out here.
Thanks, Slim, I appreciate the support. And I do think my colleagues are getting the message, and will be joining us here soon.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2011
Am i the only one who thinks it a tad bit odd to ask for help finding other vendors on the Bloog subforum? Just asking.. wasnt it more appropriate to do that in the general kr8 forum?

Just wanted to say sorry if I offended the Bloog crowd by asking about other suppliers here. Bloog is the only PV I've ever purchased and having a problem getting product from them... this place seemed like the right place to vent.
If you got offended when I asked about other suppliers of the same product I can only say I'm sorry and please put down the kool-aide


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2010
I like the Maxxfusion and cartos. I refill them myself. But the customer service is just terrible. So I am going to change products. Considering I am pretty happy with the product can any one suggest a similar product from a more reliable company?

On 3/7/11 I placed order at Bloog, OnestopDIY, and Bluemist. Well a couple of days after the other orders came in Bloog still hadn't. So I sent an email via there website asking when it had shipped.
This is their reply (3/11/11)"We tried calling you earlier this week, but couldn’t reach you for some reason. We wanted to let you know that we are out of stock on the Red Batteries and wanted to see if you would like to switch it to a Black or White one. Please advise and we will ship it out right away for you."

So it may be feasible that they are not lying but they left no voice mail and searching through the caller ID log shows no numbers I can't account (unknown callers and blocked numbers and such).

I wrote them back on 3-12-11 to state I wanted the black and to please ship it. Never received a reply. I sent them another email today... guess it is too much to hope for a reply....

Help me find a better supplier!!!

me too! im almost done with bloog.
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