Best carto for the glv2??

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Aug 22, 2010
sierra nevada foothills, ca
So I am crunching some number using an ohms law calculator and I keep getting like 12 watts+ output with the numbers I'm using. (3-3.2 ohm carto and 1 ohm resistor for 4-4.2 ohms of resistance, 7.2v battery output) is this right or am I missing something? Also isn't 12 watts too hot? Anyone know what the best wattage is for optimal enjoyment? So would a higher resistance carto be better? Right now I have some boge cartos from litecig. I think they're around 3 ohm (not sure maybe someone can tell me that too?) anyhow just trying to get the best setup for my glv when it arrives. Thanx.
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