Bedazzle Glass Tubes

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2011
Oshkosh, WI
I can. There is a place to create an album in your media gallery under your profile and link to photos from there. They post medium sized then. I haven't figured it out yet and don't remember how I did it the first time around. It's kinda frustrating.
I found Media but this comes up.
E-Cigarette Forum - Error
You do not have permission to view media.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2011
Oshkosh, WI
Ha, ha. Wonder how a person gets "permission"? Gotta luv new forum pains. I have no idea how I got 2 pictures upload to my gallery. I couldn't do it again when I tried. Life moves on.

I sent you a 'conversation'.
Made me laugh when I read about you trying to redo what you did the first time.
I’m hoping ECF will get things straighten out and they make it a bit easier to post pics.
Did you guys see my 2nd thread to post pics?
I named it Pics needed—————-Bedazzle Glass Tubes. Have to told you guys I hate promoting myself?


I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
Supporting Member
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Jan 25, 2011
Made me laugh when I read about you trying to redo what you did the first time.
I’m hoping ECF will get things straighten out and they make it a bit easier to post pics.
Did you guys see my 2nd thread to post pics?
I named it Pics needed—————-Bedazzle Glass Tubes. Have to told you guys I hate promoting myself?

Nope, I didn't see it? Can you link it please, Kathy?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2011
Oshkosh, WI
NO! Not wrong at all! I just didn't want to step on your (glass) toes!
Be my guess and start stepping on my glass.
:rickroll:CatCat is coming to visit today. I’ve been sick all week and finally feel much better. I love my grand babies but I don’t like what they give me…


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 2, 2013
Thanks Ty anyone using Safari?

I still can not check out. I get the error that Safari can not establish secure connection with server at Bedazzle Glass Tubes - Bedazzle Glass Tubes - which has always seemed odd since the website I was coming from established the same connection (as far as I know). There's a couple links at the bottom that just don't do anything. I'm on an old version of Safari (still haven't upgraded my OS) 5.1 that's not supported anymore.

Using the same link as above, I can go right into the site without a problem. So I tend to think the issue might be me not getting a secured connection??? Idk. This stuff can baffle me. It's a weird glitch that I haven't run into before.

I'd be glad to post a pic once I can buy one. :thumb:
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