Bait & Switch Law w/SmokeStik? Is There A Lawyer In The House?

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Aug 27, 2009
Southern California
Did you not read her last post? She reached a resolution she could live with.

You were quite condescending in your post and I don't get it, especially if you had read the whole thread. Smokestik USED to sell carts with nicotine...they changed to no-nic but didn't let current users know. I had to go to their website to verify the change. At one point, the FAQ still had a question regarding the nicotine.

So, are you a troll for ASH?????

I see nothing in my post that is condescending.
Neither do I feel any compelling need to make 998 posts in 90 days.

OP joined ECF in September and on Sep 4th created a complaint thread in the subforum Smokestix, which contains a direct link to the Smokestix website, (Sep 4, chemistry changed?) complaining about 'dry' carts and detailing that she had made Smokestix send her free carts several times. Also at one point asking if nicotine was 'poisonous' and expressing interest in learning how to refill the 4081, but didnt' know about ejuice and couldn't navigate NHaler's site. [Duh! lol] OP says in this thread she started Smokestik in April and had been lurking at the forum for some time before registering. Now I don't know about you, but if I had a 4081 since April, and I'd been lurking at this forum for quite some time, I think I'd already know how to navigate vendor sites and refill carts, especially if I had managed to find my way to a particular vendors subforum and knew how to start threads.

An entry on Sep 22, from Smokestix, on the Sep 4th thread, stated that they were still providing nic-carts but working their new non-nic line into place. OP admitted in the Sep 4th thread and also in this thread, that Smokestix has bent over backwards to make her happy. Yet, instead of letting it go and moving on to more pleasant pursuits, OP starts another thread, this time under the Law-and-the-E-Cigarette subforum, alluding to 'busting' Smokestix and directly soliciting a Lawsuit against Smokestix, now claiming a cause of action because the new carts are non-nic.

If the issue was solved, why start another thread in a different subforum to escallate the issue?

since this thread is still here, one can assume that the creator still has not asked the moderators to delete it as a overreaction or thinking-out-loud moment that was already covered in the Sep 4th 'chemistry changed' Smokestix subforum post. Instead, it remains, in a Law and the E-Cigarette subforum, unlocked and undeleted, as a magnet that continues to cast a negative glow, not only on Smokestix's positive efforts to provide a LEGAL smoking substitute that conforms with current FDA rulings, but also on the e-cigarette industry as a whole.

Perhaps you should reevaluate your criteria regarding characteristics of trollish behavior. Just a thought.

Hope this helps!
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