Bad Tasting Atties

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What is the normal lifespan of an RN4072 atty? How do you know when to replace it?

I use two atties on a daily basis - one for each of my two favorite flavors. After three weeks, they start to taste bad - like burnt plastic. They still vape just fine. I just can't stand the taste. I tried cleaning them with coke, everclear and crest pro. That gets me about one extra cart's worth of vaping, then it tastes bad again.

It's weird, because my first set of atties did this after three weeks too. I'm wondering if this is their normal life span. I thought atties were done for when they quit producing vapor. I have never heard of this taste problem.

I like the RN4072 better than my Blucig, for many reasons - but Blu atties last forever. I have some that are six months old and still good as new. I think it would get expensive replacing atomizers all the time, and the reason I am vaping instead of smoking is to save money.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Edited to add: I use mostly Dekang juice and occasionally My Freedom Smokes or DIY Flavor Shack juices with a few drops of Flavor Art flavors.
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Oct 21, 2008
Portsmouth, UK
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