Back to analogs. need help finding cruilty-free vegan DIY supplies.

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 29, 2012
Sorry long. Thanks in advance.

I know some of you know a ton about e-juice, so I'm asking which companies you think I should ask my questions to. I'm back smoking (vegan, cruilty-free American Spirit) and hate it so much.

Please show some consideration for someone who's back on cigarettes and not derail this thread with a debate or opposition to veganism. We can start a debate in the off topic forum if you'd like.

I previously found vegan juice but might have asked something like "is this product linked to any animal testing?" and the vendor would just answer no as if they themselves don't animal test, instead of how you'll see I ask about animal testing now and other parts of my definition may have changed.

I asked the following questions to three juice vendors. Two didn't reply and the third said some of their juice meets my definion but said that there are no animal studied as far as they know, which I wouldn't vape because of an indefinite answer. So hopefully I can DIY.

The materials I want and am asking which suppliers you think will meet my definition:
-VG and PG
-broad range of flavors and hopefully at least one tobacco extract that taste sort of like a cigarette and not a cigar or pipe like the one I had did.
-nicotine base
-throat hit

I won't consume anything that doesn't meet my current vegan definition. I'm picking away one thing at a time to hopefully omit everything I can that doesn't meet my definition, i.e. eventually 'is the dye to make thes blue jeans linked to animal tests", etc etc. soap, cleaning stuff, basically everything that makes sense. I make a list of products to stick to and re-ask the same questions about a year later to make sure nothing's changed. I wouldn't even eat at a vegan restaurant or eat something with the vegan logo on the package without confirmation of my definition. It can have the vegan logo and still be linked to animal tests and vice versa. I can't just read labels and consider it vegan if there are no animal-derived ingredients listed because they can use them to manufacture the product and sometimes don't have to be listed in ingredients. Bone char for sugar is a well known one, and there are others like isinglass (fish bladders) used to filter vinegar/apple juice/etc. Vinegar eels, L-cysteine (duck feathers and human hair) possibly being in flours, synthetic enrichments possibly being animal-derived or tested on animals, etc, etc.

Anyway, The questions I asked three juice vendors without success:

I'd like to know if your e-juice meets my definition of Vegan.
Please e-mail me at

Below, I list the exact e-juice mixes of what I'd like answers for.
If it's not too much work, please answer for more than just the mixes I list. In other words, if it's not too much trouble, please answer if all or 'all of your flavors besides these...' meet the definition.

Please don't respond with only a partial answer. I'll ask for the rest of the answers. If you can't answer, please relay the questions to a supervisor or someone who can.

Please don't assume any answers. I've had popular juice vendors tell me that some of their juice isn't vegan.

You would have to ask these questions to your suppliers for PG, VG, the flavor extracts, any added menthol or sweetener, and any other ingredients like coloring etc in the final e-juice mix that I don't list because I don't know it's added. Or just tell me the suppliers and the exact products and I'll email them.

In other words, you can just copy & paste my questions to the suppliers of each ingredient used for the mixes I'm asking about (and ask if the questions apply to all or some of their flavors so I'd be able to choose other flavors from them). For example, if I'm asking about an e-juice with VG base, a flavor from Flavor West, and an Ethyl Alcohol throat hit, you can relay these questions to the suppliers and note the specific product of the mixes I'm asking about and they'll ask their manufacturer these questions:

-Are there any animal-derived ingredients in this product? I'm not counting fossil fuel animals. I do count honey.

-Are any animal-derived products used to help manufacture this product? For example, sometimes Isinglass, egg, or dairy products are used to filter some liquids like apple juice and wine. I'm not counting something like animal-derived grease/rubber being a part of any machinery used to help manufacture this product- I'm asking if any animal-derived products are used to directly help process the product. I don't count things like animal-derived fertelizer to grow a plant that ends up as a flavor extract or base to breach the definition.

-Is this product linked to any animal testing? For example, the final product might not be tested, but it might contain ingredients from other suppliers who animal test and you'd have to find out through them. If the supplier of your PG is Dow and their last animal testing was 1995, then I'd still vape that PG. I'm not counting animal testing of pesticides used to grow a plant which ends up being something like a fruit extract or base to breach the definition.

These are the e-juice mixes I'm asking about at least:

And then I listed some mixes.

Side note, I know it sounds contradictory to almost say it's okay for the rubber/grease/etc of machinery to be animal-derived but not okay if any animal-derived ingredients are used to directly help process the product. But as said, I'm picking away one thing at a time and my main focus still only beign into this about a year is things I consume or put on my body like soap, toothpaste, clothes, etc.
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ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
too expensive, thanks anyway.
$10 for 30ml or DIY is budget.
Forgot to mention, hope it's all USA-sourced.

No offense, but with your parameters, you're either going to have to bite the bullet with costs or some other bullet. Good luck on vegan, American sourced, animal friendly, cheap juice. Not trying to be snarky, but making sure you're aware that you have effectively put yourself into a position where if there is a place, it is likely to be only one, if you can find that.

DIY section may be able to help you.


Ultra Member
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Feb 20, 2013
too expensive, thanks anyway.
$10 for 30ml or DIY is budget.
Forgot to mention, hope it's all USA-sourced.

Yeah I doubt you'll find cheap, all-vegan, USA-based eliquid companies who would be willing to thoroughly investigate and respond to all of your concerns. I assume if such a company existed, they would advertise the crap out of it all over their homepage and most of us would have an answer off the top of our head immediately.

Tbh, finding 10$ or less per 30ml is considered 'budget juice' as-is, and if you are as selective as you say you are regarding your diet, you should know very well that such high quality ingredients symbiotically or inevitably translates into a higher price. Perhaps copy/pasting this thread into the DIY section would help.


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
Yeah I doubt you'll find cheap, all-vegan, USA-based eliquid companies who would be willing to thoroughly investigate and respond to all of your concerns. I assume if such a company existed, they would advertise the crap out of it all over their homepage and most of us would have an answer off the top of our head immediately.

Tbh, finding 10$ or less per 30ml is considered 'budget juice' as-is, and if you are as selective as you say you are regarding your diet, you should know very well that such high quality ingredients symbiotically or inevitably translates into a higher price. Perhaps copy/pasting this thread into the DIY section would help.

That's one of the things with being so selective, as I am with many things, you virtually can't bargain shop.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2011
too expensive, thanks anyway.
$10 for 30ml or DIY is budget.
Forgot to mention, hope it's all USA-sourced.

Ok I'll try again without the vitriol. If you seriously want to to stop smoking look into what may be the only possible option with your list of demands. Even at their price it's cheaper than cigarettes, if you really want to quit.

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Cycles Gladiator

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2013
Portland, OR
Sorry long. Thanks in advance.
I know some of you know a ton about e-juice, so I'm asking which companies you think I should ask my questions to. I'm back smoking (vegan, cruilty-free American Spirit) and hate it so much.

I think you have confused additive-free with cruelty-free. Reynolds American owns American Spirit and they do a ton of animal testing. I won't get into the vegan thing - but if that is truly your lifestyle then I would pay the extra for vaping if I could find a company that met my selective-ness. Not to mention 2nd hand smoke can harm other humans - hopefully having the vegan mind set will get you to switch - no more supporting animal abusers or hurting those around you. Good luck with your search.


Equine Disrespect
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 3, 2012
Jarhead City
too expensive, thanks anyway.
$10 for 30ml or DIY is budget.
Forgot to mention, hope it's all USA-sourced.

$10 for 30ml is not an outrageous price.

I'm not sure what sort of animal testing or whatever you believe happens. The effects of nicotine are well documented without that being required. It also seems to me that animal ingredients have an undesirable risk of spoilage.

In any case, if you wonder why they won't respond, it's probably because you take the same tone with these vendors as you do with us, even those of us who care enough to try to help you with your list of requirements.


Equine Disrespect
ECF Veteran
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Jun 3, 2012
Jarhead City
also, the makers of American spirit like to cut dog's throats and make them inhale smoke through tubes, according to one of those vegan sites.

radically vegan, Why isn't smoking vegan?

Seems like even non-vegan juice would be kinder. I don't imagine the folks at EBC or MBV or anywhere doing this.

Have a nice day.


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Feb 2, 2013
Farmersville, Texas


Senior Member
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Mar 8, 2013
If you're having trouble getting the answers you seek (and I imagine you do), it's because you're 1 customer lost if they don't take their time to respond. As we all know time is money. Vegans (and especially one with standards as high as yours) are going to be such a small percentage of their income, they likely won't bother taking the time to help you out.

With that said, for the standards you're trying to meet, expect to pay more money.

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Super Member
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Nov 9, 2011
Kent, UK
I fear your may be on a wild goose chase here... it's a sad part of today's society that ethics increase financial cost. Another problem is that by making one ethical choice, it may be at the expense of another (putting those poor, poor tobacco companies out of business!). If you do find anything tho, please let us know! It'd be interesting to know if there are super-ethical ecig products out there. Good luck


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 16, 2012
Just looked at that and it was started by this same OP ......why ask the question here again just a few months later?? I know it's early but what am I missing here??:unsure:

I didn't even notice that. Weird. And obviously not very helpful in that case, haha.

Edited to add: After reading about this, American Spirits don't seem any more cruelty free than other analogs. Yes, they are free of animal product additives, but they are owned by RJ Reynolds, and any money you spend on them goes right back into the animal testing the parent company does. There is no such thing as a cruelty free cigarette. If you are going to support animal testing and non vegan products, you may as well support juice vendors instead.

I am not judging you, I was vegan for many years and never once gave up my cigarettes. Addiction is a heck of a thing.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2012
Personally, I would go to the very basic of the basics. Find a direct manufacturer of PG, and ask them. Find a direct manufacturer of VG, then ask them. Then go for the nicotine. Once you find those three (or even two), it should give you enough to get started. The taste might not (won't) be exciting, but it will give you enough of a start to get off the tobacco. I don't care what kind of tobacco you use - it's not vegan-friendly. Even if it's not tested on animals, it's helping to kill and hurt humans (including you) and we're animals too.

Included in this, remember that while you are using the brand, you are helping to support it, which is making it easier for the brand to be used among others who smoke around pets.
Having said that, I really hope you find what you're looking for. :)
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