Back and Forth on Analogs (long post)

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ECF Veteran
Aug 18, 2010
A little more than a month ago, I decided to get an electronic cigarette. It's a pen style, and came with 2 batteries, 2 atties, a charger, and a 15mL bottle of liquid, all for a little under a hundred bucks after tax. Started using it right away, and didn't smoke analogs after getting it. Through away my lose tobacco, my papers, filters, etc (I rolled smokes to save money).

I had cravings for a week, wanting a real cig. That quickly went away. I was really enjoying my e-cig, and the vapor juice is very high quality. Great throat hit, flavor, and lots of vapor.

Then I ran out of liquid, and was broke. I freaked out, and bummed a smoke. Choked on it a little, as it tasted nasty. Then I scrounged for change and bought a pack. I felt so darn defeated, once again. I have quit so many times, and I HATE the guilt of buying a pack after quitting. Feel like a loser and a failure.

So payday rolled around, got some more liquid, 2 bottles. Loving it, and enjoying it, I puffed away and then a few days before payday almost 2 weeks later, I ran out of liquid. Again. Then, again, I buy tobacco because I didnt have enough to get a bottle of liquid. I felt horrible all over again. I hate that feeling, and never want to feel that again.

So, I bought some e-liquid from a different place, the local gas station. They have some liquid from a company in Spokane, WA (which isn't that far from Sandpoint, ID) and they have a $5 5mL bottle, so I grabbed one at Low nicotine level. I dropped some directly onto my atty, and took a drag. It was OK, but definitely low quality.

5 hours later, and the bottle is almost gone. It's watery, it dries out my mouth, and it just nasty. And it vapes away so fast that I have to re-drip after one hit! Well, after I started feeling sick (and not nicotine sick), I call The Vapor Depot to see what he says (the guy that originally sold me the e-cigs). He said that Spokane Juice is being sued because of their liquid, because it has made people sick and even caused mouth sores. They cut it with water and alcohol (hence the watery appearance and dry mouth effect). He told me to stop using it. The health department in Washington is apparently trying to stop Spokane Juice from selling their nasty junk.

So, I am sitting here, smoking a real cig, hating myself with every drag. It sucks that I am so weak that I can't wait until my order from FreedomeSmokeUSA to arrive, so I smoke real cigs. Their liquid should be here on Saturday, possibly Monday. The guy a the vapor depot, Ryan, said he has like 10mL left in one of his bottles that he uses for testers and that I can buy it off him tomorrow. Ryan is amazing. Extremely knowledgeable and doesn't pressure people into buying products. He just lets you try it and if you like it, you buy it.

Anyway, I hope anyone that is just starting e-cigs takes my warning seriously: find that good e-liquid, and STOCK UP. STOCK UP. STOCK UP. You could relapse back to analogs if you run out of liquid. Not everyone is as weak as I am, but just be prepared.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
I have to agree. Running out of juice is probably gonna drive 98% of us back to analogs. I have my stock, about 30 bottles of various flavors. That should be enough to last a while. The same goes for spare parts. You don't want to lose your last atty, keep an extra or some carto's on hand for "just in case". I think all veterans would agree.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 18, 2010
SW Iowa
You also might want to consider doing a little DIY stuff. I bought a jug of PG at the local farm store for $25/gallon. Supposedly you can get VG at Walmart and drug stores, but I've been unsuccessful at that. If you're losing low nic juice anyway, you could buy a high nic content of a very strong juice and then dilute it down with the PG or VG to stretch until payday. Some people have even said they just vaped the PG and VG. Or you could experiment with making your own flavors. I think it might cost another $10-$15 for flavorings, but $35 for a gallon of juice is still a pretty good price, especially if it keeps you from feeling bad because you had to have a cigarette.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
Welcome to ECF, sgtdisturbed.

You're not weak. How do you think most of us got here? If we could just quit cold turkey, we probably would, and when we have mechanical failures or run out of juice, guess what we do?

Stocking up is a good idea. I know what it's like to be on a very restrictive budget - I rolled my own with bulk tobacco. It'll take me another month just to break even. So I feel your pain.

You should look into making DIY juice. It's very cheap, and you know exactly what's in what you're vaping.


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ECF Veteran
I live in Clark Fork and buy all my juice on the internet. The stuff at the Bonner Mall is overpriced ($20 for 20 ml and on the internet is less than $15 for 30 ml). I stopped at an e-cig store on Hwy 95 in CDA--asked the kid where he got his juice from and he got very evasive all of a sudden (his juice was expensive, too). He knew absolutely nothing about e-cigs. I was surprised, although I don't know why since that's generally the "mall" experience described by many on this forum. I've always used the internet for all purchases and I recommend that to you. You can use the internet for free at the library in Sandpoint if you don't have it at home. Just sayin...

Also, I'd guess MOST of us would go back to cigarettes if we couldn't vape, so I have a big stash at my house so that doesn't happen. Good luck to you.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
I also want to point you to the Wants and Needs Thread.......I have been lurking there and the people always seem willing to help out when folks are in need. Just a thought.

Yup. I've gotten pretty involved in the PIF group for the past few weeks, and they're a great bunch. I try to give back what I can, because they've helped me out in a bind so much.

If you're low on juice, we'll take care of you. All we ask is that when you see someone in need and you can, that you do the same.
I don't know what I would do if I ran out of juice. I know that I would return to analogs if I couldn't vape. Don't beat yourself up about smoking - there are many of us who would probably do the same thing.

Also, tried to send you a PM, but I can't. Maybe because your new? If you can (or when you can) PM me...I have something for you!
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2010
Sydney, Australia
I have to agree. Running out of juice is probably gonna drive 98% of us back to analogs. I have my stock, about 30 bottles of various flavors. That should be enough to last a while. The same goes for spare parts. You don't want to lose your last atty, keep an extra or some carto's on hand for "just in case". I think all veterans would agree.

Totally agree with this. I just received a shipment of 200 carto's that should keep me going for a while. I also have about 16 bottles of juice with more on the way :D

also a good idea to have lots of spare batteries. I have 3 rivas and 3 510's. I also have a car charger, 2 x wall chargers and 2 x fast usb chargers. There is nothing worse than a battery going dead and having no back up


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 18, 2010
Thanks for the reply guys, and it's nice to see that there is someone local to me on this forum.

I did buy some liquid, about 70mL worth, from FreedomSmokeUSA, so that will definitely tide me over for a while. I'm also about to buy a couple of adapters, and a couple of 510 atomizers. I might get a Joye 510 kit and have those batteries as a backup for the 510 attys.

Thanks for the support guys, it's much appreciated.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Aug 28, 2010
Toronto, ON
Yeah, you're definitely not a failure. We do what we can with what we've got and if we can't afford liquid or didn't buy enough to tide us over until the next paycheque, what else are we to do? I only just started vaping yesterday, and I have 3x30ml bottles on hand which should last me until my next paycheque. If it doesn't I'll be in trouble. Fortunately I have several local and reputable vaping etailers that will ship next-day if I run out, so I'm covered that way. As long as I'm not broke, that is. :)

I tried to quit once, too -- late last year. It was a perfect opportunity, because I had the worst chest cold I'd had in a long time and couldn't even take the tiniest drag of a cigarette without flying into a coughing fit. I didn't smoke a single cigarette for almost a week, so I thought to myself, "Well, quitting shouldn't be so hard then, should it, considering my body's gotten rid of almost all the nicotine in my system?" Except it wasn't the nicotine that made me keep wanting to smoke. It was the oral fixation -- the addiction to the act of smoking itself -- that made me go back as soon as I was able to smoke again without coughing myself silly. I failed. Smoking had too strong a hold on me. (21 years' worth, really.)

Now that I'm on eCigs though, and haven't touched a real cigarette since my first vape, nor have I wanted to, I think I've finally kicked the butts, and I don't ever want to go back.


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  • Jan 1, 2010
    I had a similar experience when I first started. I ended up with both batts dead and bought a pack of smokes after not smoking for 5 days. I was so worried that I would not be able to get back on track. I ordered a bunch of kits and liquids, extra attys so I would never run out again. Been cig free for over 7 months now and loving it.

    Of course, I have 3 Ego, 1 Riva kit, 2 saber touch, minivapestack, lady vyper, little chuck, indulgence, xhaler and mini xhaler, lots of cartos and extra attys, tons of liquid. You could say I never want to be unprepared again. lol

    Welcome to our group.


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 15, 2010
    I know money may be tight or what not, but if there was anyway for you get 35 bucks together, you could take advantage of an awesome deal is running right now. Here are the rules (Quote from a person from the place)-

    "This special is simple, grab anything we pre-blend from any category, use the code below but only pick the 30ml bottles. Grab 4-30ml bottles at regular price and we will combine them up and you will get the discount. Please don't grab 4 different 30ml bottles and ask us for the special, that is not how this works."

    Enter in Code - 120ml

    I got 360ml of juice for 95 bucks shipped.

    So you could get 120ml of juice for 35 dollars shipped and that is quite the supply to last awhile. As I said, if you could get some money together, you could stock up for a REALLY long time and never have to resort to an analog again.


    ECF Guru
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    Jul 5, 2010
    South Carolina
    PIF and Wants and needs thread will help you out. If you need some I gurantee you that lots of people will jump in to help you. If you see that you are running low again ask for help before running out and we will help you. Also keep an eye on the PIF (Pay It Forward) Thread. You can luck up and get some juice there for free but you do have to offer something back even if it is just a little something. Might be some back up juice for emergencies though.
    Good luck to you!
    Don't beat yourself up over this. It's not worth the energy.
    At least you are still trying to avoid the analogs.

    I'm kind of in the same boat. I just started vaping yesterday. I just finished the last analog I had before reading this post. I ordered close to 50 ml of various e-liqs, but I know I will have to re-stock again soon.


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    May 31, 2010
    Totally. You're not weak, Dude. Far from it. You had the strength to stand up and do something positive for your health. It took me over a month to get off of analogs. I had a 6 cigarette breakdown at the end of July. It happens. It sucks. But it does happen. My advice is to find a good model that you're happy with and stock up on liquid. I've got about 150ml of various flavors, six batteries and it still doesn't feel like enough. Nobody said it was gonna be easy. But it is not only possible, it's highly probable that you will kick the analogs. Hang in there and think about how far you've come. :thumbs:


    Senior Member
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    Aug 27, 2010
    Riyadh Saudi Arabia
    Same here for me. I'm currently here in Saudi Arabia and I think I'm only one of a handful who's vaping here. My buddy and I just bought our first e-cig last month just for a try and suddenly we loved it. The only problem was we only ordered 30ml of e-juice and now mine is out and my buddy is 1200km away from me to ask for his juice. Another bad thing now is its almost the end of Ramadan and they will have a two week holiday. I've ordered another batch but it would arrive max 3 weeks. So it would be analogs for me again and i hate it.
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