Has anyone actually NOT reduced smoking analogs after switching to e-cigs?!

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Full Member
Feb 28, 2009
Tokyo, Japan
Despite years of trying to discover ways of how to quit smoking, I'd never heard of them until I accidentally wondered across a report about them while browsing the internet this morning.

I've spent the whole day reading through this absolutely brilliant forum, and one thing that has really struck me is how amazingly effective they seem to be in reducing/stopping analog smoking despite all the warnings that this should not be used as a smoking-cessation programme!

Many people have gripes about the mechanical problems of e-cigs or the that they don't like the taste of the liquids, but report after report mention of how people started using them without the conscious decision of reducing analog smoking and yet have done so!

Has anyone actually found them to be downright rubbish in reducing their analog smoking??!! I haven't found a single instance on this forum! Is that because those people haven't bothered writing up on their experiences, or is is it because e-cigs really that that effective at helping you reduce your analog smoking?

My initial impression is that e-cigs really do seem to be the ideal solution for someone who loves smoking, but is sick of filling his lungs with tar, carconagens and all the other cr-p in analog cigs!!

I am really looking forward to trying e-cigs out! The only thing that I am a bit concerned about is the quality of the ingredients of the e-liquid (see my earlier posting on organic e-liquids).


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Jan 25, 2008
Virginia, USA
I probably am not the right one to answer but I know of a few that got really frustrated at the performance of the e-cig, or the constant charging of the batteries and have decided to go back to analogs, but as I said, only a few.

Some still smoke analogs but not as much as they did before starting the e-cig.

The majority seems to have given up the analogs completely.

Hope that helps.


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May 25, 2008
Well, I'd be totally happy if they could simply help me reduce the no. of analogs I smoke - although I also feel increasingly confident that they will (after the initial start-up problems!) make me eventually stop altogether! - or at least just the odd one now and then!
I've smoked cigarettes for 40 years.....still love them. I became interested in e cigs because I found the concept brilliant. About a year ago, I bought one but was not that impressed. Then, I started trying it out again and changed my mind. I bought newer e cigs and now actually prefer it most of the time. I still smoke that first one in the morning (sometimes two) and a 3-4 more during the day. The rest of the time, I puff on the e cig. So, I have cut back from a pack a day to 5-6 cigarettes a day. Try it and give it some time to grow on you. Buy a decent one from the start, and see what you think. Try the Janty Dura C...it's on sale right now for $58.95 (after the pre-sale it will be $94) and comes with an unbeatable warranty and customer service which makes it cheaper than some others in the long run. at Janty USA or buy the DSE901 or pilot from PureSmoker.com - Your #1 Source For ECigs, Parts, & Accessories!.


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Jan 30, 2009
Des Moines, IA
report after report mention of how people started using them without the conscious decision of reducing analog smoking and yet have done so!

Although there are no doubt some who are simply looking for a way to "smoke" in nonsmoking areas, I think most people who start in with e-cigs are trying to reduce their analog smoking . . . but not necessarily trying to completely quit analog smoking.

I don't think it's necessarily entirely effortless for most to quit. There still has to be the kernel of desire there in order to be successful, imo.
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