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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 24, 2009
Wow great post. I got my first one comming soon so i'm shure I will get to try this eventually. Dose anyone know if the same method applies to the M401 or Pilot?

Hi Kos .
Nope it doesn't apply,the m401/evo/pilot vaporizer is different inside ,there's a small plastic washer glued inside the steel tube about halfway along, and there's no mesh rings either (just a hollow mesh tube).



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 17, 2008
i have been without use of my ecigs for a few weeks now, due to dead atomizers.
i read the original post and still have no idea.
i look inside the atomizer (very hard to see down there) and see a small mesh ball (that seems very condensed, no layers or anything). i cant see where you would be manipulating any part of it. i even tried to poke a hole in it with a paper clip end, and there is no destructing it.
i have both mini and penstyle from puresmoker and am tired of dead atomizers.
i heard that intellicig has a better atomizer-i saw the pic on their website, and it looks like it lets more air to get to it.
any thoughts?
oh p.s. i cant even order another atomizer because puresmoker has been out of them for a while! argh!
i am tired of smoking analogs!


Senior Member
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Verified Member
Mar 4, 2009
Santa Fe, NM
Jaaxx, you are a lifesaver!! I am new to ecigs and within three days I completely froze up my atomizer. Your little trick worked like a champ, although I will have to say, I went at this like a bull in a china shop. At first, I tried to be gentle and careful and the atomizer would not heat up, so I just started pokin around and viola, it works better than the first day (or at least it seems that way, it might seem that way because of the panic and I have no extra parts yet! LOL). Anyways, thank you, my new found friend!

Sun Vaporer

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2009
I just tried to push into an 801, but the whole inside assembly pushed up, and I don't think the wires would be intact anymore, right? That one I'm sure is dead.

Kate51--not necessarly at all--there is play in there and you really can not hurt it with a pin on the 801--you certainly can not get to the coil with the pin at all as the ceramic pot that holds the atomizer you can not peirce with at pin.-----Sun


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Only just discovered this thread and have read through it.

It makes sense that the tiny hole in question could get blocked.

If blocked by dried juice alone, a water rinse or simply more juice would remove it so I suspect that what is blocking it is small bits of hardened deposit, that are known to break off the coil at times.

I saw two interesting tips: using a strong point light might give an indication of whether there is a blockage (or misalignment); compare with a good atty. The second was to use a cotton bud stick at the other end, pointing to the side of the inner tube/assembly, to hold it still while using the needle from the other end.

I suggest a partial third idea: for the lengths of needle to insert for each atty type to be posted so that length of needle could be marked or gripped before insertion (if you see what I mean).


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 27, 2009
Waukesha, WI
How does this thread keep getting buried?

This is genius.

As we're dry-burning and coke soaking, Jaxx was on to something a long time ago.

This totally works. It should be a sticky. Try it. It'll blow your mind, how well it works. My atty will never touch vodka again.

Thanks Jaxx. This is the best e-cig advise I''ve seen since the Pyramid Tea Bag.
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