ASH Stops E-cig Bullies...

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Apr 30, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
:confused:ASH takes credit via PR claim:confused:

ASH Stops E-Cigarette Bullies; Mid-East Moves Against E-Cigarettes

ASH Stops E-Cigarette Bullies; Mid-East Moves Against E-Cigarettes


Aug 20, 2009 – Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), America's first antismoking organization, recently stood up to an e-cigarette company which tried to bully a newspaper into retracting a story critical of their product by charging that it "could lead to the deaths of smokers and electronic cigarette users," and claiming that the new product was 100 to 1000 times less likely to kill than conventional cigarettes. ...

But ASH wrote to the Qatar newspaper, arguing that it should not be bullied by the largely unproven assertions being made by the company, and pointing out the complainer had a clear conflict of interest and little scientific or medical credibility. The newspaper has not retracted the story, and in nearby Dubai, the importation of e-cigarettes is being block because of their potential dangers. ...=

My Remarks: More on the link if one is inclined to read the same drivel which basically is a brag piece from Banzhaf via ASH. He's spending that 2nd quarter funding from Pfizer in a cheap PR war with alphabet scientists on board to deliver appropriate one liners. What say you...;)


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Apr 30, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
Nah TBob, I don't curse him ...he is the devil I know. Evidently I failed to make my point because the brain is fuzzy this AM, sorry I'll restate. Banzhaf is very thorough in using PR and his brand of spin on all things related to smoking/vaping using very little resources. This confrontation was bound to happen...some of it has been indelicate but understandable. Some has been helpful, some have not. The myriad of personalities out there will respond in different ways.

But it would not have happened if ASH and their ilk had not started their campaign against the e-cig and sought to mandate behavior via agenda rather than individual choices or lifestyle factors.;) Somebody, somewhere, and using any means necessary, must bring down these groups that invade private lives.

One aspect that ASH can not refute is increase in negative PR regarding all things e-cigs has really stepped up since the 2nd quarter of 2009 when Pfizer gave them money (I forget the exact amount but if memory serves me it is 100 grand). So the finacial allegations made against vested interests in e-cigs could be refuted with the vested Pharma connection to ASH. Our spin.;)
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May 17, 2009
Warwick, RI
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Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I don't hold this man or organization in high esteem, but it's really, really too bad that e-smoking is now his sworn enemy. We will regret this crusade.

Curse him if you like. That can only harden opposition.
I understand this line of thinking, but I don't think it applies in this case.

I don't think anything can harden the opposition when it comes to this guy. How much worse can he possibly get? He is doing his master's bidding, and as long as he appears to be successful and refrains from going to far he will continue to get his funding to enable him to recycle his garbage.

I personally think pushing him harder and harder is the only thing that can lead to his downfall.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
I'll tell why I think it applies: His rebuttal here is entirely because an e-cig company dared to challenge him. This anti-ecig publicity item would not exist had that company not tried to make Banahaf look wrong or foolish.

I'd ignore the SOB unless he posts on ECF.

Isn't it obvious we will not win a PR war with him? We have integrity; he has resources. Those with knowledge of history know who the victor will be. And winners always get to write the history of a battle.


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Jun 12, 2009
Upstate, NY
I'll tell why I think it applies: His rebuttal here is entirely because an e-cig company dared to challenge him. This anti-ecig publicity item would not exist had that company not tried to make Banahaf look wrong or foolish.

I'd ignore the SOB unless he posts on ECF.

Isn't it obvious we will not win a PR war with him? We have integrity; he has resources. Those with knowledge of history know who the victor will be. And winners always get to write the history of a battle.

I, for one, would invite him to post here and engage in an intelligent discourse on the subject. I think we could learn a bit from each other. So, if anyone from ASH is reading this, please invite Mr. Banzhaf to create an account and post here presenting his view. I also encourage all members of ECF to, should this happen, NOT FLAME the man. Respectful conversation should be the action of the day.

...not that I think this will happen, but you never know.


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Jul 19, 2009
New York
I'll tell why I think it applies: His rebuttal here is entirely because an e-cig company dared to challenge him. This anti-ecig publicity item would not exist had that company not tried to make Banahaf look wrong or foolish.

I'd ignore the SOB unless he posts on ECF.

Isn't it obvious we will not win a PR war with him? We have integrity; he has resources. Those with knowledge of history know who the victor will be. And winners always get to write the history of a battle.

Win or lose, I'll take integrity hands down.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
He could never post here, Illustrated Man. There's often no reason, logic or intelligence behind posted rants. I'd love an intelligent discussion with an obviously learned and intelligent (but misdirected) man -- but it won't be here. Regrettably, most discussions here quickly drag down to screaming and kicking worthy of a four-year-old denied his candy. And many applaud the tantrums. Go figure.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 12, 2009
Upstate, NY
He could never post here, Illustrated Man. There's often no reason, logic or intelligence behind posted rants. I'd love an intelligent discussion with an obviously learned and intelligent (but misdirected) man -- but it won't be here. Regrettably, most discussions here quickly drag down to screaming and kicking worthy of a four-year-old denied his candy. And many applaud the tantrums. Go figure.

I hear ya Bob, I hear ya.


Senior Member
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Jul 17, 2009
Spring Hill, Fl
He could never post here, Illustrated Man. There's often no reason, logic or intelligence behind posted rants. I'd love an intelligent discussion with an obviously learned and intelligent (but misdirected) man -- but it won't be here. Regrettably, most discussions here quickly drag down to screaming and kicking worthy of a four-year-old denied his candy. And many applaud the tantrums. Go figure.

Perhaps if the mods could make a thread that only allows a select few people to participate, but allows the rest of us to view it. I would love to see you as well as others discuss e-cigs with Banzhaf.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2009
Warwick, RI
He could never post here, Illustrated Man. There's often no reason, logic or intelligence behind posted rants. I'd love an intelligent discussion with an obviously learned and intelligent (but misdirected) man -- but it won't be here. Regrettably, most discussions here quickly drag down to screaming and kicking worthy of a four-year-old denied his candy. And many applaud the tantrums. Go figure.

Probably the reason behind the kicking and screaming is because people are just tired of the rhetoric being fed by the government and when we DO talk in intelligent terms, we're still ignored.

I mean, look what is happening with these town hall meetings regarding Universal Health Care. People started to talk reasonably with their dissent, but were being outright ignored and only those in FAVOR of it were heard. People got ...... at that point and acted accordingly, with arrests and meetings being canceled. What is happening with the electronic cigarette is no different.

This is supposed to be a country FOR the people. It's turned into a country only FOR the people who agree with Big Government. Like the FDA having the gall to allow public comments on the authority they have over cigarettes, only to post and use the selected comments that were in FAVOR of the Kennedy/Waxman bill. All the ones in dissent were never even considered.

See the trend here? As a group of citizens in a country where our voices USED to matter, we're just tired of it.

The United States is just going to be another Roman Empire in the history books 100 years from now the way it is heading.

As for Banzalf, sure, like the next guy I can certainly carry on a rational discussion and debate the issues at hand. But that will only happen if the debate I deliver does not fall upon deaf ears. With Banzalf, that will certainly never happen. His agenda is set and he is set in his ways. Even if the truth reared up and bit him in the ***, he would deny it. Would be a waste of time.

So that is why you see a fair share of people being ticked off.

Just remember something Thomas Jefferson once said:

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Sorry, but the Government no longer fears the people. So where are we at now?

Just my two cents.
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