Are Single Coil Cartos Better Suited for 3.7v Devices?

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I am primarily a tank vapor. I use several Smoktech DCT tanks among a few tanks from other manufacturers. Most of these tanks come with dual coil cartos from Smoktech. My two mods are 3.7v, a Silver Bullet and BB from AltSmok.

I have not had too many problems with the tanks themselves. I have had issues using my own self-punched cartos getting stuck in the endcaps because my carto punch tool often deforms the carto just enough to deform it so that it is no longer perfectly round. I have used the pre-punched cartos before, which have worked well for me once I figure out which juices should use one, two, or three hole cartos. Trouble is, these are more expensive to buy, there are not as many vendors selling pre-punched, and often the ones who do they are often out-of-stock of the ones I want.

Anyway, I had been reading here on the forums some debates between single vs dual coil cartomizers. The jist, or at least the info that I retained, was that the dual coils theoretically perform best when supplied with at least around 4.8v of power. :unsure:

Hmmm, so since I'm currently restricted with my current mods to 3.7v, maybe the single coil cartos would be better suited for my setup.

I recently exchanged out several of my dual coil cartos from my tanks for single coiled ones.
Single Coil XL Tank Cartomizer for the SmokTank XL

I am so happy that I did! All the tanks are working perfectly. I went thru my usual carto prep, prefilling with a toothpic in the airhole, adding my SYM tank filling tool, lubing tool and carto with a little juice while inserting the carto partway into the tank, filling the tank with juice, inserting the carto the rest of the way, and adding a drip tip. I ordered one and two hole pre-punched cartos, and chose the appropriate one depending upon the thickness or dark color of the juice.

The draw is perfect, not too airy or tight. Great vapor production, throat hit, and flavor. A couple of the cartos pop and sizzle on inhale, but I'm perfectly ok with that. Absolutely no dry hits or flooding issues. Very consistant all around. The cartos appear to be getting the appropriate amount of juice via the pre-punched hole(s).

I'm liking these single coil Smoktechs much more than the double coil ones.

It makes me wonder why Smoktech and almost all the other tank distributors automaticly include the dual coil cartos in new tanks? Especially when most customers are probably vaping on 3.7v devices. Anyone else with experience using both the single vs dual coils?
:blink: Any thoughts?
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Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2012
Tampa, Florida
I believe it's all a matter of preference. When I started using tanks (not too long ago), I was using the 1.5ohm DC cartos on my 3.7v APV with good results. The vapor production and TH was good and it produced warm vapor with decent flavor, so it was a good experience overall. The one thing I didn't like about the DCCs was the occasional "spitting" they did where hot juice would come through the drip tip and into my mouth. I then started using the resurrector 1.7ohm cartos in my tanks for the 3.7v mod and found that they performed just as well, with a slightly cooler vapor and no spitting issues.

Since then, I've been using single coil cartos exclusively in my tanks with 3ohms on my VV APVs and the resurrectors on my 3.7v APVs.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011
Agree with the above. Personally, I despise DCC with a passion. They don't perform as well as single coiled in the way that they utilize the power that's given to them. Since DCC needs an equal amount of power has to be equally distributed to each individual coil for it to perform correctly. Personally, this is the reason why I used them at 5V when I first tried them out.

Also, DCC gets burnt a whole lot quicker than single coiled cartos. Most people don't take the time to dissect their cartos to see if this is true or not. It doesn't have to taste burnt for it to be burnt if that makes sense. Anyways, it's pretty obvious that I'm not a fan of them and so, I'll stop now before I ramble any further LOL


Full Member
Mar 29, 2012
I have to say that to me, the absolute best carto out there is the single coil 1.7

I've tried the duel coil a few times and I have to honestly say that I just don't understand why people use them. I've tried them in tanks and stand alone. I've tried them from different vendors and I'm always disappointed. The single coil gives MUCH more smoke than the duel. And it's a nice, thick, heavy smoke. Recently I bought a few of the mega size, the ones that come with the black tips because regular tips won't fit. I was amazed at how good they are! It's almost like vaping with a tank. They hold a LOT of liquid and every hit gives you a huge volume of smoke with lots of "crackle". I used to buy from Crystal Clear and was having issues so switched to madvapes. Crystal never had the mega size so I never knew they existed before. So far I've had zero problems with them. No duds, no burnt taste like I was getting with cartos from Crystal Clear.
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Full Member
Jul 29, 2012
United Kingdom
I think dual coils when using a 3.7v battery may over stress the battery if it's a normal lithium ion one instead of a high drain. I blitzed a couple of batteries in order to learn this lesson. Lasted a week.

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Though I think it's possible the batteries I had weren't up to specification. I'm still trying to figure out what went wrong there. They had all the symptoms of over stressed batteries but apparently after looking into it further a normal lithium ion 3.7 ought to be enough to drive a dual coil.

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Full Member
May 20, 2012
I bought a smoktech dual coil tank and used the dual coil carto that it came with first. Just when I was beginning to think that tanks weren't for me, I switched to a 2.0 ohm single coil carto and love it. I ended up putting a couple of extra holes in it and I'm vaping away. The only problem is that my co workers are always asking about my "crack pipe."


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 3, 2012
South Africa
IMHO the smoketech 1.7 single coils outperform the 1.5 dual coils by a MILE! The problem with dual coils is that the top coil is not saturated, for more than half the time you're vaping from your carto. This leads to only 1 or 1 and a 1/2 of the coils working properly, thus giving you only 3 or 2 ohms to work with (most of the time). Therefore you will also get a burnt taste much more often with dual coils. I get over a week with my single coil 1.7 ohm cartos, with 70/30 VG/PG juice in a DCT.

Smoketech 1.7 all the way on my Ego's, Ego twists and even on my Chrome Lavatube VV2.0 from Young June (allthough on the lavatube I prever the Smoketech XL 2.5 ohm cartos)!

I have 15 dual coil 1.5 ohm smoketech cartos, and I'm going to clip the top wire (on top of the carto, curling around the centre air tube), to make all of them single coil 3ohm cartos for my Twists and Lavatube.

BTW, dual coils are mostly not recommended for higher voltage vaping, as a lot of the VV devices like the Twists and older Lavatubes can not drive them over 4 Volts, and were actually designed with the ego batteries in mind - which is silly really!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
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May 26, 2011
I use the eGo DCC at 3.7v and to be honest, its very weak. I prefer the 1.7 single coil, works SO much better. I use a 1200mah Ultrafire 3.7v battery in my Mountain Vapor tube mod, and as I said, I have been less then impressed with DCC, nowhere near as much vapor than the single coils...which is a shame, because I really do want to like the DCCs as they hold 5ml of liquid.
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