APV suggestions? Experienced users please help!

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Ok, so I went to a B&M and did the ego thing. Holy crap, the difference! I was wary at first about a fire button (I'm a lazy vaper, I acknowledge it, meh) but frankly, for the quality difference to my auto 808s, I'll push that button til my old, gnarled, arthritic hands fall off. No contest. Even converted my absolutely not, no way in hell am I pushing a button girlfriend. Egos will probably be fine for her for the long run, but I have always hated the short life span of the 808 batts, having to replace the entire assembly every 6-9mo, and the high volt start and pitiful end. Thus, for me, APVs. A road I never thought I'd walk.

This will be my first APV, and I'm not looking to spend a fortune, so please bear both in mind for models and their sources. So, probably not a Provari. LOL I also many not be buying right away so time sensitive deals need not apply. Gotta wait for spare cash to make the investment, y'know? I know I want to use protanks; my local B&M sells them cheap, no waiting or paying for shipping, yay! But if a kit saves me money on batts/charger and comes with some other tank/clearo/carto, I'm fine with that.

I want VW, I know that. Don't care about multiple buttons vs single. I need the option of an 18650, would love to have the option of an 18350 for a smaller package while running errands but it isn't necessary. I really love the look of the tesla, but have heard mixed reviews. I've looked at the vamo as well; the style is clean but a bit boring, but I know it's pretty well liked. Any other models you guys would throw out there for my consumption? Thanks!


Vaping Master
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Aug 9, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
Another low cost option is the Smoketech SID. It's a one button design that comes with a 18650 tube but the Evic tubes work with it so you could run it in 18650, 18500 or 18350 with the purchase of the appropriate tube. The 510/Ego connector cover screws off also for easy cleaning and it's grooved so you can flush mount and still get airflow, worth a look.

The Vamo or SID would be the way to go on a budget imo depending on what you like best.


Vaping Master
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Mar 7, 2013
Southeast Michigan
Check out the Sigelei Zmax V3 telescopic flat top. It's stainless steel construction and can accommodate any size battery from an 18350 to an 18650 without extra tubes, due to its telescopic feature. It can be used in VV or VW whichever you prefer. You can use any 510 device (ProTanks) or eGo threaded device (Evod, etc.) and the price is very reasonable at around $70 or less. I've been using one for over 4 months and have no issues with it.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
The obvious answer to your search is the Vamo or Zmax. Both are VW. Both have gotten excellent reviews from most users here on ECF. Both use 18650 batteries. The Vamo also has a 5 amp switch which is a big plus. Here is a good site to pick up a Vamo and a review:

VAMO Variable Volt/Watt APV V2

A PBusardo Review - The Vamo - YouTube

The Vamo is $39.
Check out the Sigelei Zmax V3 telescopic flat top. It's stainless steel construction and can accommodate any size battery from an 18350 to an 18650 without extra tubes, due to its telescopic feature. It can be used in VV or VW whichever you prefer. You can use any 510 device (ProTanks) or eGo threaded device (Evod, etc.) and the price is very reasonable at around $70 or less. I've been using one for over 4 months and have no issues with it.
This is now on my short list. It's pretty in a minimalist sort of way, and the telescoping feature is nice. No extra tubes to keep track of when I switch to a smaller batt for errands. Hmm...
The obvious answer to your search is the Vamo or Zmax. Both are VW. Both have gotten excellent reviews from most users here on ECF. Both use 18650 batteries. The Vamo also has a 5 amp switch which is a big plus. Here is a good site to pick up a Vamo and a review:

VAMO Variable Volt/Watt APV V2

A PBusardo Review - The Vamo - YouTube

The Vamo is $39.

Do all versions of the vamo come with both 510 and ego threading? My girlfriend will have ego stuff so being able to use both without an adapter would be nice.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I've settled on the Vamo for my next upgrade. I've heard the V3 has some issues compared to the V2?

Not that I have read. There are three changes in the V3 that I have read about: better screen, grooves in exterior for better grip and they got rid of the N01 mode which never worked well and no one ever used.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2013
The o
bvious answer to your search is the Vamo or Zmax. Both are VW. Both have gotten excellent reviews from most users here on ECF. Both use 18650 batteries. The Vamo also has a 5 amp switch which is a big plus. Here is a good site to pick up a Vamo and a review:

VAMO Variable Volt/Watt APV V2

A PBusardo Review - The Vamo - YouTube

The Vamo is $39.

Its Out Of Stock on that site.

I would def look around some on the web for some sales on different mods. When a big sale happens ona popular mod they go fast unless your buying a clone from fasttech


Ultra Member
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Jun 5, 2009
Chino California
Pardon me because my suggestion is not VW.
But don't count out the Itaste MVP.
$45.16 INNOKIN iTaste MVP 5-in-1 Voltage Adjustable Rechargeable 2600mAh Mechanical LCD Electronic Cigarettes Set - black / with iClear 16 atomizers at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
At $45.00 it's a steal.

It has advantages and disadvantages over the Vamo

Advantage is that it's not so darned long. Disadvantage that it's a box mod so it's wider.

Advantage You can charge with any cel phone charger and battery is built in.
You will spend $45.00 and that's it.

Advantage is that you can go 2-3 days on a single charge!

Disadvantage is that it won't go as high in voltage as the Vamo.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 23, 2013
San Diego
Vamo is a good starting point. :)

When you start to look into mechanical mods that can be 'kicked'...you get more cool looking things to choose from and its all relatively cheap...imo most of the coolest mods have come out in the last 2 months..

Vamo is good but I bet if you spent a few days lookin around, you could find a sweet looking mechanical...and just kick it! :D

I too am in the market for a VV but refuse to buy the Vamo simply cuz of its size... What it performs and its price is unbeatable though
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