Any Vape Store Fronts in Sacramento Area??

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As we all know, waiting for that special little package in the mail can be rewarding in itself. But when you run out of your all day vape liquid or just can't wait you just want to be able to jump in the car and pickup what you need at the store!
I'm currently in the Sacramento, CA area and was wondering if there's anyone else in the area or anyone who might know of any stores here that sell liquid, gear etc. to ease the pain of waiting.
Okay, it's been a month since you posted and I see no responses. I have a friend in Sacramento who could use a local bricks and mortar vape shop to give instruction, show her some eGo type options and let her sample flavors. Anything within driving distance of Sacramento? Maybe for a fun day trip? Is there a local vape group that meets? Anyone? Anyone?

We have an incredible group in St. Louis which meets once a month and where all of our local vendors can show their wares and we can help newbies. If there isn't a group in Sacramento are there some people around in the area who might be willing to show up at a bar to help other newbies? Anything?
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