Another new member post!

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First off, I'd like to give a big thank you to all of the contributors here! It seems that many of my google searches lead me back to this forum to get my questions answered.

Now, a bit about me:
I'm now smoke free thanks to the E-Cig/PV. I smoked for 19 years and was a pack + per day smoker. Traditional NRT products always left me with cravings and had their own issues. Big Pharma failed me as well. I can't say that I haven't had an analog since I went to full-time vaping but, I have no desire for one anymore. Thankfully, analogs now taste bad compared to even the least favorite of my juices. Not to mention the foul film analogs leave in my mouth.

Like many here, I started with cigalikes. A couple of years ago, I had one that I didn't really care for. It sat on a shelf and never really got much use. Recently, my brother was using a cigalike that he picked up before he quit altogether. It was his way of bypassing his employer's recent smoke-free property rule as he was not allowed to even leave property to smoke. He stated that it was satisfying his needs enough. So I decided to give the cigalike another go.

This go around, I did find the cigalike more satisfying. However, battery life was terrible and leaving me in panic mode when it died. After a bit of research, I found I had many more options than just dumping more money into the cigalike. Some of these were easy on the wallet as well. That led me to looking into the eGo style. I picked up a small eGo style device from a local B&M. They offer a free bottle of juice with hardware purchase, so I bit. Again, battery life not that great but better than the cigalike. So I picked up a couple of larger eGo twists from the net. All I can say about my local B&Ms is... Wow.... Do they really think we won't check prices on the internet? I know they need to make money but the markup on hardware is outrageous.

While I'm satisfied with my hardware setup now, the geek in me still wants a bit more. I find myself hitting the timer on the eGos more often than not, and would still like a bit more battery life. That being said, I'm (not so) patiently waiting for my Vamo v5 to arrive from overseas. A big thank you to all who warned about buying batteries from overseas. I would have been highly annoyed if my batteries got held.

Again, Thanks to all of the contributors here and happy vaping! :vapor:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2013
Colorado Springs, CO
Welcome to ECF! Glad that you have purchased your first mod. You will be amazed with the battery life and the increased performance. Remember, some B&Ms are better than others. If you can find one (or two) that have similar prices compared to online vendors, I always think it's important to support local businesses. Good luck and happy vaping to you!
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