Another atomizer question

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 17, 2010
SE Michigan
I've been using KR808 cartomizers exclusively since I've started vaping. I like them a lot, but since I like to try different things, I decided to order an 801 HV atomizer to try out on my Chuck (when I get it).

Do these work well w/the Chuck? Any tips/hints/suggestions for me? I don't know much (if anything) about using an atty like this... thanks :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2009
Las Vegas
They work great. That's all I was using until my batteries went kaflooey and burnt it out along with 2 other 801's. I got mine from Nhaler and it was about 3 weeks old until yesterday. I used it all day every day with a T-tip so I did nothing but dripping. A lot of the juice I had was tasting burnt with the standard 801 atty @6v. When I started using the HV atty they all tasted normal and gave lots of vapor/throat hit. You don't need to do anything different. Just use it as you would any other atty. In theory they bring the voltage down to 5v. I have several more on order and I'm not even using my Chuck until I get them.
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