A sad announcement to my V4L family...

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Some of you may have noticed I havent been posting lately.

There's a reason, and it's one I haven't really been ready to talk about publicly yet.

I will be making a video and blog post tomorrow with more details, but I thought the V4L family deserves to hear it first.

My mother has a fatal genetic liver disorder. She has been in the early stages of a terminal slide for a few years now, and her one sole long term hope is a liver transplant. She had been receiving excellent care, was largely winning her fights against her other health problems and obsticles to acceptance in the program, diabetes and obesity, and we had every reason to hope she would be eventually be accepted into the liver transplant program at the Mayo Clinic branch in Arizona.

But her condition began to decline rapidly a few months ago, and around two and a half weeks ago she was admitted to the hospital at her home i Alaska. At first it didn't seem too critical. Some jaundice and confusion, but she was expected to recove with some treatment. Just over a week ago I found out that she had taken a worse turn. Her kidneys had failed as a result of her failing liver.

At first we were told to expect her to pass within days or weeks. There was some dispute whether she would be accepted at the last minute at the Mayo in Arizona, but she was declined.

Then my aunt Mary, Mom's sister, who had been thrugh her own liver transplant 14 years ago, got her admitted to the liver transplant program at the main Mayo campus in Mom's and her's hometown of ROchester Minnesota.

With Steve's blessing and support I flew in to Rochester that day, and will be with her until the end of this ordeal, one way or another.

She has been on dialysis since arriving, and after an initial decline her kidney's condition is finally improving. But it is sill very questionable whether she will be accepted for transplant.

The determination will be made next week.

I don't know of anything anyone can do to help, and even if accepted, I don't think anyone can do anything to help her ifnd the donor liver she will need. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Steve has freed me from all duties at this trying time, so I can be with her through to the end, which hopefully will be with her receiving her transplant. I hav been spending the last few days watching over her at nights, while Aunt Mary and a plethora of cousins I haven't met since I was a child on summer vacation, visit her during the day. Her mental state has been very confused, they can't give her much painkillers or sedatives, and it is very hard to watch her suffer.

My Mom BTW, was raising my brother's daughters, because neither he nor thier mothers are able to, and is in the process of adopting them as her own. She is truly an angel in our family, and we just want her to live to see them grow up. Her husband will come down next Monday, but the girls won't be able to for weeks yet, if ever.

Like I said, her short term improvement is good, but only the transplant will save her, so I am hoping and praying, and holding her hand, because it is all I can do.

I am going to check in from time to time, at least, and am toying with the idea of making a blog about it, from a family members perspective.

But for right now I'm just holding her hand through the night.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 26, 2009
Some of you may have noticed I havent been posting lately.

There's a reason, and it's one I haven't really been ready to talk about publicly yet.

I will be making a video and blog post tomorrow with more details, but I thought the V4L family deserves to hear it first.

My mother has a fatal genetic liver disorder. She has been in the early stages of a terminal slide for a few years now, and her one sole long term hope is a liver transplant. She had been receiving excellent care, was largely winning her fights against her other health problems and obsticles to acceptance in the program, diabetes and obesity, and we had every reason to hope she would be eventually be accepted into the liver transplant program at the Mayo Clinic branch in Arizona.

But her condition began to decline rapidly a few months ago, and around two and a half weeks ago she was admitted to the hospital at her home i Alaska. At first it didn't seem too critical. Some jaundice and confusion, but she was expected to recove with some treatment. Just over a week ago I found out that she had taken a worse turn. Her kidneys had failed as a result of her failing liver.

At first we were told to expect her to pass within days or weeks. There was some dispute whether she would be accepted at the last minute at the Mayo in Arizona, but she was declined.

Then my aunt Mary, Mom's sister, who had been thrugh her own liver transplant 14 years ago, got her admitted to the liver transplant program at the main Mayo campus in Mom's and her's hometown of ROchester Minnesota.

With Steve's blessing and support I flew in to Rochester that day, and will be with her until the end of this ordeal, one way or another.

She has been on dialysis since arriving, and after an initial decline her kidney's condition is finally improving. But it is sill very questionable whether she will be accepted for transplant.

The determination will be made next week.

I don't know of anything anyone can do to help, and even if accepted, I don't think anyone can do anything to help her ifnd the donor liver she will need. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Steve has freed me from all duties at this trying time, so I can be with her through to the end, which hopefully will be with her receiving her transplant. I hav been spending the last few days watching over her at nights, while Aunt Mary and a plethora of cousins I haven't met since I was a child on summer vacation, visit her during the day. Her mental state has been very confused, they can't give her much painkillers or sedatives, and it is very hard to watch her suffer.

My Mom BTW, was raising my brother's daughters, because neither he nor thier mothers are able to, and is in the process of adopting them as her own. She is truly an angel in our family, and we just want her to live to see them grow up. Her husband will come down next Monday, but the girls won't be able to for weeks yet, if ever.

Like I said, her short term improvement is good, but only the transplant will save her, so I am hoping and praying, and holding her hand, because it is all I can do.

I am going to check in from time to time, at least, and am toying with the idea of making a blog about it, from a family members perspective.

But for right now I'm just holding her hand through the night.

Leaford... hang in there bud. You know we are here for you if you need anything.

the vaporizer

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2010
New York
i really hope everything works out...maybe someday there will be artificial livers and kidneys so that future generations dont have to worry about finding perfect donors...I am going to school to be a Nurse Practitioner and I see this all the time...My prayers are with you and all the others and I hope everything works out1!!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2010
Leaford, my thoughts are with you. I grew up in Roch / Mayo land, and know you are probably in reach of the best care possible. I have been through this twice; once with my Aunt Mary (breast cancer), and now my mother as well (Alzheimers). Whatever the outcome, peace will come to you sooner or later - I'm sorry I am not a religious person, but I do hope with all my heart that something can be done to help.

Sorry if my last post on this subforum is to wish you condolences, but Mark likes to close threads right after I post. I couldn't leave without some fond departing wishes for you and your family. So long and best of luck my friend. :)

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Leaf, I went through something similar to this last August and posted about it in Wrecked and Bonkers..sort of a blog. It helped to set my thoughts down and to e-mail copies to my 3 cousins who are out of state.
I encourage you do do a blog as a living testament to your Mom.
My love and prayers go out to you and yours for hope and healing as well as comfort.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2010
Leaford, I'm sorry to know that your mom is so ill and you and your family are going through all you are at the moment. Please take some comfort to know you're mom's confusion is likely blocking her from experiencing/be aware of the pain you see her body is in while also making her generally confused. She is very fortunate you by her side.

I do have a suggestion - If you have a Twitter account, Dr. Phil is on twitter and he is connected to promoting another showing called The Doctors. If we all get together and tweet him to put this on his show, maybe taking your brave step to talk about what's been going on with you here, a little further,
can get national attention for your mom's search for a donor.

Given the impact that V4L has on helping people, and V4L's customer base that posts here, I think we get his attention and maybe he can help? He's definitely connected.

I agree w/ lightgeoduck - we're all here for you and if the goal is long shot, maybe together, we'd have more strength to hit the ball further?

I don't have a Twitter account but, would gladly open one, if you and everyone here are in a position to hit that ball really hard.

You're mom is fortunate to be on a waiting list or I doubt we might even be able to dream of trying this.

Take it easy.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2010
I too suffer from end stage liver disease. Have you considered partial living donor? Sadly the line for livers is very very long nowadays, but there is a better chance if someone in your family is willing to be a living donor.

Whatever happens my thoughts are with you and your family.

This is why I made the suggestion I did. There's no guaruntee, and yes, this thread is heart-wrentching to read but, we now have two people to ask for help for. - It would increase the odds and perhaps help shorten that line for others, at the same time.

I'm sorry if my suggestion was too off. I'm just ---- I can't think of any other way to help and if everyone is ok now, I don't give up trying.

You're both in my prayers for the best possible outcome.
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