A day of sadness for the ProVari Nation

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Aug 7, 2012
little birdhouse in your soul
Yeah, that was the funny bit with that vendor.................they had some bunk products; everyone does but the reason I religiously bought from them and encouraged others to do so was not their 100% track record with a manufactured product (which is impossible)........it was the fact that they fixed any issue you had; quickly and usually higher than your expectation.

Funny thing about people. If a person expects so much product/customer service/etc and gets more, especially when there is an issue; you get customer loyalty and that customer will return forever as opposed to someone who expects to get something great because that is all that is "allowed" and finds out it isn't so great and they are disappointed and they don't return. They are also more likely to turn someone away from going to that same place to buy and also less likely to voice their negative opinion to the vendor/manufacture/retailer.


Vaping Master
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Jun 13, 2013
Nashville, TN
I think we will be fine, as long as MonsterKenny understands our position.

To MonsterKenny:

Every one of us here has a ProVari or is considering acquiring one. Many (most?) of us have more than one. While this is technically a ProVape forum, we often discuss products to use on or with our ProVaris that ProVape doesn't sell. Most of us have different devices as well and would like to be able to discuss them. ProVape should not be concerned that just because we might compare a ProVari to a Semovar we will give up our ProVaris or stop giving you free publicity by talking about them.

I have worked in retail and believe that the customers come first, especially when it comes to their best interests. I would, on occasion, recommend products we did not sell and tell the customers where to find them if that seemed to be a more appropriate solution. Honesty builds trust and customers return to vendors they feel respect them.

The ProVari is a fabulous device, but not for everyone. It may be beyond the budget of some people or not have features they think they need. Look at my signature, it's obvious that I am a hardcore ProVari enthusiast, but I will not promote a product that is not what a member wants or needs at that time. ProVape shouldn't be intimidated by my position. Members who make statements to new vapers like "Just get a ProVari," irrespective of whether or not that is the best fit are doing a disservice. Promoting the ProVari to the exclusion of all other devices has given us a bad reputation and probably lost you a few potential customers.

Get real. I would venture to say that ECF members make up a very small portion of your sales. So what if we suggest buying batteries elsewhere at a lower price? Do you really make that much on battery sales? I have 6 ProVaris, but buy my batteries from another vendor. And what will I do with the money I have saved over time? Probably buy another ProVari if you come out with a color I like. It might be beneficial for ProVape to pay attention to products we buy elsewhere and consider adding them to their inventory if there is significant interest. I imagine that's why you now sell Tatroe bases.

I did not buy my first ProVari based on what I read in this forum. I didn't even know this forum existed. I bought my ProVari because people I respected on the main forum owned them and gave them glowing reviews. These people owned other devices as well, that they also liked and discussed.

Consider the numbers as of 03-02-2014:

The ProVape forum appears to have started in 2009. I believe the ProVari V1 went on sale 11/2010.
The stats for the ProVape forum:
Threads: 1,271
Posts: 29,296

The APV Model Specific forums started approx. 5/2012.
The stats for the ProVari sub-forum:
Threads: 2,506
Posts: 74,592

We haven't been here for very long, yet these are the stats for the ProVape forum as I type this:

Threads: 1,322
Posts: 30,949

It took you 4 years to get 29,296 posts. It has taken us less than a month to get 1,653. You have nothing to fear from us. We get the ProVari name all over the forum regardless of what we post about.

I agree that people don't search for ProVape, but I'm not sure if people search for anything. Lol! It amazes me that instead of a little research, people just start threads. I have already posted a link to the ProVape forum in my signature (I admit it's borderline sarcastic, but at least I wrote "unable" when I really wanted to write "too lazy").

I think if we consistently point people in the direction of this forum they will start to find it more easily. Once again I am focused on the Reo forum as an example.


Get use to it ProVape, I rawr a lot.
The "O" in ocelot stands for opinionated - both of them.

Thank you for a very well thought out and well expressed communication. This reflects some of my concerns also. I am more than happy to sing the praises of my 2 Provari Minis but when appropriate. Someone on a $50 budget is not a potential customer today but may be in a few months. I am honest in my opinions and will not compromise that.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 2, 2013
The issue was not one of "couldn't be "rehoused"". It was one of how and where to rehouse, as you put it. The one thing nobody wanted was for the Provarinati to go away altogether, and all said and done, I think we have the best possible solution in place wherein the Provari Nation has been relocated into the vendors forum, where I see that the Vendor has already been interacting on some threads as well as answering questions.

This to me is a win-win all around.

Yeah, i think we will do fine here :) I think as others have pointed out it was just a case of the provari subforum being independent, but so far so good here.


ECF Guru
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Aug 6, 2013
Initially I had my feelings all in a twist because it seemed we had been kicked out of our home & given the last bed at the shelter.

Posting from there was difficult & not being able to like any posts took so much of the fun out of it for me.

Kenny [IMO] gave us 5 star lodging with no checkout date for as long as we choose to be here.

I have my teardrops, crop circles & a home. I'm happy!!!!!


Sent from a BIG phone.....Galaxy Note 3


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2009
Hello Everyone,

Make yourselves at HOME! This is now your new home and we are glad to have all of you here :)


Thank you kindly! My vape bags have been packed for a bit and awaiting a new home. Now I can unpack my gear and settle in! Yippee!!!!

Sent from my iThingy using Tapatalk
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