510 vs 801 Fusion Draw on a 510 Device

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Feb 14, 2013
SF Bay Area CA USA
Hello All,

I just wanted to ask how the draw compared between the 801 Fusions and the 510 Fusions on a 510 device? I am currently loving the draw on a 801 Fusion fitted to a 510 device with an adapter. I wanted to pick up some 510 Fusions but wanted an idea what the draw would be like.

Additionally how is the draw compared between the Fusion and Platinum line? I know Fusions are optimized for tank applications but can I still expect the same draw?




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Feb 14, 2013
SF Bay Area CA USA
The 510 fusion is just a little bit airier than the 801's, not by a large amount. I prefer the 801's myself, just hate the way it looks on my Provari with the adapter on it.

Thanks Sawlight. I can deal with a little airier. I don't like the way the 801s with an adapter look on any of my devices. Even the stealth adapter doesnt seem to help much with the aesthetics. If it's a bit airier I think I can at least tighten the draw w/ one of my collars if needed.

Thanks for the feedback. Exactly what I needed to know.


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Feb 14, 2013
SF Bay Area CA USA
Just got my shipment of 510 Fusions in today. I swapped it with a Smoketech carto that came w/ my IBTanked tank that I've been using since last night. My god difference is night and day. The juices taste completely different and the clouds of vapor from the fusions are ridiculous compared to the Smoketech. I'm happy to report that the draw feels about the same to me between the 801 Fusion and the 510 Fusion. I am vaping them side by side and they are both very enjoyable to me but as you said the aesthetics of the 510 are much more agreeable for me =p.

Thanks for the great products!
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