510 mega batt PCC

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 1, 2011
I just need to find who sells good quality 510 mega batterie PCC's
Im putting together a kit for Mom. I have a bunch of manual 510 mega batts from a wile ago. Plenty of 2,5 ohm mega cartos I never use. Its all Dual coil for me anymore. Plus some drip tips to fancy things up. All I need now like I said is a good PCC to fit the long 510 batts and i can wrap a bow round it.
Thanks picklesworth.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 1, 2011
Thanks everyone. This thing is realy nice! Hits great with the 2.5 ohm megas and looks all sleak and black with the drip tip. Long and elegent. I forgot how nice your basic cig style pv can be with all my big bulky mods.
Now if I could onley get Mom to use it more..Today she did agree to try to do a day just with the E-cig.
I had no problem quiting analogs when I got my first PV. I put them down that day. It wasn't without difficulty but I just continued to say to myself "Maybe tomorow Ill have a smoke, but today just the PV" and now its pushing three months of "maybe tomorows" My mom however cant seem to get through the day without an analog or five :-(
But if there is one thing to remember about any form of abstinance, cesation, recovery I think its not to use your own sucsess as a barometer for others..no one likes a smug, self righteous, preachy, pompous jerk wad. (can you tell I met a few)
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