PCC for 510 Mega Kit?

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Full Member
May 10, 2010
First, thanks bigtime to all of you on this great forum. I am a total newbie to this, but like my name says, it was Do or Die for me. Been a smoker over 30 years, first Marlboro reds for 15 years, then Marlboro lights after that. But ever since the Fire Safe Cigarette chemicals have been added, my body has been saying no way: rashes, bad coughing, tough time breathing, and also- the damn things taste like crap!!!!

So after trying a puff off an e-cig from a friend, it was close enough that I am committed to quitting analogues through vaping. After a week or so reading posts on here, I decided to order the 510 Mega Kit and a bunch of different juice to try.

I wanted a PCC, but the ones offered at the vendor say that they are not compatible with the 510 Mega batts. So does anyone know what PCC I can get that will handle the 510 Mega batts? Thanks.

Also, I ordered a 5v USB passthrough for this kit, and hope I didn't screw up. Will that voltage be ok for the attys included in the 510 Mega Kit (I can't post links yet, but it is the one sold at madvapes) ??

Thanks, any help appreciated.


Full Member
May 10, 2010
I haven't heard of a pcc for the mega batts. I bypassed the mega's and moved up to an eGo after getting my feet wet on a 510. Sorry I couldn't help more just know that your body is going to thank you for ditching the analogs :)

Ok, thanks. I won't have the need for a real long batt life, as I am mostly at home- but I hear you...I know the eGo has a longer life. Do you know anything about that 5v USB passthrough and if it will work ok with 510 attys included in that kit?


Vaping Master
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Apr 13, 2010
Capitol District New York
The Mega atomizer only fits on the mega battery, as far as I know since I've seen that on a few sites that have the mega items. Note: No personal experience here. So I'd think that'd mean it wouldn't fit a regular PT. Of course I never understood why the atomizer wouldn't fit a regular battery to start. Does it have different threads from a regular 510? Or is it just a case of really needing the extra battery power to run it?


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Sep 27, 2009
Myrtle Beach, SC
Just to clear a few things here, if I may...
The Mega atty will fit anything that use's the 510 atty's.. The Mega CART will ONLY fit the Mega atty..
As for the PCC that you can use for the Mega batteries, TW sells them (but quit high in $$).. There are other sites, suppliers that you can check out for the Mega PCC and get one from them. Sorry, I don't use it or know off hand which supplier has them. You can, if you want to, order from Health Cabin as they sell the PCC for the Mega batteries. Its called the 510 PCC (long) in their discription..
Best of luck and Happy Vaping.

PS. You might want to try Cignot[dot]com or electronistix might have the PCC.


Full Member
May 10, 2010
ok, thanks for the tips. I was able to track a Mega PCC down for about $30.

Well, got my order today Tuesday, after ordering it real late Saturday night from MadVapes. The 5v USB PT works well so far. I quit smoking completely on Sunday, and was going mad for a nico fix. Within 2 drags of the new mega 510 with 24mg, I already feel the effects. :D Yeah, baby! I just know this is going to work.


Full Member
May 10, 2010
That's the spirit DoOrDie :) Continued success and don't be shy asking questions.

Ok thanks. I won't be shy about asking questions, and here's another question:

So I now have 3 empty carts, after using 2; 1 on a "travel" 510, and 1 on the stay at home USB PT unit. But I did order several flavors of juice. So I am wanting to know if I can safely prefill these each with a flavor, then put the cart caps back on, and take them with me on a short trip? Or is it better to keep the juice in the bottle until ready to use??? Will the juice dry up in the carts if it sits too long? And if so, how long?


Full Member
May 10, 2010
Just checked. electronicstix has the mega 510 pcc on sale right now in black or stainless for just $19.95. Very nice deal.

Yeah thanks. I might just do that. I am sticking with suppliers in the US.

Another question:

How long will a Mega 510 batt sit around after fully charging it? Like a week? Two weeks? A month?

Already I can see that the 5V USB PT is hitting harder, like a lot harder, than the Mega 510. Is that due to the difference in the voltages?

Funny thing is, I really prefer the lesser hits of the Mega 510. If I really drag on that PT, I get more smoke than a real cig. 8-o TOO MUCH!
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