510 atty excessively leaking

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Dec 13, 2010
Hello veterans,
I have a problem with all of my 510 atties. I use them on my 5v Big Kazoo. I drip them through my driptip, blow through the driptip to get them down into the atomizer, and immediately the juice begins to leak from the bottom of the atomizer and pools around where the atty meets the box. I thought that it was just from blowing into it, so i began taking the driptip off and drip directly on the attie, but it still just drains and leaks through the bottom. I normally drip three drops, so i switched to just two drops, but it still happens, and at 5 volts two drops burns off really quickly after maybe 2 or 3 drags. Please help me prevent this leakage!


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Oct 1, 2009
pittsburgh, pa
i have also been having this problem on most of my devices, including the 5v pass through i made myself. the only solution i've come up with (and i wish i'd done this BEFORE i finished making the PT) is a juice well [described and pictured here: http://dft.ba/-cKN]. the best way i've found to deal w/o a juice well is to drip only right before you want to vape, and vape immediately. don't let the device sit with juice in the atty, cause it will likely run out. maybe someone else has some other neat little tricks, but until then be sure to keep some tissues/a rag/your shirt handy for wiping up those juice spills.
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Quantum Vapyre
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Sep 16, 2009
I have leaking only very rarely with Joye 510 attys. I think the combo of their bridge and wick keeps the juice in the atty. With attys, I only drip anymore. To get juice out of the drip tip, I do these things:

Tap the bottom of the PV into my hand or a hard surface. That often gets it out of the tip.

Drip down the inner wall of the drip tip, not right to the center. My VG juices tend to get stuck in the drip-tip hole if I drip down the center.

If those two things fail, I just fire up the atty and a bubble comes up...sort of swells the juice up with the bubble. Pop the bubble when it gets to the surface and I'm good to go.

I almost always get leaking if I blow the juice down, like you described. If I want to drip unthinned VG juice, which can be really nice, I tend to drip right onto the bridge 4 drops, then put on the tip.

Just my 2 cents...
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