Confused with Mega LR Atty, Mah Battery 650 or 1000, Tornado leaks

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May 7, 2009
Central Ohio
I have a Tornado with Mega LR atty and both batteries 650 mah and the 1000 mah. I also have the 510 atty and the cone I use with the 650 battery. I don't really understand the ohms except it lowers the ohms to 1.7 to 2.0 (?)and what this actually does. I think I'm suppose to use the LR atty with the 1000 mah battery but I have used it with the 650 also. Am I doing this correctly? I read on here all the time about hi volt vaping and how do you know what volt you have when the batteries are rated in mah? I'm using Nhaler liquids mostly as they seem to have knowledge about all this and applied to the liquids with the High Volt and regular Nhaler Xhale, but I'm confused on what I should be using with what.

The mega LR is the only one that leaks out of the bottom of the atty. I have used less liquid, changed the filler I'm using and it still leaks, but this did help as it is not as much. I will top off with 5-10 drops. It seems to slow with the use of the Hi Volt liquid as it is thicker. The flavor seems better, or it could be me, with the mega instead of the 510 and cone. I like the size of the 510 with the 650 battery but I have to top this constantly so I switch to the mega. I should try the drip tips but haven't as yet.

I also wonder if this is the same as the Ego or Riva and if I can switch to the 1300 mah batteries nhaler has, and what that would do.:confused:


Quantum Vapyre
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
All these batteries are the same voltage...about 3.2V working, meaning voltage put across the atty heating coil. No matter how big the battery is, the voltage will be the same, as this depends only on the material inside the battery (Li-ion), not how much of it there is. How long the battery lasts is proportional to the mAh, so the 1300 mAh will last about twice as long as the 650 mAh.

That said, a larger mAh value will give longer peak voltage time, with the trail-off of voltage more delayed with the 1300 mAh battery.

The cone is insulating the atty from heat loss, so it keeps the atty hotter longer. This adds somewhat to the wattage of output the atty is delivering. As far as I know, is does not change the resistance of the coil, since that only depends on the coil material and its length. But it does add to the overall vaping power. I believe it also changes the airflow to make a more efficient vape.

Attys do leak. This depends on how well it wicks liquid from the cart onto the bridge and coil. Wick too well, and liquid pools up and leaks out of the bottom. Wick not well enough, and it always tastes dry and burnt. And this seems to be specific to particular attys, not necessarily what kind of atty. I would try vaping the LR until it is dry, then dripping 3-4 drops directly onto the bridge, and putting on an empty cart (no filler no juice), and vaping this. If it leaks, the atty is a leaker. If it does not, and vapes well, then your cart is wicking juice too well.

BTW, if you do get your LR working well, its going to use up juice faster than the regular one. Depending on the cart filler, you may still have to top off a lot. Fluval is notorious for being to stingy with the juice, and having to be topped off all the time.

Another option is to try cartomizers of varying resistances. They are about 1/5 the price of an atty, or less, and I happen to like them over an atty/cart combo. I like attys, but only drip with them.

And a drip tip is a good thing to try, but you can also use empty carts, although the LR atty might melt it a bit. Drip tips do not melt easily.

There are "fat-bats" like the eGo/Riva/Tornado that have a higher working voltage, as they are not internally regulated. These are the Hello016's. All the 510 atty/cartos will fit it.


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
I have a Tornado with Mega LR atty and both batteries 650 mah and the 1000 mah. I also have the 510 atty and the cone I use with the 650 battery. I don't really understand the ohms except it lowers the ohms to 1.7 to 2.0 (?)and what this actually does. I think I'm suppose to use the LR atty with the 1000 mah battery but I have used it with the 650 also. Am I doing this correctly?

The LR attties use more power, therefore there is more, hotter vapor. You get more 'effective power', that is, the power that you experience. Some like that, some don't. It's about double the effect of a stock atty. Because it draws more power from the battery, an LR atty should be used with the largest battery you can fit. It will work with any battery, but the service life of the battery is reduced, the smaller it is. So, yes, it works with a 650mAh cell but its life would not be as long as that of a 1000mAh cell, most likely. If you like that compact, petite look, you pay for it by having to buy new batteries more often - that's all.

I read on here all the time about hi volt vaping and how do you know what volt you have when the batteries are rated in mah? .......... I'm confused on what I should be using with what.

'Hi-volt' vaping is not related to the battery capacity in mAh, it's the output voltage of the device. This could be 5 volts, 6 volts, or VV (variable voltage). The stock devices all put out a nominal 3.7 volts (though they are actually anywhere between 3.1 and 3.7). The higher the voltage, the more effective power you get. 5 volts is about 3x a standard e-cig. Some like it, some don't. It's entirely a matter of taste - which differs completely from person to person. If you definitely like the 510 LR atty, and can't go back to a stock 510 after that, then 5 volts may well suit you. 5 volts and up is only available from a 'mod', that is, a custom-made type of device that uses replaceable, larger batteries. You can also get 5v from a VV mod.

The mega LR is the only one that leaks out of the bottom of the atty. I have used less liquid, changed the filler I'm using and it still leaks, but this did help as it is not as much. I will top off with 5-10 drops. It seems to slow with the use of the Hi Volt liquid as it is thicker.

The main advantage of the stock 510 atty/cart size is that you can use a cone, which stops the leaks. That's its primary function IMO, I couldn't care less what it looks like. And it works very well for that.

Of course, the XL atties can't use a cone so you get leaks. As you found, cart mods and/or thicker liquid can help. Somebody needs to come up with a 510-to-510 moat adapter, it's a very simple machining job - just an adapter with a moat to catch the leaks.

The flavor seems better, or it could be me, with the mega instead of the 510 and cone. I like the size of the 510 with the 650 battery but I have to top this constantly so I switch to the mega.

If something tastes better - then it is better (for you). Somebody else might think different but who cares? It's your result that counts, not theirs. Go for it. Some will agree with you, some won't, but it doesn't matter as only what you perceive to work better is relevant. Taste is entirely personal.

I also wonder if this is the same as the Ego or Riva and if I can switch to the 1300 mAh batteries nhaler has, and what that would do.:confused:

All batts (and most everything else) in the 510 series will fit, in this model range things are interchangeable. One thing that doesn't fit is an eGo-type battery in a stock 510 charger, you need an adapter. The bigger the battery, the better.

Unless you like that tiny, compact look of course :)
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