306 T-tip or adapter question

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I know it was ask before about if you could make a 306 stainless steel T-Tip, is this still a possibility? I know you said something about making a 306 adapter for your new VapeMate, if this was made like a stainless steel sleeve to fit over the 306 atty to accept a 510 T-Tip that would be great. I know myself and many others have made some makeshift ones from old 510 atty’s but those always have the tendency to leak and be loose.

So with all that said I would hope instead of making an adapter to just fit on the new VapeMate that you choose to make one for the 306 to accept a 510 T-Tip. If you do, make a bunch as I think more and more people are discovering the power in these little 306’s over the 510’s.

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Yes, i have a design for a all metal tip for the 306, the challenge with a 306 tip, is when using a plastic tip, it's not hard to make it stay on as plastic is slightly elastic, so you can size it just a thousandth smaller then the 306 atomizer and it'll slide over, expanding slightly and keep a firm grip on the atomizer. With metal, you have no elastiscity, you either have an interference fit in which case you force it on and it doesn't come off (or wears until it will no longer stay put as there is no elasticity) or it's too loose to begin with and never stays on. I believe i have a solution. I did up a blueprint, but i haven't prototyped it yet. I really should get on that, shouldn't I?


Vaping Master
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Sep 2, 2010
I'm good for 2

+1, I use LR306 atties exclusively and I have been really wanting to buy a Super T tip. I think theres probably a lot of people in in my same situation. Should be a fair amount of business coming your way if you come up with one, no one else on the market has a metal 306 tip.


Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2010
Fla Panhandle, USA
I've got some 306 drip tips in transit. These were recommended to me by an ECF member who has used them. The ones I got initially leaked so badly that I've put my 306s aside until I get something better ... should arrive any day now. But, man, I'd be in the gang jumping for a great Super T 306 solution.


Unregistered Supplier
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Although there appear to be other reasons to order my first 306, I have have to admit (and it's a little sad), that one of the reasons to have one is to put David's drip tip on it. And, it doesn't even exist yet. Damn!

LOL, it exists, in blueprint form :) I'll update when I get some more information. I did get an update on the whistle tips though and that was about a week and a half...

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