3 weeks on same carto?

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Vaping Master
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Aug 22, 2010
Albemarle, North Carolina
I pretty much always have 2 particular flavors going... my diy mix of caramel capp and a vanilla cookie mix. With the caramel capp, I can easily get 3 weeks with good flavor and performance. With the vanilla cookie, one week is about all I get before the filler taste starts coming through. I once did an experiment where I ran unflavored juice in a carto tank to see how long it would go, still tasting and performing good. 5 weeks later it was still going strong. One of my favorite "store bought" juices is tastyfinger, a chocolate based mix. I'm lucky if I get 2 days out of a carto in a tank using this juice before I can't stand the taste anymore. So in my experience, the flavoring that's added to the juice (or lack of it) is the deciding factor in how long I can use a carto in a tank and still enjoy it.

I've never had a carto actually die. I figure the caramel capp flavor is strong enough to mask the filler taste. I once ran a carto (with caramel capp) for about a month, then took it apart and was surprised almost no gunk or burning to the insides. I use a plain ole', cheap dct like Liberty-Flights sells. My juice is 70%PG 30% Vg and I punch (with a hammer and sharp screw) one (largish) hole (single coil xxl boge 3ohm carto). I condom fill the carto before it goes in the tank and then fill the tank. Never any problems whatsoever..no dry hits, no flooding. It's super easy to refill the dctank (takes less than 10 seconds) and no mess. Now I can't sling the device around by the tank but I do throw it in my purse without any worries over the tank coming off or leaking. It doesn't get any simplier than this.

When I'm in the mood to fiddle, I use vivi novas, rewicked and recoiled with a piece of cotton ball. The flavor is much better (with the vanilla cookie) and I can use one for an hour to a couple weeks before I need to rewick/recoil it. I just ordered a Vulcan/DID clone Genesis style atty tank. I"ve been watching youtube tutorials on how to oxidize the mesh and build the coil. I'm quite anxious because I hate trying to learn something new, it always takes me weeks of practice and fine tuning to get to where I want to be and sometimes I'm just not in the mood to fiddle. I usually punch a batch of cartos at one time and it's just too easy and quick to grab a new carto, fill it and slide it in a tank than it is to rewick and recoil and hope there isn't a short and I have to start all over! :/

In response to fourthrok above, I never take my cartos out of the tank or drain the juice. No problems with leaving them sit overnight, full of juice. In fact, I usually put in a fresh batt and refill the tank at night (takes less than a minute) so the next morning all I have to do is grab it and go.
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Super Member
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Oct 30, 2012
Clayton, NC
I actually loved this about my Carto with a tank [Smoktech] but HATED how the tank was set up.
No screws so if you tugged on it or moved it, juice everywhere -.-
I'll be browsing for a new one though because I really did like the longevity of it (Coming from using a regular clearo)

You want this, it locks in place.

Chrome Artemas Tube, Clear


Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Watertown, NY
I don't know what the deal is with that. But when I've left the juice in overnight in the tank...in the morning I always detect a "funny" or "off" flavor. It does work itself out eventually...but when I first get up I don't like my first hit to be funky. Ya know? I'm REALLY picky about my juice. I make my own menthol and I know exactly how it's supposed to taste, so if it's "off" by even just a bit it bothers the bejeebers out of me. I'm not talking about a burnt taste...it's just a funny overly sweet taste. Off. Not pure like it's supposed to be. By taking it out overnight, I can top off the carto and refill the tank in the morning and skip the breaking-in step with the yuck taste.

Don't know why that happens. I wish it didn't. Sure would make life easier! Thank the vaping gods for EMSCCs though...they tide me over until I get my tank set up again!
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Jan 7, 2011
Gainesville Texas
Well I may be a recent convert. I have from the beginning dripped almost exclusively. Yeah it's a problem while driving. I just didn't like how cartos (in or out of a tank) muted the flavor. Well just this morning I don't feel the same and bought 3 different tanks and smoktech cartos 3 ohm double hole. I have found that heavy VG which I use is not a problem if you prime the carto regularly and the flavor is not that bad. I've been tryin' to get the wife to start vapin' again and bought her a number of devices and tanks to give her no excuse and while settin' them up I gained a lot of experience and came to appreciate them more. Maybe my buds are changin' yet again but it could be that the juices are just more flavorful (HHV AVE Copper creek etc). I never had much trouble with carto longivety either; if ya burn it you'll know. So anyway ya can rest easy that I won't rear end ya cause I'm a drippin' (actually could do it w/o lookin'). I'll still drip at home I'm sure but cartos are a bit cheaper than the name brand atty's I use (IO6 and Joyetech) and seem to last for weeks in or out of the tank. O.K. too much ramblin' smokteck rocks, and maybe I'll check out some pyrex and phiniac.

Amish Ed

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Jan 25, 2010
Lake Forest, CA
I just got my first carto tank and haven't had any issues with the first vape in the morning (leaving the carto in all night). 1st carto lasted about a week and a half. It started getting a tight draw and had a big drop in vapor production, tasted fine though.

I actually loved this about my Carto with a tank [Smoktech] but HATED how the tank was set up.
No screws so if you tugged on it or moved it, juice everywhere -.-
I'll be browsing for a new one though because I really did like the longevity of it (Coming from using a regular clearo)

Check out IBTanked. I got mine about a week ago and have yet to have any issues with slippage. Plus, they are really well priced for being Pyrex. About $30 for a 25mm colored tank and stainless end caps.
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Senior Member
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Nov 22, 2010
I just checked a std mega Ikenvape Platinum I've been using for about 2 weeks since it's like $2 so no big loss. It had no signs of wear. It was pretty much pure white inside except a tiny brown spot in one part of the carto, but it wasn't a bunt crumbly spot, just was oddly brown. The inner jacket around the coil was pure white with no signs of issues.

Now, this is used inside a tank AND I use my own juice mixtures with very little flavoring and no color additives. It's a very clear looking juice to say the least.

For me I'd say I see no reason to change them out unless I notice something funky with them for at minimum two weeks. Maybe more.


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Aug 31, 2010
Randolph, NY
I bought a batch of 5 Smoktech 1.6 ohm dual coil cartomizers in December of 2011... had one die on me about 2 weeks in, another got tight and just doesn't work right, and I lost one... the other 2 are still going strong a year of heavy vaping later :) Although I apparently don't vape nearly as heavily as some, since even going nearly non-stop all day long I'm hard pressed to go through more than 1-2ml a day...


Ultra Member
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Nov 26, 2012
st louis
I bought a batch of 5 Smoktech 1.6 ohm dual coil cartomizers in December of 2011... had one die on me about 2 weeks in, another got tight and just doesn't work right, and I lost one... the other 2 are still going strong a year of heavy vaping later :) Although I apparently don't vape nearly as heavily as some, since even going nearly non-stop all day long I'm hard pressed to go through more than 1-2ml a day...

:ohmy: Wow. That is amazing !
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