3 weeks on same carto?

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Oct 3, 2012
Albuquerque NM
So I'm about a month in to using cartos. I must say after a few learning bumps.. I got them down and love them! I have used atomizer tanks of all kinds before. But after getting cartos with a tank, it my new favorite way to vape! Anyways I have had the same carto in my tank for 3 weeks now and it still going strong! Smoke tech dual coil 1.5. I'm also a very heavy vaper. My question is, is this normal? I keep saying to myself I should replace it but why? It's going strong.. I hope everybody is having a great weekend! Go 49ers!


Vaping Master
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Nov 23, 2011
Northern California
Good! Cartomizer tanks will extend the life of a carto by keeping the filler saturated at all times.

I use XL LR cartos as listed in my signature. I change them out after 7-10 days or after running 15-20 ml through them. Heated and off-taste juice will accumulate in a carto, especially if used without a tank as I do.


Vaping Master
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
@ Killustration. Im guessing youre an artist by your forum name and avatar. Give Phiniac.com a look around if youre looking for a good tank setup. They use Pyrex which is extremely tough, wont crack with cinnamon or strong citrus juices and also wont leech into your juice.

For artistic types you cant beat the sandblasted and colored graphics.Also if you want a design not pictured Moorea will work with you and do her best to make it available to you.


Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Watertown, NY
In view of the fact that the cigarettes I used to smoke were about $1.50 a pack...and I smoked 2-3 PAD...I don't especially consider cartos as "cheap". After all..I'm trying to SAVE money! Even if only to spend it on more vaping toys! I've been trying to figure out how to extend the life of my cartos using the tanks. In view of the fact that I probably run around 8-10ml. through a tank a day, it's been a bit challenging. Brockadams might be a "heavy vaper", but I've got him beat (I do admit my nic level is very low, and I do DIY, probably contributing to the vast quantities). If I'm doing things other than being online I can stretch it out more. But since I'm mostly online...well. You see my problem. I had read a lot of threads about using the tanks, and looked up various YouTube vids and read lots of reviews and whatnot, and thought I'd figured out the ins and outs. But I was wrong. I am learning things all the time.

1.) Fill the carto before putting it in the tank. I thought that was a step I didn't need to worry about. After all..that's what the hole is for, right? I'd just squirt a little in and carry merrily on. Apparently that was a bad plan. FILL THE CARTO FIRST!

2.) Priming. Now, no one (until recently) ever told me a thing about "priming". I've been using tanks since last February and it was new to me. I knew about "priming" with atties. But cartotanks? Yeah. Okay, so now I know to prime by taking an occasional hit without hitting the button to encourage the juice to go in the carto and wet the coil. Watch for bubbles. You want to see 'em. Listen for the "crackle" when vaping...be assured that wick is WET!

3.) Avoid leaving juice and carto in the tank overnight. Lots of people apparently do it, but it doesn't seem to work out well for me, no matter if I lay the tank down or prop it upright. I drain out whatever remaining juice from the tank with a syringe (I put it back in my needle top bottle) then remove the cartomizer, wipe it down and put condoms on it (covering the hole, too). For bedtime vaping I'll use an EMSCC. In the morning I top of the carto with juice again, and refill the tank.

My first forays into seriously using the cartotanks were frustrating. I seemed to be lucky to get maybe 2 days (max) life out of my cartomizers. That, to me, was not practical or economical. I want my cartos to last at LEAST 4 days constant use, and preferably a week (even more if the stars line up right). My current "tips" are helping me. A lot. I've managed to increase the life of my cartos in the tanks significantly. Not earth shaking...but every little step towards efficiency helps!


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Jan 15, 2011
I use them until I don't get the taste/vapor production I want. Some have lasted several weeks with no issues at all. I use mostly PG/high pg and vape clear liquids.

I tend to alternate between 3-4 pvs so I'm not vaping non-stop on one pv unless it's the only one I happen to have with me. The darker liquid don't last as long.

I don't try to make them last forever, but if I'm getting a good vape, why change it? I have taken tons of cartos apart, especially when I used to use the clear dccc's and never had any issues with burning cartos. The least sign that it does taste burnt, I throw it away immediately because that just tastes nasty.
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