3.7v vs. 5v

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Full Member
Mar 8, 2011
South Carolina
Hello Folks,

I have a question. I have been puffing away on my GLV2 for about a year now and I settled into a pretty good Menthol juice on a 2ohm Dual Coil. While I have been experimenting with other flavors and resistances, on both atty's and carto's, it seems that anytime I try a flavor that I don't drown in menthol drops, it comes out with a burnt taste. So..

How does flavor compare on 3.7v (Maybe GLV XL Mini) vs the 5v GLV2 (which I own)? Anybody own both?

Thanks for the year of tar free nicotine guys!


After some reading, I think I have found a decent solution. I just ordered a Kick and am about to order a GLV XL Mini. I'll use the shorter batts (mentioned in another post here) and hopefully snag a longer tube later if Jay decides to make them. The full 10 watts should be close to the 5v2ohm combo I mentioned above, if it so happens I am unable to find a good sweet spot. If the "MiniKick" ends up being a good combo, I'll try and duplicate it for the wife. Thanks for all the info on the board here guys :)
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
I own a Bolt 3.7, a USB plug in passthrough (supposedly @ 5v) and a Provari I run 2 ohmDCT's @ 5.5v. I have been on the fence about trying a juicebox mod @ 3.7v. I like the Reo Grand, but Since trying a CE2 8 months ago,I'm a little Apprehensive about getting a juicebox, although I think it will be the same as a tank, except without the expence and leaking of the DCT.

What I need is Pros/cons.....


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 21, 2009
Hmm..Well 5v is what we call the sweet spot. Most of our customers like The GLV 5V because you can use any ohm atty/carto. As far as box mods go, Im way to rough on my PVs for a box mod. A few of our customers Like/own the Reo, and Iv had a chance to use one few times, and they work well, and are well built. All of the MOD's you mentioned are fine PV's ,and the pros and cons can be different depending on who you talk to. For me its 5V GLV 1.5-2 ohm Atty drip style. And Yes a feeder is kinda the same thing as a tank..not a fan of cartos as much as I am atomizers tho. Hope this helps.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
I tried the CV2, I got burnt wicks, nasty leaks and delicate parts. The most trouble I had with a DCT was that the metal tube actually broke off the 510 connector side a few times (ick). The DCT has been the most reliable for me. I use 1 a week and the cost is not so bad. I was thinking of trying a juicebox mod to see if the attys would give me a better flavor / cheaper consumable pieces.

If I do go for a juicebox, I will get a VV
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