1st Juice YAY

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Jan 22, 2012
Vapemail came through a day early--wow, how often does that happen? The USPS must be on overtime after the holiday. I started off with two simple single flavor juices just to get started. I used the ejuice recipe calculator for the amounts and made 5 ml of blueberry and 5 ml of orange dreamsicle (100% vg except for the flavors). I did the blueberry at a very low 6% nic level to vape all day, and the orange at a little higher 12%nic for nic fixes throughout the day. I already have some 18% nic juices that I vape when a craving hits, and usually do a mix of lower levels throughout the day of the premixed ones as well.

Of course, I haven't steeped them at all, but since they are just single fruit flavors, I gave them a try in an atomizer... a little light, but hopefully they'll strengthen a bit over the next week or so of steeping. Overall, I'm really happy, and can't wait to do more. I'm going to wait to mix anything else until I see how these age out first though. I have plenty of other juices to hold me over until I feel comfortable with the way these are before moving on to a little bolder experiments.


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Jan 22, 2012
I can see that jollyroger, cherry seems like a 'strongish' flavor in premixed juices too (like it, but it is stronger than others seem to be) and orange is like that to (to me) so I made the orange at 5%. I did 10% with blueberry, because I've never been able to really taste it in premixes. This one is nice but still very mild, I do hope I don't regret such a high percentage as it ages, but it's not a big bottle if it ends up being overpowering.


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Jan 22, 2012
I think you might be right on the blueberry. Love your solution too, something like that would probably work and I can give it to my son (not a minor, lol, 30 yrs old). He vapes too, just started -- gave up smoking right away after deciding to vape when he finally tried my egos a few times. He likes menthol. I'll have to keep that in mind should I over "cook" a flavor a little. LOL


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Jan 22, 2012
Hubby walked in the house after work tonight and said "did you bake something?" I said "no". He said, "smells like blueberries in here." I waved my ego and he said "hey, not fair, if you're going to have blueberries you don't smoke (sic) them, you bake them." But he was laughing. Then he said as he walked down the hall... "smells a heck of a lot better in here than it did when you were smoking." YEAH.


Super Member
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Jun 13, 2014
Cayman Islands
Mostly using TFA Blueberry Wild at 10% with 3% TFA Vanilla Swirl and 2% TFA Sweet Cream
Same thing for TFA Orange Cream and FW Orange Dream Bar.
You can add most any Vanilla or Cream to make the fruits more creamy.

FA Bilberry(blueberry) I'm only needing 3%...

You are such the mixologist! LOL I just need to acquire the vast array of flavors you have!

The one i got didn't say wild on it though. I made a batch of Black and Blue Berry last week and just tried it last night and it is awesome!

And yea the menthol covered up teh slight over taste and it is really good menthol with undertones of the BB


Super Member
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Mar 17, 2014
Bay City, Michigan
You are such the mixologist! LOL I just need to acquire the vast array of flavors you have!

The one i got didn't say wild on it though. I made a batch of Black and Blue Berry last week and just tried it last night and it is awesome!

And yea the menthol covered up teh slight over taste and it is really good menthol with undertones of the BB

Na, I'm still a noob, as I've only got around 150 flavors so far...

The Blackberry I tried from FW was way to bitter so I dumped it:ohmy:


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Mar 21, 2013
Los Angeles


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Mar 17, 2014
Bay City, Michigan


Vaping Master
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Mar 21, 2013
Los Angeles
Ah, thanks for that recommendation, I really like some of the tobaccos from that line.

Never thought of trying the fruits out, kinda got sidetracked with FA and Inawera lately.

The alcohol based flavors don't seem to take as long to blend well IMO.

You're welcome. I didn't care for a lot of their Fruit Flavors, but the Blackberry is excellent.
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