1/24/14 - Logic Pres Interview, EU pro-vaping letter, UT US danger, ACA softening? + city reg. of brick-n-mortars MN & CA + PMI new analog?

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Jan 19, 2014
Moved On
Today's haul is heavy on business publications and health care 'zines. Possible change of position by ACS. New possible trend of US municipalities restricting licensing at brick-and-mortar stores. Possible reason for a CASAA UT alert. And while not directly relevant, see the quote from The Economist about Phillip Morris below (yet another kind of tobacco cigarette?).


CNBC [int'l business] interview w/ Miguel Martin, President of Logic on regulation/etc.: Lighting up the e-cigarette business - CNBC (not a bad job, but he clearly isn't a vaper - half if not more of this forum's denizens could probably have been more effective.]


Motley Fool [int'l business]: www . fool .com/investing/general/2014/01/23/3-things-you-must-know-about-e-cigarettes.aspx [link broken mainly because of a small amount of unsupported junk arguing that PVDs aren't as "good" as nicotine gum w/o providing context, also junky comments about nicotine. I have to wonder whether investors and businesspeople are being influenced by people like Forbes to take a more favorable view than the general ignorant public]


The Economist (int'l general focus) http://www.economist.com/news/busin...f?zid=318&ah=ac379c09c1c3fb67e0e8fd1964d5247f (This is more of a general review of the tobacco industry but noteworthy because of:

PMI [Phillip Morris] has higher hopes for a new type of cigarette, which heats tobacco rather than burning it. Such cigarettes could deliver fewer toxins than conventional sticks and more pleasure than mere vapour. PMI says it will invest up to €500m ($677m) in a factory in Italy to make them.


New Scientest [int'l science/bus./engineering] http://www.newscientist.com/article...n-eus-proposed-ecigarette-law.html?cmpid=RSS| NSNS|2012-GLOBAL|online-news#.UuJ42_so5pg [Letter sent to EU about junk science/junk research interpretations in PVD regulation]


Global Health Delivery [US nat'l 501(c)(3) health care e-zine] Regulating Innovation: E-Cigarettes | Global Health Delivery Online: Improving health care delivery through global collaboration (Did not break links even though comments contain junk; interesting collection of ref.s. Readership appears to consist of health professionals, not the general public]


Huffpo [US nat'l] www . huffingtonpost . com/harold-wimmer-/end-the-tobacco-epidemic-_b_4645656.html [American Lung ...'n Pres.' rant which completely blurs the distinction between PVDs and analogs. But you knew that about the ALA, right?]


Daily Mail (UK, nat'l): www dailymail co uk/health/article-2544752/The-great-e-cigarette-debate-rages-Experts-clash-safety-pubs-restaurants-ban-them.html [Link broken due to just one piece of junk, but it's mostly pretty balanced]


Queens U. (Ont., Ca.) queensubewell blogspot com/2014/01/e-cigarettes-helpful-or-harmful.html (link broken because the piece strongly advises that PVDs shouldn't be used as smoking cessation)


The Hindu (India, Nat'l) Kick the habit with e-cigarette - The Hindu [surprisingly mild - India hasn't regulated PVDs anywhere, as far as I can tell; I believe The Hindu leans conservative/pro-business]


NYT (US nat'l) rural jails using PVDs to raise $, reduce violence: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/24/us/in-rural-jails-a-calming-vapor.html An unusually mild ACS statement - either ACS isn't consistent about its sound bites, or their position is changing:

"They have potential because their short-term effect appears to be far less harmful than combustible cigarettes," said Thomas Glynn, director of cancer science and trends for the American Cancer Society. "But we don’t know the long-term effects."


AEI [US nat']: Are Hollywood starlets glamorizing smoking by using e-cigarettes? - Society and Culture - AEI (as many of you know, this is a conservative Wash. DC "think tank." Most of the article covers the gateway argument, and the analysis is similar to CASAA's. Some of this ground was covered already in this week's Forbes article)


Mounds View Sun [Twin Cities MN US suburb: Sun Focus | Mounds View council supports regulating e-cigarettes (More licensing for vaper stores. MN has a tradition of state action on punitive taxation, CASAA has issued an alert, see Legal status of electronic cigarettes in the USA - Map - ECF InfoZone. Mounds View may be the first suburban "domino" in the Minn-St. Paul area, also see article about Seal Beach CA below]


Little Rock AFB [AR, US Air Force]: www . littlerock . af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123377600 ("hit job" which pretends to be balanced. USAF is the only US service to have banned PVDs on bases, I think. Look for the others to follow.)


KY3 [Springfield MO US CBS? affiliate] www. ky3 .com/news/local/man-expereinces-explosive-consequence-from-using-electronic-cigarette/-/21048998/24083270/-/rmia90/-/index.html" Man experiences 'explosive' consequence from using e-cigarette | Local - Home (yet another story on battery fires but no junk)


News9/OK City (OK US) www news9 com/story/24535975/are-e-cigarettes-the-new-addiction [most notable because it contains a list of pending OK legislation. CASAA has issued a critical alert for OK, see: Legal status of electronic cigarettes in the USA - Map - ECF InfoZone and click on OK to go to: CASAA: Call to Action! SUPPORT New Version of Oklahoma Bill to Ban E-Cigarette Sales to Minors - HB 2097 (UPDATED) (which might need some updating)

News6/Tulsa (OK, US): www . newson6 . com/story/24535806/experts-wonder-if-e-cigarettes-are-actually-a-healthy-alternative-for-tulsans [Not horrible but a small spoonful or so of junk. FB comments are running almost 100% our way, presumably story was run appropros the OK St. Sen. hearings yesterday]


Deseret News (Salt Lake UT US bureau): www deseretnews com/article/865594754/Utah-lawmaker-promises-fight-against-e-cigarettes.html [Utah vapers, watch out for this state legislator. CASAA doesn't presently have a Utah alert, but based on what I'm seeing in this article, perhaps one's merited. This St. Rep. (Paul Ray, R-Clearfield) *hates* analogs - perhaps w/good reason - and is firmly sold on the "gateway" argument, and/or doesn't know the difference.]


Deseret News (Seal Beach CA US) http://www.mydesert.com/VideoNetwork/2630441651001/Orange-County-city-considering-e-cigarette-ban (ban on new licenses for stores that sell vaping supplies - possible new trend ... see story out of MN above]
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