0 nic juice, can it help you quit?

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Yes - you will be sucking on something and breathing in something so that would keep the mechanical part of the habit busy. However, 0 nic juice has no throat hit. You can fake it a bit with additives like QHit (by Flavourart) or some other hit additive sold by VaporNine (I think). You can use flavors with some throat sensation like mint, menthol, pepper (FreedomSmokeUSA has pepper ejuice), ginger, cinnamon.

Are you sure use is banned, not just the sale? See the Canada forum
Canada Forum
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2010
Can the 0 nic juice help you quit? Does anyone else here find any value in it? I know that nic e-cigs are banned in my hometown of toronto but not 0 nic. Is there any point?

I have been a 0 nicotine vaper for months now. In fact, there are quite a few of us who vape nicotine free on this board, so hopefully a few of them will see this thread and chime in as well.

My answer to your question is yes, there is value in vaping no nicotine. You get all of the hand to mouth gratification without having to smoke a cigarette. The taste is good, smooth, and not irritating to the throat like a high nicotine juice can be. I've found that a no nic juice can be effective to remain smoke free. It's a helluva lot more satisfying than sticking a patch on your arm or swallowing a pill once per day.

Why vape at all if I'm not ingesting nicotine? I mean really, what's the point?
I really, really liked smoking. If it weren't for the fact that it's so bad for me, I'd still be doing it. I did not want to quit smoking, but I knew I had to. So, by using a 0 nicotine juice, I still have the enjoyment of the hand to mouth, the ritual of seeing and feeling the 'smoke', and it quells any urge I may have to go buy a pack of cigarettes thus keeping me smoke free. This is something the dozen other quit methods I tried couldn't do for me. Long story short: If you've done your homework, go for it.

Good luck! :)

Tracker II

Ultra Member
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Jan 13, 2011
Yesterday was my 5 month anniversary without an analog and I did it using 0mg juice all but the first two days. I went through nicotine withdrawals but drank lots of water and vaped myself silly to satisfy my hand-to-mouth habit - all of which got me through much easier than trying to quit cold turkey (never had any success with cold turkey method).

The nice thing about 0mg is that once you get used to it, you don't absolutely have to have it. I can now go out to movies, parties and such and not have to worry about nicotine cravings.


Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
Zyban, patches, Chandix, gum didn't help me quit. 0 nicotine wouldn't either.

An interesting thing though, I can go out without my pv. I've gone almost all day without it and don't really crave a cig or nicotine until I get home and it's there. And I vape 24 mg. I could never do that when I was smoking, even when I tried. Another reason why I think the amount of nicotine we get is minimal.
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Senior Member
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Apr 21, 2011
Arlington Texas
I started w/ high nicotine and have steadily been going down in strength - but I can see where 0 nic juice + a patch would possibly work for me - if I had to.

I do agree w/ Swedish Fish though - I can leave my house w/out my PV and I don't freak out, I couldn't even do that w/ cigs, I would have had to buy a pack while I was out.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2010
Michigan, U.S.A.
I only vape 0 nic DIY. Been at 0 nic for 6 months now. Started at 18 mg and every month when I restocked liquid I reduced the level by 6 mg. Now vaping is just a hobby I enjoy. This after smoking a pack-a-day for 25 years.

BUT, If I went from cigs to vaping 0 mg I definitely would not have quit. I needed that nicotine! Probably would have abandoned vaping long ago.


DIY Enthusiast
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Mar 21, 2011
I used high nicotine juice for the first several months. I assumed I needed to because I was smoking 2 packs a day for 40 years. I have drastically reduced my nicotine intake in the past week. I went from 24mg juice to some 0.8mg and mostly 0mg.

The hand to mouth addiction was very strong for me. That seems to be what I missed most when trying to stop smoking. Although I didn't realize it at the time.

What satisfies me is billowing out huge plumes of vapor. :vapor:

Since I DIY my e-liquid that is easy to accomplish. I fill a small bottle with VG and add a few drops of flavoring and a few drops of distilled water or PGA. Then let the fog roll.

I don't know if using 0 nicotine e-juice would have worked for me from the beginning because I didn't try. And I have no intention of starting smoking again just to find out. LOL

But for me it works. I'm sure its not for everyone.

Best of luck with your endeavor.
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