What's the buzz?

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Full Member
Dec 17, 2016
I just don't understand... I love vaping. I am turning back to vaping cause I don't want to smoke but I need something to replace it until I can man up and just be nicotine free. However the entire vape industry is so weird and shady. I don't like that the technology isn't advancing in the market place there's a lot of experience and education needed just to get a fix of nicotene. It's an industry that was meant to be an alternative to smoking and turned into a tricky hobby you have to dedicate yourself to. Yes it's fun to vape and delicious but is it worth being swindled by greedy vape shops on extreme mark ups or order online and receive malfunctioning tech that gets mishandled in shipment? Then the damn juice makers are sketchy some have chemicals like formaldehyde and some are just bad recipes that are like flavored essential oils bleh! For an industry 5+ years in the making and market running this is horse ..... They shouldn't have been allowed to introduce this industry without getting these things approved and legitematly on the market. Now we all have to suffer through bad designing and unfair politics and poor market handling. It's an ugly disaster of an industry... If they can't figure it out I'm guessing vaping will be banned all together in the US cause of big tobacco and poor handling of the entire industry . This is why so many vapers build their own stuff and make their own juice cause the people that started this "movement" were idiots. I hope it all works itself out cause I love vaping.
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Full Member
Dec 17, 2016
I just don't understand... I love vaping. I am turning back to vaping cause I don't want to smoke but I need something to replace it until I can man up and just be nicotine free. However the entire vape industry is so weird and shady. I don't like that the technology isn't advancing in the market place there's a lot of experience and education needed just to get a fix of nicotene. It's an industry that was meant to be an alternative to smoking and turned into a tricky hobby you have to dedicate yourself to. Yes it's fun to vape and delicious but is it worth being swindled by greedy vape shops on extreme mark ups or order online and receive malfunctioning tech that gets mishandled in shipment? Then the damn juice makers are sketchy some have chemicals like formaldehyde and some are just bad recipes that are like flavored essential oils bleh! For an industry 5+ years in the making and market running this is horse ..... They shouldn't have been allowed to introduce this industry without getting these things approved and legitematly on the market. Now we all have to suffer through bad designing and unfair politics and poor market handling. It's an ugly disaster of an industry... If they can't figure it out I'm guessing vaping will be banned all together in the US cause of big tobacco and poor handling of the entire industry . This is why so many vapers build their own stuff and make their own juice cause the people that started this "movement" were idiots. I hope it all works itself out cause I love vaping.
Lol also the whole point of the rant is that I don't want to have to build my own .... people don't always have time for (EDITED) around with the tech and tanks to enjoy my vaping.
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Bad Ninja

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 26, 2013
God's Country
Lol also the whole point of the rant is that I don't want to have to build my own .... people don't always have time for dicking around with the tech and tanks to enjoy my vaping.

Here's the truth most dont want ro hear:
"Building" can be actually easier and faster than fiddling with replaceable coil heads and "kits".

As with any "tool" there is a small learning curve that can be as simple or as complicated as you make it.

An RBA and a pair of premade coils take about 120 seconds to install, and wick once you get the process down.

The coils will last months. Takes a few seconds to replace the wick, every few days depending on the juice you like to vape.
Costs a tiny fraction of a cigarette habit.
Learn to DIY juice and make 6 months worth in 10 minutes for a few pennies per ml.


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Jul 18, 2011
Sorry, but I have to disagree with some of your statements. The industry is much more advanced than when I started in 2011-both the hardware and the juice is much better now. I don't rebuild, yet I have found tanks and coils that satisfy me. If you hang out on this forum you will find the reputable vendors to buy from. You can make this as much or as little of as a hobby as you want to. Some make their own juice, most don't. Some make their own coils, some don't. The kids, mostly, like to do tricks. I figure it's no sweat off my back and they could be doing much worse things in their free time, so who cares? Just because they are blowing rings doesn't mean I have to.


Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
I just don't understand... I love vaping. I am turning back to vaping cause I don't want to smoke but I need something to replace it until I can man up and just be nicotine free. However the entire vape industry is so weird and shady. I don't like that the technology isn't advancing in the market place there's a lot of experience and education needed just to get a fix of nicotene. It's an industry that was meant to be an alternative to smoking and turned into a tricky hobby you have to dedicate yourself to. Yes it's fun to vape and delicious but is it worth being swindled by greedy vape shops on extreme mark ups or order online and receive malfunctioning tech that gets mishandled in shipment? Then the damn juice makers are sketchy some have chemicals like formaldehyde and some are just bad recipes that are like flavored essential oils bleh! For an industry 5+ years in the making and market running this is horse ..... They shouldn't have been allowed to introduce this industry without getting these things approved and legitematly on the market. Now we all have to suffer through bad designing and unfair politics and poor market handling. It's an ugly disaster of an industry... If they can't figure it out I'm guessing vaping will be banned all together in the US cause of big tobacco and poor handling of the entire industry . This is why so many vapers build their own stuff and make their own juice cause the people that started this "movement" were idiots. I hope it all works itself out cause I love vaping.
The people who started this movement were people who wanted to quit smoking in conjunction with a guy who invented a very basic ecig that started things off. It's the smokers/vapers who've made most of the improvements. Then companies copied the ideas.

An FDA approved vaporizer has been around for years. And doesn't help anyone stop smoking.

Big business is beind smoking and behind pharmaceuticals that don't work. That's where the money is.

The vaping industry, vaping that actually works to help get and keep people off cigarettes has been driven by those very people. Making slow and steady improvement.

You want big business, FDA approved? Then you must not want to quit smoking.


Full Member
Dec 17, 2016
My whole point is it's all so sketchy it makes me feel dirty lol and bamboozled. Fermaldahyde ?? Really?? And batteries that can explode... spatters hot juice in your mouth on occasion leaks on occasion. Everything is so sensitive on these things it's just all around bad news but I don't wanna quit cause I enjoy it I am just whining cause from what I hear it's not going to improve for a while because of regulation requirements and such.


Full Member
Dec 17, 2016
My other point is it shouldn't be so tedious to keep up with this stuff... it's a lot of work going from just lighting a cigarette to tinkering with electronics and "juice" and coils and wicks it's like they completely abandoned the original function of smoking cessation and went with fancy vapor cloud makin machines cause it made more $$ that way. so they ignored a lot of important safety issues.


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Apr 29, 2014
United States
There are crooked people in every industry. Vaping is no different, but you just have to ask around and do some research to find good individuals and companies to deal with...

sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using MOAR 2.1b ROM running tapatalk


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Oct 28, 2014
    I just don't understand... I love vaping. I am turning back to vaping cause I don't want to smoke but I need something to replace it until I can man up and just be nicotine free. However the entire vape industry is so weird and shady. I don't like that the technology isn't advancing in the market place there's a lot of experience and education needed just to get a fix of nicotene. It's an industry that was meant to be an alternative to smoking and turned into a tricky hobby you have to dedicate yourself to. Yes it's fun to vape and delicious but is it worth being swindled by greedy vape shops on extreme mark ups or order online and receive malfunctioning tech that gets mishandled in shipment? Then the damn juice makers are sketchy some have chemicals like formaldehyde and some are just bad recipes that are like flavored essential oils bleh! For an industry 5+ years in the making and market running this is horse ..... They shouldn't have been allowed to introduce this industry without getting these things approved and legitematly on the market. Now we all have to suffer through bad designing and unfair politics and poor market handling. It's an ugly disaster of an industry... If they can't figure it out I'm guessing vaping will be banned all together in the US cause of big tobacco and poor handling of the entire industry . This is why so many vapers build their own stuff and make their own juice cause the people that started this "movement" were idiots. I hope it all works itself out cause I love vaping.

    It is all legitimately on the market. There's no legit or sufficient reason to restrict it or make people get some kind of approval, at least in a free society. If you want to simulate what restriction probably would have led to, go get an original Blu or something. The effects of the threat of legal clampdown have not been healthy. I think there would be a big market for healthier vaping products if such things could be legally claimed and the future not looming.

    Clearly, there is a hobby level of vaping that is not for everybody but the market for a mid-level was exploding before being frozen. There's enough trickle-down that even the semi-disposable stuff has gotten better.


    ECF Guru
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    May 11, 2013
    CA, USA
    However the entire vape industry is so weird and shady.
    I don't know - I've met a lot of helpful people. Vendors included. Now lawyers, and investment banking, and insurance == THOSE industries are weird and shady.

    I don't like that the technology isn't advancing in the market
    It's advancing like CRAZY. New device developments every week? A shift from sticks to big boxes, from 10 watts to 300, from cartomizers to squonkers...most people complain that they can't keep up.

    turned into a tricky hobby you have to dedicate yourself to.
    This is valid, but it will settle down, and there will be simple devices without a hobby element. Possibly the "pod" trend we're seeing (more rapid crazy development of new product).
    Then again, I have a theory that ONE PART of what makes vaping a success in smoking cessation for MANY (not all) people IS the hobby element. We LIKE having new stuff to try, to figure out, to fiddle with - and in fact, keep doing so well beyond the point that we're happily not smoking...
    It's not just replace the nic - it's finding something more SATISFYING, which includes an enjoyment of the gear/flavor experimentation. Again - for me, not saying that has to be true for everyone!

    being swindled by greedy vape shops on extreme mark ups or order online and receive malfunctioning tech that gets mishandled in shipment?
    Shops are in a hard place - they're just trying to survive, when in fact, they won't.
    It's a bunch of people who opened a store with a bad business model.
    Unless they have a succesful juice line (which will be impossible under new regs) they'll fail.
    So yeah - buy online.
    Who's mishandling shipments? I've had ONE issue out of hundreds of packages (and that wasn't the vendor - thing looked like USPS ran it over with a truck. Every day for the 3 months it was missing).

    Then the damn juice makers are sketchy some have chemicals like formaldehyde and some are just bad recipes that are like flavored essential oils bleh!
    Go back and read that article again. Maybe check who wrote it.
    Formaldehyde happens when you take an Ego with a Clearomizer, and crank it up to max voltage, then suck the thing into an analyzer - continuing on past the "dry hit" because....well because "Bad Science". That's the test they ran when they documented Formaldehyde. Crazy high temp will do that.
    No one is putting Formaldeyhde in the juice.
    You must be looking in some weird places to find essential oils, too...
    There's dozens of good juice makers...for now. Ask here and get a list if you want...

    They shouldn't have been allowed to introduce this industry without getting these things approved and legitematly on the market.
    Who would you put in charge of "allowing an industry"???
    People invent stuff. We either buy it, and recommend it, and buy more - or not, in which case they stop making it.
    That's a legitimate market.
    An illegitimate market would be one where some misinformed agency "deemed" what we might or might not want.

    This is why so many vapers build their own stuff and make their own juice
    I don't think so.
    I think vapers build their own stuff because it IS a young industry, with opportunity to keep inventing improvements. And as mentioned - tinkering and inventing is a good addition to the "hobby" side.
    With juice, most people who make their own initially are motivated by the dramatic savings potential.
    Juice is the one part of the industry where vendors have a really good markup - which is fine... There IS competition bringing it down, plus there's mix-your-own.

    the people that started this "movement" were idiots
    There are no "people who started this movement".
    There were people who tried an e-cig to quit smoking. Then there were more of them.
    Then they started chatting about how it was working for them - here, online.
    WE are the people who started this...

    t cause I love vaping.
    LOL, cool! Me, too!

    But really - you DON'T want a regulated industry -
    Look at what the regulations are trying to yield even now:
    No one in the business but a few huge (shady) corporations.
    "Pods" with no refilling. Limited flavors (tobacco, menthol...maybe "berry," lol).
    And, of course, an ongoing cost equivalent to or higher than cigarettes - THAT is the whole actual POINT of regulation, actually...to protect the nicotine revenue. It's got nothing to do with quality or safety or health.


    Ultra Member
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    Nov 24, 2010
    Galts Gulch
    Just buy a provari :)., Couldn't help myself.......I started vaping approximately 8 years ago and the variety of vaping gear today is astounding...from beginner ( plug and play,to intermediate or advanced RTAs) there are set ups for all levels of interest, it just takes a little research as well as trial and error and one can have a virtually trouble free Vape...... ultimately it will never compare to walking in a convince store and buying a 10$ pack a day and lighting up.......but to compare ecigs, PVs to cigarettes.or combustibles is like comparing a horse and buggy to a car( the ecig market has literally gone through an amazing transformation in the few years it has been around) .....not to mention that the most compulsive gear aficionado still pales in comparison financially to what he spent on cigarettes....I'm speaking personally ......my 2 cents.......PS: I've bought a ton of junk along the way, but have to say it was worth the quest compared to smoking


    Ultra Member
    Dec 6, 2016
    OP is uninformed at best, as has been pointed out already. Regulations kill business, not just vaping. If you want your only options to come from Camel, Philip Morris, and the like then sure regulations are for you. If you want something that actually works, is refillable, and cost effective, regulations are the devil.

    Bad Ninja

    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 26, 2013
    God's Country
    My whole point is it's all so sketchy it makes me feel dirty lol and bamboozled. Fermaldahyde ?? Really?? And batteries that can explode... spatters hot juice in your mouth on occasion leaks on occasion. Everything is so sensitive on these things it's just all around bad news but I don't wanna quit cause I enjoy it I am just whining cause from what I hear it's not going to improve for a while because of regulation requirements and such.

    You mean like sucking smoke from a tube of burning paper, leaves and god-knows-what 20+times a day?

    Nasty film in your car and home, ashtrays with burning embers, and the choice of respiratory problems if lucky or burning your house down if not?

    Perspective, I guess.
    20 min of reading and a few questions here and most people will have a good grasp of vaping.

    Vaping is much simpler and safer.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Mar 21, 2014
    Northern NJ native , Coastal NC now.
    I just don't understand... I love vaping. I am turning back to vaping cause I don't want to smoke but I need something to replace it until I can man up and just be nicotine free. However the entire vape industry is so weird and shady. I don't like that the technology isn't advancing in the market place there's a lot of experience and education needed just to get a fix of nicotene. It's an industry that was meant to be an alternative to smoking and turned into a tricky hobby you have to dedicate yourself to. Yes it's fun to vape and delicious but is it worth being swindled by greedy vape shops on extreme mark ups or order online and receive malfunctioning tech that gets mishandled in shipment? Then the damn juice makers are sketchy some have chemicals like formaldehyde and some are just bad recipes that are like flavored essential oils bleh! For an industry 5+ years in the making and market running this is horse ..... They shouldn't have been allowed to introduce this industry without getting these things approved and legitematly on the market. Now we all have to suffer through bad designing and unfair politics and poor market handling. It's an ugly disaster of an industry... If they can't figure it out I'm guessing vaping will be banned all together in the US cause of big tobacco and poor handling of the entire industry . This is why so many vapers build their own stuff and make their own juice cause the people that started this "movement" were idiots. I hope it all works itself out cause I love vaping.

    I take it you had a less than ideal experience on your vaping journey ?

    You may just be one of those people like myself who lives Murphy's law , i think anybody can easily figure out vaping and obtain very functional devices on the cheap .

    In the beginning nobody has a clue but hang around forums like this and you figure it out , e juice is by far the most profitable part and it's why so many online juice sellers have sprung up .

    Like you said , DIY is worth it .


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Mar 21, 2014
    Northern NJ native , Coastal NC now.
    My other point is it shouldn't be so tedious to keep up with this stuff... it's a lot of work going from just lighting a cigarette to tinkering with electronics and "juice" and coils and wicks it's like they completely abandoned the original function of smoking cessation and went with fancy vapor cloud makin machines cause it made more $$ that way. so they ignored a lot of important safety issues.

    You DO NOT need to keep up with all the new stuff , most of the new fancy cloud machines are bought by newbies who HAVE NOT been vaping a long time and don't know better.

    They don't even know you can vape at 10 - 12 watts and be completely satisfied , they started when the market was selling 150 watt mods and sub ohm tanks .
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