We need to beat big tobacco to the punch!!

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 5, 2008
Ohio USA
Fellow e-cigarette users,
We need to take action now. Big tobacco has a tremendous amount of pull in Washington, and potentially has the most to lose if e-cigs take over. Our only defense against their pocket books is to beat them to the punch. The way this needs to be done is to write your congressman. We need to make sure that the congressman read the right information and not whatever the tobacco companies want them to read.
I am writing one letter a week, detailing the facts that are currently known about e-cigs and that e-cigs have the potential of overtaking conventional cigarettes.

Their is an ongoing debate about weather e-cigs should be in the mainstream, I got news for everyone, e-cigs will be mainstream, it is just a matter of time. We need to make sure that it does not get stifled by big tobacco. Obama is a smoker that desperately wants to quit, but I bet he does not know about e-cigs. This means he is on our side, so all we need to do is inform congress. It is up to us to inform them of the truth. You know that big tobacco has already unleashed their lobbyists. If we wait for the FDA, it will be too late.
I am going to be putting a stock letter together and I would be glad to give it to you, all you would have to do is enter your congressman's name and address.


Vapor Guys

Chris From Cali

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
I'd be more than happy to send out the letter. I've never actually sent any type of letter to a congressman/women, but I'd be more than happy to jump on the band wagon, especially if it meant keeping esmokes around. Please post when you have the letter ready.

As for the worrying about big tobacco companies taking away our Esmokes, screw em. Let's get on the band wagon now. More and more electronic cigarette suppliers are popping up and I have no doubt they will fight to keep their business. I work at a casino with 4000 employees many of whom smoke and already the word about esmoking is spreading like wild fire. (no pun intended) I hope steve doesn't mind the added biz about to head his way
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
yeah, many states are lining up right now to increase tobacco tax in an effort to bolster their revenue as a result of the damage the recession has done and will do to their coffers. Don't expect your congressmen to care about your health. They care about their state's and their own wealth (with the exception of a few). Tobacco is big business and they like to look after big business. Don't expect them to get noble on e-cigs if they stand to loose a fortune.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2008
From what I understand, Big Tobacco, along with major multi-national corporations are already starting to get involved with electronic cigarettes. Phillip Morris hired a guy from a Chicago agency(I know the name)to test market in the near future in Europe. Big tobacco wants in, cause they know this is the future, and they wanna own the nic addiction. We should be in for exiting times in the near future.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 27, 2008
I expect that in time big tobacco will be the primary supplier and developer of the e-cigs and are likely already doing R&D on economical, disposable units than can be sold much in the same way as analog smokes are now.

Those people have been in business a very long time and know full well that the days of their current products are numbered as more and more bans go into effect around the world. E-cigs are the most logical direction for them to go if they want to remain in business.

Frankly, having that much R&D money thrown into the pot will almost certainly lead to better functioning units at lower costs in the long run.

The real concern is that as soon as they begin to replace analogs on a large scale that the governments will look at them as a replacement source of tax monies and start taxing them as heavily as they now do analogs which will skyrocket the prices all over again.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
From what I understand, Big Tobacco, along with major multi-national corporations are already starting to get involved with electronic cigarettes. Phillip Morris hired a guy from a Chicago agency(I know the name)to test market in the near future in Europe. Big tobacco wants in, cause they know this is the future, and they wanna own the nic addiction. We should be in for exiting times in the near future.

have you got a source for that or is that info you are privy to smilin ?
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 14, 2008
Texas, USA
It is true that Obama is currently trying to quit smoking, so he is an obvious choice to inform about e-cigs. You can contact his transition team here. It will likely take a few hundred e-mails for the message to reach him, but it is not out of our reach to contact what will be the most accessible -technology speaking- president the US has ever had.

Also, this is a link to find the contact info for your congress person.

Me thinks I might make a new thread of this...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 14, 2008
Texas, USA
Kaston, on what planet do you presently reside?

I live on planet hope, Bob =)* I have outgrown naivety but I do realize I placed a tall order!

My whole life has been inspired by hope: first in my family (of all generations) to go college, first to have a healthy marriage, first to own a home, first to have a career instead of a job, first to leave the hell hole that was my hometown, and first not to become a teen parent.

I guess what I am trying to say is that without hope, I would have given up long ago.* But I did not, and I just gave up the last legacy from my family, smoking.

If one person can accomplish all of this in their life before they are 30, why limit the imagination from hoping for changing just a small part of the world?

If you've destroyed a [wo]man's hope, you've destroyed the [wo]man.
-John du Plessis

There is no worse death than the end of hope.

Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.
-Martin Luther

And most importantly:

Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up.
-Anne Lamot


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2008
the Netherlands
I agree Kaston: hope is a véry important part of the mix that is life... and it can get you places you will never get to without it :) (Bob, you are right in so many things... but it would be great if you could perhaps, at times, try not to squish hope in people. Their own jaded time will come, sadly: but until then let hope try to move worlds... sometimes it actually does ;) )
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