VIR and other temp devices

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Unregistered Supplier
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Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
Some people send me e-mails-pms via ecf and facebook thinking that VIR is the same as DNA40 or other temp devices. In fact, VIR has nothing to do with these devices. They use the same technology/procedure to archive the desired result but the hardware and the software I use are totally different. That means that VIR simply works. I have made enough "real time" videos about this issue.


1. VIR doesnt required any special build. The only is required are threads on the coil that dont touch each other
2. VIR reaches immediately the temperature, so its not a temperature limit but a real temperature control device
3. VIR keeps the temperature really steady. You dont understand any difference on taste while vaping
4. VIR doesnt care about how good or bad your atomizer is made by his manufacturer
5. VIR knows if your atomizer is cold or hot and starts vaping after the autodetection function, that means always steady resistance
6. VIR doesnt give you burn taste in any step of temperature
7. VIR doesnt burn your wick
8. VIR doesnt produce unhealthy fumes because of burned wick or burned liquid
9. VIR carries a special software to avoid the "noice" that its mechanical button (and any mechanical button) produce
10. VIR vapes exactly the same if you live in Russia on in Africa
11. VIR vapes the same if you go out of home (even if you started vaping inside home where the temperature is way higher than outside) or the opposite
12. VIR can vape even if battery is at 3,5 volts because of its battery balance function. But it can vape further if you go to a lower temp step
13. VIR can work like a mechanical e-cig with many wires out there (stainless steel, gplat etc), except nichrome and kanthal
14. VIR uses Ti wire rather than NR wire, so its really accurate. The tolerance on temp control is +-5 Celsius degrees
15. VIR doesnt care if you vape on a bad fed atomizer. It will just produce less smoke and thats it.
16. VIR uses Titanium that is Resistance wire. So you dont need a lot of threads on your coil that may lead to touched threads or in a situation where your atomizer cant fit all these threads. 7-8 threads of your coil are enough

VIR is a professional product. It doesnt need any update to work.

VIR will not annoy you for any reason!

ps........ If some users think that we are on the beginning of the temperature control jurney, VIR is already at the end.
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Sad Society

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Aug 5, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Thank You Imeo for this information and everything you do! I have read many threads on arguing and discussing Temperature Control. And it seems like the DNA40 always gets brought into the topic.

Some understand what TC should be, but many don't. And the DNA40 has confused many people about what TC should be.


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Feb 29, 2012
Waiting years for VIR/Proteus, and now comes a Chinese firm and has everything I want...a box, 18650, enough power and not only suitible for two atomizers. Wii'll see, what VIR can better - I will buy Proteus - but really interesting is VIR for me only in a box mod. The Esterigon module is no alternative, as there fit's only Tilemahos 21mm. VIR/Proteus will not reach the market, as too specialized. Who, besides GG-fans like me, has a Pene V3/4? Imeo's aim is the whole market, that he will not reach with Proteus. We will like it - I am sure - but the rest of the vapers? That's not the way, to start a revolution...exspecially, when others react faster...


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Aug 12, 2013
London, UK
Maybe I'm thick in head, but my own experience counts more for me than any reviews. By the way...Today arrived the SX Mini M with SX350J :). Does, what it should do...complete temperature control with Ni200. Everything, what VIR promises, but has to proof...

I'm not talking about reviews but the cumulative experience of 500 pages of posts from numerous DNA40 users, which is in fact worth more than your own personal experience, to anyone with some sense in them. If you have trouble conceiving the concepts of data aggregation and statistical analysis than I'd be happy to offer you some tips at a reasonable price.
Now can you please go troll somewhere else? We've been through this before. You have no sort of constructive criticism to contribute to any discussion.

As for proteus, it was never built for the masses; only 2000 pieces were made. It's merely a glimpse into the future. If and when (depending on regulation), big tobacco decides to seriously embrace the e-cig industry, you'll see them making devices like Proteus. Do you really think the masses will be running around in 18650 box mods? If you do, then you're out of touch with reality. This is Imeo's vision for Proteus and you obviously don't understand it or don't seem to care. I for one am thankful both that he didn't resolve to rushing an unfinished product to market like Evolv did. Of course, if you're someone who appreciates GG products, you wouldn't expect anything else from him...
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Ultra Member
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Aug 12, 2013
London, UK
Look at the titel of the thread...we are not only talking about VIR. But fanboys like You see nothing else, they have a restricted horizon. I don't troll, i write only my opinion. If this is not Your's...Your problem ;)

I think you're mistaken about who's the fanboy here. I myself have said that I would have bought an SX mini M but I just can't stand box mods; the fact that the SX Mini M is also larger than others doesn't really help. I've also said in other threads that I've read really good things about the SX Mini M. Apparently it's a decent and working product compared to the failure that is the DNA40 in TC mode. I'm impressed by the fact that this is coming from a Chinese company and at a competitive price.
You on the other hand are in a GG forum trumpeting the virtues of DNA40. However every time I mention that users' feedback doesn't mirror your own experiences your answer is:
Four DNA40...two in VaporSharks, two in Sunboxes E7...absolutely no problems with Ni200
my own experience counts more for me than any reviews
I think that's the dictionary definition of a fanboy, or maybe just a troll.

And since you can't seem to have a reasonable conversation with someone else maybe I should just start replying with nonsense back at you.

Nickel builds are awesome:

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Ultra Member
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Aug 12, 2013
London, UK
You can also use titanium wire in sx mini.
Usual and working nickel builds don't look so absurd.

Yes but it's not programmed for Titanium, so the temperature reading would not be reliable and I don't think that resulting to guess work is a solution. I have confidence in yihi that they might release a firmware update for Ti, not evolv though.
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