The Rollup Cigarette Filter Cart Mod

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Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
Well, I guess you're not a real vaper till you've invented a cart mod, are you? :)

This is how it happened: my 5 volt box mod with an 801 atty was burning through the usual white polyester filler / batting too fast, and it was annoying me - every 3 or 4 days I'd have to chuck it and refill the cart. So one night I started looking around for something better.

Couldn't get any of that blue filler stuff because the aquarium shop wasn't open - and anyway there was no aquarium shop. I had no straws, no plastic disc, no nylon teabag. But what I did have was a packet of rollup cigarette filters, for roll-your-own cigs - I'd cut down on the analogs by going on to rollups, because they have about half the amount of tobacco and fewer of the nasty chemicals.

It seemed like a cigarette filter might work, so I tried it. The filter is used along with a small piece of standard white filler - maybe a third of the usual amount for a complete cartridge fill - to jam it at the top of the cart.

The rollup filter is maybe three-quarters of the diameter of the 801 cart inside, and half the depth, so you need something to jam it at the top of the cart. Use a piece of standard filler and jam it alongside, slightly below the level of the top of the filter - maybe halfway down.

This creates a plug at the top of the cart. There is a gap down the side of the filter, which allows quick filling even with a dropper. It wicks OK but the first day it's a bit slow, resulting in a hot vape. For the Mark 2 version, I pushed a hole through the centre of the filter with a small electrical screwdriver. This helps the liquid to wick through for a day or two till the filter gets 'run in' and wicks fast. The hole eventually closes up but by then the filter is wicking fine.

Make sure to leave the filter protruding well out of the top of the cart. The atomizer bridge (the shield over the top of the coil) pushes the filter back down to exactly the right position. The filter does not burn at all, until you run low on liquid, when as usual you get a burnt taste that lets you know it's time to refill. And as it happens, the burn taste of these filters is preferable to the normal vile melted plastic taste you get with the standard filler.

This was done on an 801 whistle-tip cartridge but should work on others. A 510 cart is narrower, so you might have to cut something off the diameter of the rollup filter, as you need a gap down the side for quick filling with a dropper and fast wicking.

Step by step:

1. Get a rollup filter and some standard white batting / filler.

2. Push a hole lengthwise through the roll-your-own filter with an electrical screwdriver of very small size. A hole pushed through with a straightened paperclip end is not big enough; and with a screwdriver that's too big, you've wrecked it. The resulting hole should be clearly open and about 2mm diameter.

3. Take a small piece of standard white filler and place in the open neck of the cartridge. Place the filter against it and press down. The batting should be well below the top of the filter, and jam it in place nicely. Leave the filter well proud (ie sticking out).

4. Press the cart into the atty and see how it fits. Pull back out, and check. The filter should now be pushed down to about 1mm below the cart lip.

5. Fill with e-liquid, using a dropper is OK, although on Day 1 a syringe will be quicker as the filter isn't wicking too well yet.

Give it a go. I've been using mine over a week now and it's the longest I've ever gone without a filler change on my 5-volt box mod 801 carts. The filter doesn't burn even when in hard contact with the atty bridge. There is no burnt taste until you run out of juice. Day 1 can give a hot vape as the filter isn't wicking fast enough yet, but Day 2 onward is just fine.

See the diagram for an idea of what it looks like. You can see the polyester filler jamming the rollup filter in, in the drawing.

I've no idea if the rollup filter cart mod will work on a standard ecig, it works fine on a 5 volt device but maybe only because it's more powerful.

My apologies if someone already posted this, I haven't seen it before.


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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2010
the deep south
Oh, just thought of something. Last night, when I pulled out my pack of filters; I originally thought they might be too big (I'm using the 801 as well). So I cut one in half, to play with today. Have you tried this? Or do you use it full size?
Also, what about soaking the filter with a little PG or VG first (to get it wet). Would that alleviate the 'breaking in' period?


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
Hi LB. Do you mean cut it in half so it's 50% shorter? I guess that might work though you'll have to be more accurate with the batting to jam it in.

I added a bit to the original post to say that although it works fine on 5 volts, I don't know about on 3.7 - but maybe chopping the filter plug in half would help that.

If you push a hole through it, that fixes the slow wicking at first. The hole closes eventually but by then the filter is wicking fine. However I only tested this with VG, not PG-based eliquid - but I figure VG is more viscous (stiffer) if anything.

ps I doubt if it will help with the Marley tiles ;)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2010
the deep south
Marley tiles? lol... ya lost me on that one (swoooooooosh! right over my head!)

Yes, on cutting it in half-50%. I did this thinking it would act similar to the Highping plug; as a stopper, but a better material. IE: no ick taste, as you noted.

I couldn't find anything readily available to 'poke' a hole (and honestly, was too lazy to pull out my drill) so I have one sitting in a bit of PG/VG. I just took one of the solid caps and dropped it in. Fits perfectly and started to soak up the solution immediately.

I'll give it a try later and see if that works and then those without drills (or lazy like me) can do that instead. Report back later.


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
A 'bad case of the Marleys' is London rhyming slang for what you seem to be inferring in your sig. Bit crude though so I won't elaborate. :)

To get a hole in the filter, just push anything through it. Small screwdriver, skewer, whatever. As long as you get a 2mm hole (that's about 1/16th" maybe).


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Nov 10, 2009
Rhode Island
Thanks Roly, I think I have some filters left from my "roll your own" days, I will have to try your mod.

As far as the "Marley tiles", does that refer to Jacob Marley ? If so, then maybe it should be "Marley chains" ? lol.

Edit: Sometimes I'm a little slow, I think I got it, but I won't go too much into details, does "Montezuma's revenge" sound about right !!!!! :lol:
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Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
Jerry, it stands for Marley Tiles, who are the biggest maker of roof tiles here. See their stuff on every house and in every DIY store. And I guess maybe the affliction in question has a different name here, we don't use the complicated medical-sounding term, just one that sounds like tiles.


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I've been using these on 510 carts for a few months. They work great and don't leak no matter which way I hold or store my PV.

For the 510, I remove all the paper layers around the refill filters and cut in half. I've tried cutting in different lengths and 1/2 seems to be the best all around.

Then I peel a little bit of the filter from one side (approx. a 1/16th of an inch), fill the cart to the lip that you can see inside the cart, stuff the filter in, top off with juice.

When I want to refill, sometimes I just add 2-3 drops on top of filter and vape away.

Occasionally I will pull out filter and add more juice and put it back in and top off again and this will vape for quite awhile.

This is so simple and dependable. I have tried Scotty's, blue foam, fluvell, dripping w t-tip, and various other filler mods with unpredictable results - sometimes good and sometimes not so good.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2010
the deep south
OK.. got it :)

Nope, my sig has nothing to do with that! Sheesh, Brits and their quirky humor! ;) (No offense- Monty Python is an absolute favorite in this house... "Your mother is a hamster and your father smells like elderberries!)

It's from a video my daughter made me watch Overand OVER and OVER! :)

YouTube - The Duck - Hey! Got Any Grape's ?

Alrighty.. back on topic! I've been soaking my filter long enough, so I'm giving it a go. I'm getting clouds of vapor to start. Not a whole lot of flavor yet, and I'm using one of my high nic xx, so it should be ..OOO *cough* just got a big burnt flav... must be puffing too much :) I'll let it set for a bit and report back!

I'm a chronic chain vaper
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