RFM - The Rollup Filter Mod for a 510

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Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
This is the Rollup Filter Cart mod - 510 version.

It uses an RYO cigarette filter that is prepared a certain way. Make sure to buy the largest size of filter, not the smallest (super slim), as they come in different size diameters.

It works just fine for VG but I can't tell on PG as I don't use it. Should be fine though. I don't use any other cart mod now, this works A1. If you have strong, thick flavors you might need to throw the filter away every 4 or 5 days - but for most of my liquids a filter lasts two weeks before it gets plugged.

There are two 'secrets' to this:
1. The way the filter is cut
2. The centre hole

Just using a rollup cig filter as-is won't work well as it's too thick, and also it has no easy way to pull it out of the 510 cart as it jams in pretty good. You need to push a hole through it for inserting your paperclip end in, to hoik it out with. Also, cut the filter as shown or it won't work, it wicks too slow. Cut it this way, and it wicks fast enough even for thick VG liquids on 5 volts.


1. An RYO cigarette filter, with a hole pushed through longitudinally.
2. Where to cut (see instructions).
3. The result: a diagonally-sliced filter plug with a central hole.

1. Take a rollup cigarette filter - about a hundred in the packet so they're cheap.

2. With a straightened-out paperclip, push a hole through it lengthways. The trick is to go halfway, then start at the other end, and meet in the middle - this keeps the hole true.

3. Cut it diagonally as shown, with scissors, about 2mm from the top and bottom edges. Don't use a knife, it tears the material.

4. Fill your cart first: drop liquid into the cart up to a level of 4mm below the top.

5. Take the new plug and push it down into the 510 cart so it's 1mm proud of the top, the atty bridge will force it in further, as needed.

6. The filter material doesn't burn so firm contact with the bridge is fine.

7. A brand-new plug needs a few of drops of liquid on top, the first time.

8. To refill your cart, hoik the plug (filter) out with your paperclip end in the centre hole, then drop liquid into the cart up to a level of 4mm below the top.
[you can drip a couple of drops on top of the plug if you're in a hurry but that's just a temporary move, pulling the plug out allows more liquid to be used]

9. Re-insert the plug and away you go. It self-wicks / wets out immediately.

10. Your plug should show an indentation when the cart is removed, after a few refills, showing that the bridge is pressing against it firmly. If it has no dent in it then the plug isn't hard enough up against the bridge.

This filter material is designed to be inhaled through, so in theory it shouldn't contain any nasties. If you are super-meticulous you can rinse it through first with strong alcohol, to remove any bleach etc. It is also designed to take heat, and it doesn't melt or burn. If you let it dry out it will start to heat up before burning, and you'll taste that before any damage is done. It's only paper anyway, AFAIK. It works so well I would never consider any other filter on a 510, and since there are 100 filters in a packet, that's a lot of vaping. The RFM is it.

There is only one possible negative: you need to refill every 4 drops' worth* of vaping as this is the point at which the plug starts to dry. This is less than some other cart mods, but it doesn't bother me, the 510 cart is small anyway. I rotate 4 of them with various flavors in (4 atties with carts on, that always stay together), so there are plenty of 'hot spares' to switch in if driving or whatever - just screw on another atty & cart.

* Coming back to this again after a longer time of use, there are a couple of things to add.

The number of drops it takes depends on the viscosity of the liquid. 4 drops is the minimum, often it's 6, sometimes 8. The average is 6.

A 510 cart takes about 12 drops totally dry, which is ~0.6ml, but the filler plug can hold around half of that. So: 6 still in the plug, 6 added to top up. The 0.3ml approx added for a top-up is the equivalent for me of about 2, maybe 3 cigarettes. It's enough for me, and even though it doesn't sound much, no way is it an inconveniently small amount. A 'cigarette' equivalent for me is 15 minutes' vaping, so a half-hour on one fill is OK by me - as a light vaper who generally uses under 2ml a day, it's fine. Also, as I use 3 or 4 different flavors a day I'm not conscious of continually refilling.

It suits me but maybe it wouldn't suit a heavy vaper. There are some days I hit it more but an 801 comes in handy then (and I use the same cart mod on an 801 but done slightly different). As for chain vaping - perhaps a liquid feed model is a good idea.

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Feb 3, 2010
There is only one possible negative: you need to refill every 4 drops' worth of vaping as this is the point at which the plug starts to dry. This is less than some other cart mods, but it doesn't bother me, the 510 cart is small anyway. I rotate 4 of them with various flavors in (4 atties with carts on, that always stay together), so there are plenty of 'hot spares' to switch in if driving or whatever - just screw on another atty & cart.


4 drops = dripping more or less. If that's so (correct me if i misunderstood you) what's the point on a cart mod? Might as well drip instead.


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
OK - it's 5 drops as it goes, was just playing safe there quoting 4.

1. If I dripped I'd need to put a cart back on anyway, I can't tailpipe the 510 on 5 volts or even on an eGo, it somehow burns up the top of my lungs. With a standard cart on, that doesn't happen. I don't even like tailpiping a stock 510. There's no way I'd use a driptip on my normal vape which is a 5 volt boxmod. So if I'm taking carts off, dripping, and putting them back on, every 2 drops worth - which burn up faster with an open pipe anyway - I might as well be sensible and just use a cart. I'm not a heavy vaper so 5 drops lasts me a long time. If I really needed a long period without changing anything I'd put on an 801. I might be able to use a long driptip on an 801 but since the cart lasts for ever, why bother.

2. Even if I dripped, I wouldn't do that driving, maybe in the train, in a meeting or whatever. It's far easier to screw on a new atty/cart. As a vaper I expect to be viewed as eccentric but dripping in a meeting is going too far. Some meetings last 3 hours, so it's the same as driving, I'm not going to do it. Just so easy to screw on a new atty.

3. I like to change flavors 3 or 4 times a day, I'm not going to carry 3 bottles around. 4 attys + carts is a different matter.

It works for me. Like everything in ecigs, what one likes, another hates :) Vive la difference as they say in Italy.
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