The Leo from Vapin’ In the Cape: A Wonderful, Not Quite Perfect PV

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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
An Illustrated Meta Review

[Let me hasten to clarify that all my dealings with Scott (ctconline), proprietor of new supplier, Vapin’ In the Cape, have simply been wonderful. No imperfections experienced.:)]


As a penstyle devotee, I have been intrigued by the
Boge Leo from when I first heard about it just a few weeks ago. My first impression was that it was a fat batt (what I call these eGO-type thingies) for the 801, although I quickly discovered that the Leo has its own proprietary atomizer (which uses penstyle cartridges). But it still seemed to be in the right ballpark to sustain my interest.

Around the same time – and just as he was launching
Vapin’ In the Cape – Scott and I struck up an ECF friendship. I learned that he would be carrying the Leo and we’ve been chatting about it. At my request, he sent me one last week to review. Since then, I’ve been putting my Leo through its paces (and it is my Leo: you can’t have it!).

[Standard caveat: I didn’t pay for it, but my review will be unbiased, yada yada. Judge for yourself by glancing at some of the other stuff I’ve written on or here on ECF.]

I call this a “Meta” review, since I’ve incorporated others’ video reviews (and stole some facts reported by Jackal3). It is “Illustrated” with photos shamelessly ripped from suppliers’ websites or reviewers’ videos.

Appearance and Specs

The Leo is 15 mm in diameter (a barely detectable 1 mm more than the eGO) and 153 mm long (much longer than the eGO and just shy of the penstyle’s 155 mm).


It is available in black, titanium, wood grain, burgundy red (shown above) or cigar (shown further below). I received the “titanium” color shown at the top of the review (which looks just like the brushed gold of my Elegant). It has a crystal at each end in clear, amber (shown above), or pink (as shown in this photo from the madvapes website of the separated atomizer, battery, and protection cap).


MadVapes is another of an increasing number of Leo suppliers, including LiteCigUSA, Clouds of Vapor and eLiquidPlanet in the US … MistEliquid in the UK … and EastMall and Boge itself in China. The US price is consistently $50.* [Vapin’ In the Cape currently also offers two starter kits for $90.]* Not all suppliers have all five colors of the device or all three colors of the crystals.

* EDIT: I have just been informed that, from 12 am Black Friday to December 15th, Vapin' In the Cape is taking $10 off all starter kits, so that is $40 for one Leo kit and $80 for two. These are the colors currently in stock:​


Now back to our regularly scheduled review, currently in progress...​

With the cap on, the Leo looks a lot like a cigar (particularly if you get it in the "cigar" color)…


…although you do have to take off the protection cap to vape it.


Leo’s battery is 800 mAh (slightly more than the Riva and Elegant, but less than the mega eGO) and ~3.4V (i.e., the same as all the other fat batts). The manual switch button lights when pressed and looks like the one on the Hello 016.


It is charged by unscrewing the crystal end-cap and plugging in the rather flimsy looking but functional USB charger. NOTE: This is not one of those fast chargers used by most of the other fat batts … nor
does it function as a passthrough, although Jackal3 has just reported that there now is a PT version.


The unique atomizer (not compatible with anything else) is even larger than a penstyle atty and is 2.6 ohms: slightly more than the 510’s 2.3 and much less than the 801’s 3.5 ohms. [For a penstyle-type atomizer, it is at least somewhat “LR” (and probably about the same resistance as my beloved EastMall 801).] It is shown here next to a 510 atomizer (which obviously has seen some wear and tear). You can see just how big the Leo atty is.


It has a large high bridge. The size of the bridge (and the actual 2.6 ohm atomizer underneath) – combined with the long wide tube – may account for the outstanding quality of the vaping experience. I know that high-bridge attys are not as popular as low-bridge (at least among cart users), but no reviewer has yet complained about it. [Since I drip, I have no comment.]


The starter kit includes an assembled Leo, USB charging cable, and five penstyle cartridges filled with “High” Tobacco flavor (I’ve tasted worse). If you are interested in the package it comes in – or to witness a respected fellow vaper’s first impressions – watch hifistud’s “Leo unboxing and first look” video:

So … only one batt and atty. Although Vapin’ In the Cape does not yet carry replacement parts, Leo atomizers can be purchased from LiteCigUSA, MadVapes, eLiquidPlanet, and MistEliquid (UK). [LiteCigUSA and MadVapes have them on sale for $10; MistEliquid currently is out of stock.]


LiteCigUSA and MistEliquid are the only suppliers I know of who also sell Leo batteries: $20 and £11, respectively.


How the Leo is Wonderful

  • First and foremost is the vape: smooth, excellent flavor (hifistud calls it “lush”), thick vapor, and good TH. It is more similar to the 801 than to any other atomizer, but it is intangibly different. I think it is the smoothness. I could (and do) vape this thing for hours on end. The draw is slightly stiffer than most penstyles, but enjoyably so.

  • The size, shape, and weight are perfect … for me at least. I like the way it feels in my hand. I’ve always found my eGO-sized Elegant to be a bit stubby; unlike the Leo, the position of its button is not quite right when I’m holding it. The Leo weighs a bit more than the eGO/Elegant and much less than my ProVape-1. Just right for me.

  • The manual switch button is comfortable to press and engages flawlessly each and every time.

  • Like all penstyles, the cartridges are large and hold a lot of e-liquid. Frankly I’m not sure how much, but probably similar to the mega eGO carts. Personally I don’t care, since I always drip.

  • And notice the on-the-other-hand to the first “imperfection” noted below.
To see the Leo in action – and to hear the evaluation of another vaper – watch this review video by romastino:


Although I list several here, a few are rather trivial. Pay most attention to the first three.

  • The obvious one is that proprietary atomizer and a battery that won’t accommodate any other atty. As much as I love how the Leo vapes, I occasionally yearn for a more intense experience (i.e., more TH; the vapor is fine), such as would be provided by higher voltage or lower resistance. [What I do now when I get those yearnings is switch to an EM 801 on my ProVape or Cisco LR306 on my Elegant. But I keep coming back to my Leo.]
However this may be only a short term problem. If the Leo takes off and becomes fairly popular, LR and HV versions of the Leo atomizer – and adapters (for using the Leo atty on true 3.7V or HV mods or for other attys to be used on the Leo batt) – may become available.
On the other hand: I may be putting an unfair negative spin on what is the Leo’s greatest asset: a brand new atomizer that vapes great! [When the 510 was first introduced, perhaps vapers complained that it wasn’t compatible with the 801 or 901.]
  • The battery is not sealed, although I’ve not yet had any problems even though I always drip. [BTW, I’m finding that I prefer to drip on this while still using the filled penstyle cartridge, rather than use an 801 drip tip (which does fit just fine).]
EDIT: However, the atomizer is sealed ... so I don't see how dripping would be a problem.​
  • Since the manual switch button engages easily and there is no cover for it, the Leo might very well turn on in a pants pocket or purse.

  • As mentioned, the USB cable is pretty flimsy looking, although I have not yet had any problems. And it’s been charging quickly enough for my needs.

  • Not enabling passthrough functionality was an obvious gaff, considering Leo’s charging set up. It seems that Boge quickly realized this and is releasing a PT version. Personally I don’t care; I’ve never liked passthroughs – hate feeling tethered.
I’ve gotta be free, I just gotta be free
Daring to try, do it or die, I’ve gotta be me!

[It’s not a DaBoomVape production without a song. Right?]
  • Continuing that self-assertive theme: To me, that top cap borders on the extraneous. I would have preferred it to be structured so that it didn’t have to be removed to vape, just like the cone on most fat bats. I suppose it does afford protection (of the atty, not the switch), if you carry the Leo in your purse or pocket.

  • I think the crystal endcaps are silly: bling is not my thing. [There is another song I could sing here, you know, but I’ll restrain myself.] I’d rather be able to sit the PV on end on my desk … as I do with my Elegant and ProVape-1.

All Things Considered

I am
loving this thing! I’m not ready to commit to a monogamous relationship with the Leo (I have brief liaisons with a couple of my other devices), but it is my “go to” PV. It seems that most others feel the same way, e.g., Dave (Hifistud) and Cat (Petbe) ... although Dave seems more annoyed than I by some of those imperfections:

See also Jackal3's equally glowing written review here on ECF.

If you find the size and shape appealing (as I do) and have ever enjoyed a penstyle atomizer (or just wanted something different from a 510), you probably will love it also.

If you do decide to take the plunge, I hope you will consider rewarding Scott of Vapin’ In the Cape for making this review possible. [And no ... I don't get a kickback; I'm just appreciative.]

Thus endeth the sincere, serious review.

The Big Question

How is ‘Boge’ pronounced? I know it is a long ‘o’; no one has pronounced it ‘bog.’ I
thought the ‘g’ was a ‘zh’ sound like the ‘g’ in luge … and the ‘e’ was silent. But video reviewers have been using a hard ‘g’ as in spaghetti: sometimes with a silent ‘e’; other times pronounced, as in Humphrey Bogart’s nickname or one over par. I really would like to know. [I am pretty sure that ‘Leo’ is just like the lion … or the sign of the zodiac: “Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive life's stormy times with style and good humour.”]
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2010
So Cal
Thanks for the review! I love my LEO, it has been my go-to since I got it. I love everything about it! (I got the cigar color with pink crystals from MadVapes :)) My biggest complaint is when the cap is on, the button can go off. They should have extended a piece of the cap to go down over the button. Other then that, I love it!

I also heard that Boge will be introducing cartomizers for it. I'll be anxiously waiting for that.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
Thanks for the review! I love my LEO, it has been my go-to since I got it. I love everything about it! (I got the cigar color with pink crystals from MadVapes :)) My biggest complaint is when the cap is on, the button can go off. They should have extended a piece of the cap to go down over the button. Other then that, I love it!

I also heard that Boge will be introducing cartomizers for it. I'll be anxiously waiting for that.
Do you know of anyone yet who has tried the Leo and does not like it? I'm certainly pleased that you got the pink crystals and I got the amber ones, rather than the other way around.:D

Glad, for you, that Leo cartomizers are coming. I am hoping for LR Leo atomizers and/or a 901-batt-to-Leo atty adapter (so I can use this great atty on true 3.7V).

Another excellent review, sir!
Thanks again, basilray! to a society, bazil and me. Oh... <-- reference


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
Boy! Aren't you greedy for recognition!;)

The problem is, Dave, I can't embed your ustream videos ... and I've been having problems watching them (my computer or ISP or Firefox or something doesn't seem to like ustream ... and I don't particularly like the commercials). I did enjoy what I was able to access, however. And thanks for putting your other one on YouTube: no problem embedding that one and, thereby, giving you your props.

EDIT: All right, all right! Introduction and link to your video inserted in place of one that the PTB* made me remove. And yours/Petbe's video is an enjoyable review ... although you seem to be a bit cranky;) (Petbe was nice).

* PTB = Powers That Be (not pyramid tea bag)
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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
Yes, I know that the "titanium" looks like brushed silver in some pictures (e.g., immediately above). All I can tell you is that what I received from Vapin' In the Cape for the review looks like the photo at the top of my review, i.e., what I have called "brushed gold." I have assumed that it is called "titanium"; it's certainly not any of the other named colors.

My advice is to specify or ask whatever supplier you are ordering from.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 25, 2009
Sunderland, UK
Boy! Aren't you greedy for recognition!;)

The problem is, Dave, I can't embed your ustream videos And thanks for putting your other one on YouTube: no problem embedding that one and, thereby, giving you your props.

I've also put the new on Youtube...

I believe there'll be embedding code for Ustream - the owner can embed... maybe need to look further into this...


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2010
Cleveland OH USA
Great review, Don. I knew you'd like it.
oh and I was told that Boge is heavily considering an HV version Leo.
The Leo cartomizer should be out next month.

I have been using the Leo pass through version non-stop for a week now and its just as hard a worker as the regular Leo.
You're right in saying many don't need the pass through qualities, as I typically don't. I just keep an extra Leo battery handy, lol.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
Thanks, all!

Great review, Don. I knew you'd like it.
oh and I was told that Boge is heavily considering an HV version Leo.
The Leo cartomizer should be out next month...
Thanks, Jackal! An HV version of the Leo battery is fine, although I would be happy with an LR version of the Leo atomizer. How do you know all these upcoming things about the Leo?

Great review as always. I did run across this:
EMRocks states that the battery is sealed.
No ... the atomizer is sealed. I never looked closely (until right now, after reading EMRocks' post).

The battery clearly is not:

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2010
Cleveland OH USA
Thanks, all!
Thanks, Jackal! An HV version of the Leo battery is fine, although I would be happy with an LR version of the Leo atomizer. How do you know all these upcoming things about the Leo?

Since pics of the Leo were first published on Boge's site I've been back and forth with them via emails about it and the upcoming Revolution. I've been relaying the needs of us "vapers" to them, and they've been delivering my notes to their R&D. I received my first Leo right off the first production line, as well as the first Leo pass through version. I should be receiving soon the Revolution for testing and review, as well as the upcoming Leo cartomizers.
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