Ok...Vamo or Provari?!

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Oct 26, 2011
Yep, that's why RBAs with mesh work so well on mechanical mods .... Properly setup mesh wicks are much more forgiving with voltage and watts. I know on my mini did ... I can't even tell the difference from 9-11 watts. If you have excellent wicking action ... you can really turn up those watts on a genesis style atty!


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Nov 26, 2012
Mercersburg pa
Yep, that's why RBAs with mesh work so well on mechanical mods .... Properly setup mesh wicks are much more forgiving with voltage and watts. I know on my mini did ... I can't even tell the difference from 9-11 watts. If you have excellent wicking action ... you can really turn up those watts on a genesis style atty!

O-yea I run my aga-t at 4.6 volts on a 1.5 ohm coil, or around 14 watts with some caption jack juice yum yum :D


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I had this dilemma to and I chose the Vamo over the Provari I don't think you'll see much difference between the 2. My wife has the Provari so I have used both mods.

Just goes to show you that behind every great man is an even greater (and often smarter) woman :)
When I go from carto tank, to Vivi Nova, to DUD I need to change wattage to get the vape I want anyway so whats the point. I thought it was supposed to vape adjustment free, but for me it doesn't.

Impossible. Even the wrap alone on the SAME Nova head will dramatically change depending on the coil placement. Then each atty you throw on vapes differently at different wattages than other attys. A bridgeless 510 will be different than a bridged, than a Vivi, than a DID, cotton, silica, ss, porcelain wicks.

Where on earth did you hear that it is adjustment free? The idea is to get you in the ballpark, not be "spot on" every time. For me, it's 1-2 clicks to "spot on" no matter which atty I throw on, which is where it should be - which is far better than going 10+ clicks in VV mode. With VW - you fine tune and that's it. There is no ballparking it before the fine tuning since VW already does that for you.

It works as intended, you just misunderstood it or were misinformed.

Forgot to answer the OP...

Go with what you want and like. But TBH - after measuring the output of both - here's my thoughts:

You buy a Vamo for the price/performance ratio.
You buy a Provari to tell people you bought a Provari.

They are both excellently performing machines. One does more at 1/3 the price. The other does less at a far higher cost.

Up to you, not trying to ruffle any Provari users' feathers but that's just how it is with so many excellently performing mods out there now. Think i(device) vs other technology. What's the high price point for besides the logo?
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Vaping Master
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
here is the "Anyvape cvi" which is now available. The menu is the same as the segali zmax for the most part. like i said, I dont like the menu. It said "Atomize ohm" and "Batte Voltage" and its like.. WHY cant they just spell it right? WHY? ONE R after atomize and it'd be right. ONE RY after "Batte Voltage" lol come ON china. Just talk to a US reviewer. PBusardo would probably* be glad to help. Then there are the words that get carried onto the second line of the screen, and the misplaced pixels.. the screen is a MESS in my opinion, in both the Zmax and the anyvape, I don't know if the Vamo has similar screen problems but I just think they could spend an extra day getting the right english spellings and using acronyms on the words they have to use 2 lines for, or make the word scroll horizontally even. Its not that hard. Here is the video explaining what i'm talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nsc_XVt0vIY

I do like that the Anyvape made airflow holes in the top cap so you can screw your tanks down flush. But the screen errors are so annoying. The screen errors are around 3 quarters into the video. So annoying. I'm not buying one of these until they have it fixed lol. I don't know whether or not the Vamo has screen problems, Kiwivap, under this post, is telling us that it does not. But if anyone is throwing the Zmax or Anyvape into the mix, I just wanted to make sure you know that the screens are messy imo. Examples:

2. Batte Voltage- should say battERY not Batte!
3. AnYvApf - pixels are programmed improperly. Should say Anyvape.
4. V&P Model- Model? Model? Its supposed to say MODE. Voltage and Power MODE.
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Dec 14, 2012
Round Rock, Texas, United States
Go for the vamo it makes a cool helicopter sound with a carto on due to the shi**y electronics and PWM that is uses. Got to love devices that make cool helicopter sounds :)

And I bought both vamo and provari

This cracked me up -- and it's exactly the reason I use my Provari and not the Vamo whenever I've got someone on the phone.


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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
Just found out that everytime battery is changed or pulled on a vamo, you have to do five button presses to turn it on and more button pressing because the vv resets. That must suck.

Nah - you just knock it any chance you get Justin. Turning it on after a battery change - that's normal. Of course it turns off when a battery is removed - no power. Setting the volts is easy because its a different button - so you don't scroll through the menu. But most folk use the vw anyway. This is hardly a big deal.


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Aug 7, 2011
Over Der
Just found out that everytime battery is changed or pulled on a vamo, you have to do five button presses to turn it on and more button pressing because the vv resets. That must suck.

dam that would get annoying after awhile,,glad none of my mods have that "special" feature lol


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Oct 6, 2012
SE MN United States
When I change the battery in my ProVari I dont need to turn it back on or readjust the voltage, I can just go ahead and vape at the same settings I had set before the battery change.

Another interesting fact the Vamo is the same length in 18350 mode as the ProVari in 18490 mode. With both in 18650 mode the Vamo is a good 3/4" longer.


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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
Yes, it is long with an 18650. Turning it on after a battery change takes a second. That wouldn't turn me away from a pv in itself.
Really its about price and whether you want vv or the added vw. I haven't seen anyone claiming vw is nirvana btw, but it is easier to use.

For the OP, there is plenty of current info about both pvs. On this thread, of people who have used both, some have preferred the provari on one hand, and some the vamo on the other. I think it comes down to user preference and what appeals to you.
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I have a couple of each provari and vamos, QC is a big issue with the vamo, i do love the mod because its cheap and if it breaks whatever, but 2 gun metal and 1 SS version and they all have button issues "weak voltage up but nice solid voltage down" or a tilted screen..my favorite thing about the vamo is using the vamo daily keeps wear and tear off my provaris...vamos work i just wish i could open one that didnt have a stupid little issue that drove me nuts..good luck
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